Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2245: , Tian Luo Di Wang!

It's just that at the moment when that big net is about to close.

From under Master Sha's figure, a sludge-like thing suddenly flashed out, directly rushing out from the gap of the big net, and re-formed Teacher Sha's figure dozens of meters away.

"It's dangerous, fortunately I have the ability to shed skin and liquefy, otherwise I will die." Teacher Sha patted his chest, and said with a sigh of relief.

However, at this moment, a voice full of killing intent rang.

"is it?!"

Mao Yefeng's figure appeared in front of Teacher Killing.

The figure of Shinigami II, and the figure of Horibe Camp, appeared on the left and right.

This presents a triangular encirclement, so that Teacher Killing has already understood some things in an instant.

"Are you just trying to force my ability to shed skin?" Teacher Sha's expression became a little serious.

"Yes, this is the first round of our plan. It is good to be able to catch and kill you, but if you can't, it's good to consume one of your life-saving skills." Grim Reaper II The voice rang slowly.

It's just that he no longer had the gentle and sunny voice of a boy before, but looked a little hoarse and crazy.

After taking a look at the surroundings, Teacher Kill finally turned his attention to Mao Yefeng's body.

"Why do you want to do it. Cooperate with the two of them? Also, why do you have such a big killing intent and... hatred for me?" Teacher Killing said he didn't understand.

Although, it is normal for their own students to kill themselves.

However, sometimes they just kill for the sake of killing, not because they hate him like Mao Yefeng in front of them, so they want to kill him.

The words of killing the teacher seemed to stimulate Mao Yefeng. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

"Why? You ask me why? Because, I am the younger sister of Yukuri Akuri. I saw with my own eyes that my sister died in the hands of a monster like you!" Mao Yefeng was no longer at all three years ago. When I was in Class E, I often smiled, replaced by a face of madness and murder.

On the two tentacles behind her, a raging flame suddenly appeared.

"Wait a minute, I didn't kill your sister..." Teacher Sha hurriedly wanted to explain.

It's just that Mao Yefeng, who had been suppressed for so long with full killing intent, couldn't hear other words at all.

"Go! Kill him!" Mao Yefeng's eyes widened, and a pair of tentacles behind him suddenly turned into a whistling whip, disappearing from the field of vision and bombarding the teacher.

And almost at the same time, the tentacles behind Grim Reaper II and Horibe Camp also bombarded in the direction of Killing Teacher.

Looking at this crazy scene, Teacher Killing already understood, and now it is completely unexplainable.

"If that's the case, then when Chiye waits for you to calm down, I'll come to talk to you again!" Teacher Sha was about to escape as he said.

However, at this moment.

The corners of the second generation of Grim Reaper's mouth suddenly showed a smile.

"Don't be delusional, do you think I will not prevent you from running away? You are too naive, but you are the first generation of death!" The second generation of death took out a remote control from his arms and directly Pressed the button.

In an instant, devices were ejected from the tops of the big trees, and large nets were ejected directly, enclosing a radius of tens of meters.

"What?! Did you consume my molting ability before for this one?!" Teacher Killing exclaimed, hurriedly stopped the direction he was about to hit the special net, and looked at the second generation of Death God Direction.

"Yeah! Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you, you are thinking about burrowing. There are more such big nets on the ground! So, now this place has completely formed a secret room It's a secret room that no one can escape. A secret room that will become your graveyard!" Grim Reaper II's face was full of madness and calmness, and said to Teacher Killing.

And just as the second generation of Shinigami followed the kill teacher and divided his gods, Horibe Camp finally caught the opportunity.

"Caught it!" The four tentacles of the Horibe Camp separately grabbed Teacher Killing's limbs.

"When did that come behind me?!" Teacher Sha said in shock.

However, no one answered his question.

Instead, the Second Generation of Death took this opportunity to use his own tentacles to tie up the remaining tentacles of Teacher Killing.

Looking at such a good opportunity, Mao Yefeng, who only wanted to kill the teacher with all his heart, would naturally not let it go.

"Die! Go down and apologize to my sister on her knees!"

Mao Yefeng blasted out his two tentacles frantically. It seemed that it was due to the movement. The speed of these two tentacles was faster and more powerful!

"Haha... this time, you are really going to die!"

The second generation of Grim Reaper also laughed madly.

However, it is at this time.

A calm voice rang.

"Really?" Zhang Xiang's calm voice rang.

At the same time, several rays of light that were difficult to see with the naked eye suddenly flashed, directly cutting open the large nets that blocked the surroundings.

By the way, it also hit the tentacles of Camp Horibe and Shinigami II, and they couldn't help but feel some pain, and involuntarily let go.

"what are you!"

"Aren't you trapped?!"

Horibe Camp and Shinigami II showed surprised faces.

Only Mao Yefeng still focused like that crazy.

"Die!" Mao Yefeng shouted.

Because her tentacles were about to pierce the teacher's chest, crushing his heart into pieces.

Only at this time.

A vigorous voice rushed towards Mao Yefeng's back.

"Calm down, Xiao Feng!" Shio Tian Zhu's voice yelled, making Mao Ye Feng a slight daze, but she hadn't waited for her to react.

Teacher Killing was already decisively taking advantage of this rare opportunity, and his tentacles suddenly forced his body to break free.


The two tentacles carrying the mighty power suddenly bombarded the ground, exploding a huge pit.

As for Mao Yefeng, he didn't even react, and he was already thrown onto the ground by a pouncer of Nagisa Chaotian.

And then, in the process of the smoke and the big net that was cut off by Zhang Xiang slowly drifting down, Zhang Xiang's figure slowly appeared in front of everyone.

"It's you again!" The second generation of Death God narrowed his eyes slightly, staring in Zhang Xiang's direction.

Crazy emotions flashed in his eyes.

You know, he was beaten severely by Zhang Xiang before.

Moreover, it is still above his most comfortable assassination technique, how can this make him not feel angry and crazy.

At this time, when the enemies met, they were naturally jealous.

Not to mention, Zhang Xiang broke his good deeds once again at this time!

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