Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2237: , Take your liver!

Finally, the back of the other party appeared in front of Zhang Xiang.

Moreover, in the pursuit, the other party seemed to have entered a desperate situation, and was forced into a dead end.

This is a cave with an area of ​​about 60 square meters, but it is a dead end.

"Okay, everyone, I'll show you the mystery of limb music again." Zhang Xiang said, but his figure suddenly appeared to be a clone.

A steady stream of afterimages surrounded the other party.

And the other party seemed to be forced to a desperate situation, and he actually started to fight back, taking a sharp knife out of his arms and rushing out directly.

"Oh, do you want to fight back? But, do you know which one is my real body?" Zhang Xiang opened his hand and said to the other party as if to welcome something.

However, facing this problem, the other party sneered for a lifetime.

"Although I don't know what technique you used, with my dynamic vision that can see bullets, I can't distinguish between true and false. However, it is no problem to narrow the scope to two or three afterimages. And two or three afterimages, for me, if I want to solve it, it's just a momentary matter." As soon as the voice fell, the other side's figure was already rushing up.

At that moment, in the eyes of the third-year E class from the monitor, the opponent's figure also seemed to have afterimages.

The sharp knife in his hand also flashed a series of chilling light.

During the flickering of the cold light, Zhang Xiang's three successive afterimages were all scratched by the sharp knife in the opponent's hand.

"It's this one!" There was a glimpse of the other side's face, but the speed of his body suddenly accelerated again.

Obviously, the opponent's speed is actually a bit slower than that of some athletes.

However, it feels like it is almost unpredictable. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Zhang Xiang knows that this is fluency, a fluency that occurs only when a certain rhythm is carried out to a certain extent.

And almost at the same time.

"Kill!" The other party suddenly shouted.

This sudden violent shout even made everyone in front of the monitor blank for a moment.

That is to use the principles of psychology and physiology to suddenly interrupt the human mind when it concentrates on a certain place and is highly concentrated.

This kind of sudden interruption will make the opponent fall into a loss of consciousness, from half a second to several seconds.

Moreover, unless you have prepared well, you cannot break free.

However, they were able to hear a cold snort from Zhang Xiang during the trance, which made them wake up from the trance.

"Huh, do you use these little tricks?! So, just taste the power of my assassination technique! Even without a knife, I can cut off your right hand holding the knife!" Zhang Xiang's voice just said. When he fell, his figure suddenly flashed, and his hands were bent in midair as if they were weak and boneless.

However, in the next moment, a scream rang.

Just after Zhang Xiang and the opponent crossed and crossed, the opponent's right hand holding a sharp blade and impacting Zhang Xiang was accompanied by a puff of blood flying out, floating into the air and falling to the ground. on.

And the other person's figure was also half-kneeling on the ground, holding his left arm where he had become blank, and his right arm snorted with pain.

"Okay, just follow me back obediently like this. Don't suffer any unnecessary suffering." Zhang Xiang said in a flat voice, and walked up.

However, at this moment, the other party suddenly laughed.

"Haha, do you think I lost? Actually, no! Although it was meant to be used against that octopus, it just happened to be used on your body now!" The second generation of Death's voice rang, his The body also staggered to stand up.

"Oh, what is it?"

"That's it!" As the opponent's voice fell, the other party suddenly stepped on a device on the ground.

A huge pitch-black fence assembled with thick alloy steel instantly fell from the top of the cave to the ground, deeply embedded into the ground.

"This cage weighs more than 5,000 kilograms and is made of the latest special alloys. The strength is only a little weaker than diamonds. Although the hardness is lowered in order to add the material to kill the teacher. But even if It was a collision between a tank and a dinosaur, and it was impossible to knock this door open. Unless you are not a human, you don’t want to rush out from inside. Also, the final shot, this one!” accompanied by the opponent As the voice fell, the other party suddenly raised his hand, and a burst of bullets blasted out of explosions suddenly rang from his fingers.

It turned out that the other party had transformed one of his fingers into a bullet launching device.

There was only one hundredth of a normal bullet, a bullet smaller than a needle, and it instantly hit Zhang Xiang's heart.

"This is my special pistol bullet. Although it is not fatal to hit someone else's body normally. However, with my dynamic vision, I can hit the artery of your heart and cause it to bleed heavily. Moreover, Bullets will also flow to other parts of the body with the flow of blood in the heart, causing greater damage! According to my calculations, no one can survive this trick..." A bright smile appeared on his face.

However, before he was asked to show all his smiles, his smile was already frozen.

Because, he suddenly discovered that Zhang Xiang's figure had disappeared in the cage.

Almost at the same time, Zhang Xiang's voice rang again.

"You talk too much, you don't feel like a killer at all!"

This sudden voice made the other's face suddenly change.

"You, what's the matter with you?!" The second generation of Death's voice suddenly rang, and his body tightened and he was about to flee.

However, at this moment.

A steel-feeling claw like a monster was already pressing on his shoulder.

"I advise you, you'd better not move your best. Didn't you find that your body is missing something?" Zhang Xiang's voice sounded slowly.

And not far away, the cage that was boasted of by the other side was a big hole suddenly missing.

The gap that a person came to high suddenly appeared.

The railing of the cut gap, how smooth the cut is.

Almost at the same time, the other party discovered that the paw on his shoulder was actually a hand.

It's just that the green veins of this hand are straight, and the sharp nails pierced out, like a sharp blade.

‘There is a gap, is this hand’s nail cut out? It's really incredible! But, what does he mean when I say something is missing in my body? ! ’Reaper II’s head is spinning at high speed.

Only at this time.

What was wrapped in a transparent bag was placed in front of him.

"You can see clearly, is this something of yours? Don't worry, I only took half of you. The remaining half is enough for you to survive. You know, my speed and technique are very good. You haven't bleeding yet. Of course, if you move around, I don't guarantee that you will die because of heavy bleeding..." Zhang Xiang's devilish voice rang in his ears.

At this moment, the other party finally saw clearly what it was.

"Liver, this is my liver!"

A horrified cry of horror came from the opponent's mouth.

And almost at the same time, a scream of exclamation came from the third-year class E student who could not see clearly what was inside the monitor...

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