Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2240: , The real Kaye Maple!

It was when Zhang Xiang was saying these things.

In that research institute dozens of kilometers away.

It was still in that familiar room, and Kataro Yanagawa, still dressed in white, stood in front of the petri dish.

It's just that the Petri dish behind him no longer floated Horibe Camp.

Instead, there was a thin figure lying on the operating table in front of him.

Moreover, the face was still horribly skinned, only the scary dark red veins were left, and the man with the eyes that seemed to protrude.

"Unexpectedly, we will meet again so soon. Although, I had expected it a long time ago, but it was still a little too soon." Yanagisawa Katarou clasped his hands in front of his chest and looked down at the person who was tied up. On the operating table, a man unable to move at all.

That's right, the figure lying on the operating table is not someone else, but the second generation of Death.

After he disappeared from the Ministry of Defense, he did not regain his freedom, but was looted directly into this research institute.

And in the voice of Yanagisawa Kotaro, the second generation of Shinigami also gradually woke up from the anesthetic.

"This is... my body is tied up. So that's it, am I moved here from the Ministry of Defense?! It was an order from the senior official who influenced the Ministry of Defense..." The second generation of Death was sober from the beginning. The trace of confusion that came over quickly transferred to a state of alert, and quickly recognized the situation in front of him.

"Yes, I transferred you from the Ministry of Defense. How about it, isn't there much to your health?" Yanagisawa Katsutaro asked as if concerned.

It's just that his hypocritical words were immediately exposed by the second generation of death.

"Haha...what about my body, shouldn't you know better than me? After all, you are going to experiment with my body!" The second generation of death laughed, as if he was about to become an experiment. I don’t feel any fear in my life.

And listening to his false feelings being exposed, there was no angry expression on Yanagisawa's face.

"No, this kind of experiment, although the body is very important, the key is willpower. If the willpower is not enough, the experiment will eventually go in an unknown direction. So, what I care about is your emotions." Liu Ze Kotaro said in a flat voice.

"Haha...Is that so? So, just come on. Although I am not reconciled, but my fighting spirit is very strong now. As long as I reform, I can become such a monster. Monsters fight monsters, and I feel excited. !" Reaper II said nervously.

After all, he was chased and killed by Zhang Xiang, and the stabbing was not light!

While listening to the other party's words, Yanagisawa Kotaro did not respond directly to the other party.

"Then, you can take a break here first, and when your physical strength recovers more, let's start." As he said, Kataro Yanagisawa walked towards the door of the laboratory, from there automatically The opened door of the laboratory went out.

And after walking a distance of tens of meters, after turning a curve.

Yanagisawa Kataro turned into a darker room.

In the room, there is a green double ponytail with beast ears. The hair color is green, and the figure is a little thin. He is wearing the uniform of Junqiu Middle School. Even if he hugs his chest, his hands are completely absent. The girl who supported the scale of her **** was standing in front of a single-directional light-transmitting glass, looking at the scene opposite the glass.

The continuous rumbling sound came from the opposite side of the glass.

"Well, his strength has improved a lot, right." Yanagisawa Kotaro's voice rang.

And listening to the other party's voice, the girl took another step forward.

"Compared to the first time, it's much stronger. However, this level of improvement is not enough to deal with Teacher Killing. You know, he becomes stronger faster than we expected." The girl's voice sounded slowly.

And at this time, with the light circulating, we can see the other side's appearance clearly.

It turned out that it was Mao Yefeng from Class E of the third year.

"Really? However, I think his level of strength is enough. Because he is just a bait. You are the real main force." Yanagisawa Kataro said slowly. Look in the direction opposite the glass.

I saw that in the hall of hundreds of square meters across from the glass, many stone bars were tied with many steel bars, and a large number of stone bars were shaking irregularly under the action of special devices. .

But in such an environment, there was a thin figure walking inside.

Every step he took, his tentacles that transformed into two would turn into afterimages and crush the nearby stone bars into countless fragments, creating a fluffy white powder to cover the surroundings. Sight.

However, listening to the words of Yanagazawa Kotaro, Mao Yefeng frowned slightly.

"Why don't you, don't you plan to make a move this time?!" Mao Yefeng looked in the direction of Yanagisawa Kotaro with some puzzlement.

"Yes, because the conditions have not yet reached the optimal period. This time the plan has a success rate of only 60%. I will only take action when the plan has a 100% success rate. And, that A moment is not far away." Yanagisawa Kotaro did not turn his head, but explained in a flat voice.

"However, if you participate, the success rate will increase to 95%." Mao Yefeng said anxiously.

"However, there is still no one-hundred-percent success rate. I, but I will only take action if the 100% success rate is true." Yanagazawa finally turned his head and said to Kaede Kaede.

After looking at each other for a long time, Mao Yefeng finally turned his head.

"If this is the case, then you can continue to wait. Next, I will avenge my sister personally!" After Mao Yefeng's words, she took her own steps from the side of this test field. Walked out of the monitoring room.

Then, without looking back, he walked out of this research institute and directly caught the bus back to Junqiu Middle School.

However, when she hadn't gotten on the bus, she suddenly turned pale, and walked into the side alley with a little shaky body.

Next, the voice of vomiting rang.

Her face became unusually pale, but her skin was a little reddish, and a slight tremor was shaking on the back of her neck.

However, in the end, she stretched out her right hand to hold down some eager existence on the back of her neck.

"Quiet, be quiet for a few more days. In a few days, you will be completely released. At that time, your killing intent will be completely released, and all the power will be liberated together..." Mao Yefeng Her face was unusually calm, but her eyes flashed with crazy light.

This is the real her!

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