Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2236: , The trap demonstrates high-end skills!

And looking at the movie-like scenes displayed on the monitor, the students in Class E of three years can't help being a little dumbfounded knowing that this is the real thing.

They have never discovered that tracking can be so fluent, so artistic and creepy.

Some students couldn't help but start to look behind them frequently, as if they were following such a person behind them.

In the monitor, he felt that the second generation of Death God was following Zhang Xiang, and regardless of whether he would reveal his traces, he ran straight ahead.

At the right moment, Zhang Xiang's voice also rang from the speaker next to the monitor.

"Okay, next, let me explain to you some of the techniques when directly revealing the assassination." Zhang Xiang said, while his feet moved slightly, and his figure followed like a ghost.

For Zhang Xiang, even if the other party has the title of Death God, it's good.

But as long as the opponent is still a human being, he definitely cannot get rid of himself.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang suddenly showed a smile on his face.

"It seems that I can't show you a clear kill. I have to show you some tricks to break the trap. Unexpectedly, he will come inside my string of traps." Zhang Xiang said as he said, but at the same time. The front walked over.

In front of him, there is a sliding door.

The **** of death escaped into this gate just in front of him.

However, Zhang Xiang did not rush to open it.

Because he knew that when the second generation of Reaper was closing the door, he easily used the things that had been put there to set up a trap.

"As you can see, there is the door through which the other party flees. If I want to catch up, I must open the door. However, the other party has a high chance of setting a trap in this place. What kind of choice should I make? I think there are two choices. One is that you use your clothes as a pulling line to keep your body far away. However, if you are so delayed, the other party will definitely run away. Therefore, the correct choice should be this one!" Zhang Xiang directly opened the door equipped with a traction device.

So, it was the next moment.


A violent explosion sounded, exploding all the doors Zhang Xiang had opened, filling the surrounding area with explosive flames.

Watching this scene, the three-year E classmates who were on the monitor started to riot.

"Xiao You, don't!"

"Go and save him!"

However, just after the riot happened, Zhang Xiang's voice had already rang again.

"Don't worry, I didn't suffer any harm." Zhang Xiang said, while his figure appeared in front of everyone intact and walked into the room.

Seeing this scene, the students present almost didn't stare out their eyes.

You know, they have all taken explosive courses, and know how powerful they are at the scale of the explosion.

That kind of power is definitely enough to blow a person into serious injuries, or even death.

However, Zhang Xiang is intact.

"how can that be!"

"Is this magic?!"

"Or did Xiao You use a special power?!"

As if he knew their doubts, Zhang Xiang began to explain.

"Before I opened the door, I had already judged that the other party’s device was temporarily installed, and the explosives used could not be too large. Otherwise, if the detonation is too powerful, it will definitely destroy He couldn't escape even if all the underground exploded. Therefore, after knowing this, I used the door as a barrier to get close to the door and was pushed back by the explosion. The speed of the explosion kept up, and most of the explosive power was resisted. Therefore, I didn't suffer any harm. Of course, when I said so much in the place where the explosion occurred, I was still a little hypoxic." Zhang Xiang's voice slowed down. It rang slowly.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's explanation, the students in Class E for three years almost didn't stare out their eyes again!

"How can this be done!"

"This is simply not something humans can do!"

There has never been such a simultaneous Tucao speech from the three-year E class students present.

They all waved their hands together, expressing that what they wanted to do was no longer in the human category.

However, Zhang Xiang immediately gave them an example.

"In fact, Teacher Wujian did the same thing. He suffered the same thing when he surrounded and suppressed terrorists. Moreover, he used the same method to catch up with the terrorists. Regarding this, you can Go and ask Teacher Wujian. If you guessed correctly, he who is worried about you is already lurking near your house." Zhang Xiang's voice rang.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, a figure fell onto the ground from the ventilation duct not far away.

The sudden rise of the figure made the three-year class E students who were present in the room could not help being startled.

But immediately, they recognized that this figure was Teacher Wujian.

Moreover, he also said something that shocked them.

"You know so much! You even know the top-secret mission I performed two years ago." Teacher Wujian snorted and said to Zhang Xiang in the monitor.

And Zhang Xiang also seemed to have a tailwind ear, and also responded to the other party's question.

"No way, you have investigated me so many times. I didn't investigate back to you once, not that I was a good bully. By the way, do you want me to tell you something about your boss's scandal and power and money transactions? Huh? I promise to get your boss down," Zhang Xiang said in a teasing voice.

Of course, Zhang Xiang's answer was only in exchange for a cold snort from Teacher Wujian.

It's just that the students in Class E for three years who were listening next to them felt incredible and excited.

"So, Teacher Wujian really did it?!"

"In this case, we may also learn!"

"However, this technique is too high-end...!"

A series of shocked and excited voices rang.

Of course, there is also a crooked building. The discussion is whether to help Teacher Wujian send the evidence to the defense department, so that Teacher Wujian's boss will be replaced, so that Teacher Wujian may be promoted to a higher level.

In this situation, Zhang Xiang avoided seven or eight traps.

Moreover, these traps are not unique.

Whether it’s stepping on a specific floor, a poisonous needle will pop out; or the entire passage is full of defenses with various heavy hammers, or it’s silent, as long as there is something in the room The device that emits odorless and poisonous gas when the temperature exceeds a certain limit temperature makes Zhang Xiang's eyes bright.

"Able to set up traps in such a short time. Even if part of it was prepared before, it is not simple, it is a talent!" Zhang Xiang exclaimed in a little amazed.

Of course, Zhang Xiang was just amazed.

These traps did not stop Zhang Xiang from moving forward at all, and Zhang Xiang was getting closer and closer to the opponent.

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