Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2241: , "Preparation" before the school festival!

Two days later, in class E for three years.

To be precise, it was less than a second after the killing of the teacher.

"Everyone, it will be the Academy Festival in two days. What are your plans!" Mao Yefeng raised his right hand in excitement and said to everyone.

And listening to her words, everyone can be regarded as regaining their senses.

"Yes, the school festival is coming!"

"Moreover, didn't Class A say that it was going to be the next time it was decided? The Academy Festival should be regarded by them as the time for this time."

"However, have we competed against each other over the school festival?"

"Ah, what exactly are our school festivals going to do? Cafe? Good food? Or cos?!"

Of course, when it came to the end, someone looked in the direction of Nagisa Chaotian with bright eyes, and he couldn't help but shudder.

Oh, by the way, most of the people with bright eyes are girls.

As for the reason.

In addition to the evil taste of wanting Chao Tian Zhu to wear women's clothing, there is also a desire to avenge Chao Tian Zhu.

You know, the last time they forced Chaotian Nagisa to go out together in women's clothing, and then the guy who came to strike up a conversation directly ignored them and went straight to Chaotian Nagisa.

If Nagisa Shioda is a girl, she can bear it.

However, you must know that Nagisa Chaotian can be a boy.

A large group of girls unexpectedly lost to a cute boy. Just think about how big this excitement is.

Therefore, it is conceivable that they want to use this COS to organize each other.

Well, let us pray for Nagisa Chaotian first. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

I hope that the final decision will not become COS or a women's clothing restaurant!

After seeing the enthusiasm of many students below, Teacher Kill couldn't help but stop.

"Ah, then we are going to the school festival soon. I really didn't expect it. As for the things on the school festival, we really have to discuss it." Teacher Sha showed a smile on his face and participated in it. Go in.

In the end, the result of the discussion was that in this school festival, the three-year E class mainly wins with food.

After all, the three-year E class did not receive much school subsidies.

It is basically difficult to make a relatively large-scale or other complicated thing.

As for the maid restaurant, it was too common and was eventually passed.

So, in the end, under Mao Yefeng's suggestion, the teacher finally decided to use the gourmet restaurant to win.

"However, in the case of a gourmet restaurant, can we make attractive dishes?"

"Yes, you know, the position of our third-year E class is very bad. We are on the back mountain behind the school. If you want to allow diners to come so far, ordinary food is definitely not enough. ?"

"In this case, let's use some more expensive food to attract it!"

"However, this budget is too high."

Many students are thinking hard.

However, in the end, Teacher Kill came up with a solution.

"Haha...Although we are in the back mountain, there are also the benefits of the back mountain! Our entire back mountain is our food storehouse. It is because ordinary people rarely can enter it, but There are a lot of good things! For example, this kind of Yuguo, this kind of Shanzhen, and this one!" Teacher Killing flashed out and flew back to the original place after three seconds. , Took out three things.

In the first two cases, although everyone feels a little surprised, they are not yet surprised.

However, when Teacher Killing took out the last thing, everyone couldn't help but exclaim.

Because, the thing that the teacher brought out was Matsutake.

You know, Neon people like to eat matsutake very much, but although Japan produces matsutake, the quantity is not high, especially those wild ones.

Therefore, you can imagine how high the price of Matsutake is.

In addition, the matsutake itself is enthusiastically sought after by neon people, and it has the effect of suppressing cancer, I believe it will definitely be welcomed by everyone.

Of course, the most important thing is that these Matsutake mushrooms are free.

Thinking of this, everyone's eyes are about to shine.

"Yeah, this time, we can definitely win!"

"Yes, I just don't know how many matsutake mushrooms are in the back mountain. If there are more, wouldn't we get rich?!"

"Yeah, yeah, if there are more, if we just sell matsutake, we will definitely be able to surpass Class A!"

However, it is not that no one pours cold water.

"However, these matsutake mushrooms grow in the deep mountains. Apart from killing the teacher, who else can pick them!"

"Yeah, what can I do?!"

The three-year E class students couldn't help but look eagerly in the direction of killing the teacher.

And watching this scene, can Teacher Kill still not know what his students are thinking? !

"Okay, okay, I will leave this aspect of Matsutake to me. However, as for the other two things, you need to get it yourself. I will only take you to a specific place." The teacher stretched out his tentacles and said helplessly.

"Yeah, long live the teacher!"

"Long live!"

Although Mao Yefeng also chanted long live with everyone, her eyes swept across Teacher Killing, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised.

Because these are all designed by her.

Whether it is proposing to make food in Class E for three years, and the next one who will kill the teacher, she will propose to use the materials in the mountains to make dishes, all are in her plan.

Because, not long ago, she mentioned in front of the other party that Houshan was a big treasure house, which contained precious ingredients such as matsutake.

Of course, if this plan is not successful, she will have a backup plan.

However, if the plan is used continuously, the chances of being seen through by the murdered teacher will increase.

Fortunately, her plan succeeded.

Outside the window, Zhang Xiang watched this scene and couldn't help shaking his head.

"It seems that they are planning to start in advance. However, forget it, although with their participation, the scale of the funeral will become larger. But the variables will become more. Besides, the world's top ten The funeral arranged by this country for killing the teacher is already luxurious enough. There is no need for me to add more. Let it be."

After Zhang Xiang looked at the scene in the classroom, he turned around and walked towards the office.

——He still needs to prepare lessons.

As for the cheers in the classroom, it continued.

However, Mao Yefeng suddenly turned around at this moment and looked at Zhang Xiang's back outside the window.

She frowned slightly, and made a decision in her heart.

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