Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2234: ,storm!

"You can't get in. Look. If I'm the woolen thread and the Chinese network alone, I can easily get in and take his head off. But this time I have already said that, I want to show you the real Assassination technology. Although it is said that things about assassination cannot be shown in front of you now. However, sometimes assassinations are not all assassinations in secret. Sometimes, we will encounter situations like this one. . In this case, we need to attack! Of course, I will create an assassination environment suitable for you later." Zhang Xiang said to Chaotianzhu next to him.

"Strike in?" Nagisa Chaotian opened his eyes wide, ignoring the next sentence.

However, listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Akabane industry next to him suddenly felt his eyes shine.

"Strike?! I like it!" Akabane said with a smile in his mouth, playing with a Swiss dagger.

"But, if we attack, Teacher Biqi..." Nagisa Chaotian still said what he was worried about.

However, Zhang Xiang shook his head at him.

"Don't worry, in the way he showed it, he just wanted to kill all of your three-year E students, and then use you to threaten to kill the teacher. For now, Teacher Peach is just a bait. Before you have been completely captured, he will not hurt each other. Therefore, if we force the attack in, it may be in accordance with the other party's heart. What he wants is to make the three-year E class students all Go in the trap he set up." Zhang Xiang said while scanning the entire building and drawing his own conclusions.

"Trap? If it is a trap, shall we go in?" Mao Yefeng asked nervously.

"Don't worry, just follow me. Even if it is a trap, as long as the strength is sufficient, it is not a trap. Instead, it is a bait to lure the person who set the trap to the bait." Zhang Xiang smiled directly on his face. Walked into the building in front of me.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, people in Class E for the third year felt both nervous and excited!

Because this is their first time participating in a real battle.

The last battle on Fumo Island was considered a battle, but only a few people acted.

However, it is now a whole class.

What's more, it was a killer who had the title of Death God and was the number one killer in the world.

How can this not make them nervous and excited!

Following Zhang Xiang's footsteps, they walked into the building.

In an instant, a violent shaking feeling passed.

The floor of the building where they were located actually sank downward in a straight line, falling onto the next floor.

Many students in Class E for three years screamed and their bodies were dumped in a mess.

However, fortunately, they are people who have participated in military training for half a year, and they still know how to protect themselves from the shock.

When that floor hits the floor of the next floor, there was a deafening noise, and the classmates who fell down can be regarded as recovering.

On the wall of the originally sunken floor, a plurality of iron pipes emerged, turning this floor into a closed environment.

Because, three of the four walls are cement walls, and one is a series of railings connecting the ceiling and the ground.

"...Little mice, you still stepped into my trap after all." A slightly soft voice came from outside the railing beside it, attracting everyone's attention.

With the sound of this sound, a figure appeared outside the railing.

It was a man dressed in the costume of a florist. He seemed to be around twenty-five or six years old, and he looked very sunny.

In terms of appearance, anyone would think that the other person is an amiable person.

However, in fact, he is the notorious **** of death.

Of course, as far as Zhang Xiang knows, the other party should be the second or third generation of Death.

Because the guy from the Grim Reaper generation was the unreliable octopus.

"It's you?"

"You are not the little brother of the flower shop that we often pass by when we are after school?!"

"It turns out that you are the **** of death!"

The shocked emotion was expressed from the faces of the students present.

"I have a lot of identity. If you say my most recent identity, I am indeed pretending to be a florist brother. Oh, forgot to say, I seem to have given it to class E students who were present for three years. Or a classmate’s family gave flowers. Of course, I also did the cleaning of your school building and the related processing of the lawn,” the florist said with a smile on his face.

"What do you mean by this one?" Zhang Xiang raised his brows slightly, and noticed a different meaning from the other's words.

However, at this moment, a burst of exclamation sounded from the mouth of the three-year E class students.

"Teacher Peach, Mr. Peach is there!" Mao Yefeng pointed to the direction outside the railing with anxiety and shock on his face.

I saw that at a distance of seven or eight meters, Teacher Biqi was **** with her hands, and she was unconscious on the ground.

Seeing this scene, the three-year E class students couldn't help becoming nervous.

And watching the three-year E class student found Teacher Biqi, the other party also took advantage of the situation to change the subject.

"Don't worry, as long as you stay here obediently and if the octopus cooperates well, no one will kill me. Of course, if the octopus doesn't listen to me once, I will Kill one person. Depending on the negotiation, I will kill ten to twenty of you here." Although the other party's face was still smiling, his tone suddenly became terrifying.

However, in an instant, he returned to the look of Hexi's smile.

"However, don't worry, as long as the octopus is obedient. You are alone and nothing will happen."

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang's voice already rang.

"Oh, do you think you can control everything? And, don't you think your self-righteous smile looks silly?" Zhang Xiang said as he walked to the forefront.

"Oh, don't I control everything now?! Or do you think you can fight with me?! As for Hexi's smile, I don't think there is anything silly, this is the most important thing in assassination. In the other party’s smile, in the other party’s self-thinking relaxation, killing the other party all at once, isn’t this the best way to assassinate?" The florist smiled peacefully, but suddenly The ground blasted a dagger, directly at Zhang Xiang's door.

However, the opponent's assassination is doomed to fail.

Because the object thrown at by the opponent's dagger was Zhang Xiang.

Zhang Xiang just stretched out the **** of his right hand and gave the dagger next.

"Look, your so-called Hexi smile doesn't confuse me at all?" Zhang Xiang said with a smile.

However, looking at Zhang Xiang who was unscathed, a look of interest flashed in the other's eyes instead.

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