Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2246: , Showdown again!

Only at this time. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

"Get out of me!"

"Chiye, calm down, don't be so impulsive..."

However, it hasn't waited until Shioda Nagisa finished speaking.

Mao Yefeng's two tentacles squeezed hard, and directly sent Chaotianzhu out.

But fortunately, Mao Yefeng still retained a trace of reason, and did not use the flame tentacles, but only used his own pair of tentacles to shake Shioda Nagisa out with tenderness.

It just so happened that Zhang Xiang changed his pace, and after two steps he stretched out his right hand to pass Chaotianzhu to the next.

"Ah...Thank you teacher." Next to Zhang Xiang, there were still some Chaotianzhu who were still shocked, and couldn't help but thank Zhang Xiang.

However, he has not given up on persuading Mao Yefeng.

"Chiye, calm down quickly, if you go on like this, you will regret it..." Nagisa Chaotian thought like this, and was about to rush up again.

However, at this time.

He felt the back of his neck tighten, and the whole person took a few steps backwards.

And almost at the same time, a flame-filled tentacle swept across in front of him, drawing a gully.

The remaining blades in the gully are still burning with flames.

"Chaotian, don't say any more. If you stop me again, even you, I won't be merciful anymore!" Mao Yefeng's face was full of murderous intent, and he looked back at Chaotianzhu with wide eyes. , Is just looking back.

However, despite what Mao Yefeng said, Shioda Nagisa showed no sign of giving up.

"Even if you say that, I won't give up to stop you..." Chao Tian Zhu's eyes were firm.

But at this moment, Zhang Xiang spoke up.

"Give up, give up the plan to persuade her with words. Now her sanity has been completely occupied by the erosion and killing intent of the tentacles. It is very difficult for you to let her go from this kind of madness only by words. He broke free in his state." Zhang Xiang pressed his right hand on the opponent's shoulder and shook his head at the opponent.

"So, what should I do? Teacher, you must have a way, right?" Chao Tian Zhu raised his head and looked in the direction of Zhang Xiang, his eyes full of desire.

Seeing his firm posture, Zhang Xiang also shook his head helplessly.

"There is a way. I have a way for you to temporarily confront Mao Yefeng, or even temporarily suppress her, so that you have time to perform tricks to calm her down. That is, let me open your body's essence again Kong, let you have these extraordinary powers again. Then, I need to infuse some related attack skills into your mind. Let you temporarily have the opportunity to manipulate this power." Zhang Xiang said here At that time, there was a slight pause.

"But it's just like what I said last time. If you don't let me close the sperm hole you opened before your body's strength is exhausted, you will die because of excessive physical exertion. In this way, you are also willing Is it?" Zhang Xiang asked directly to the other party.

However, Chaotian Nagisa agreed to Zhang Xiang without any hesitation.


"Then, let's start. Look into my eyes!" Zhang Xiang patted Chao Tian Zhu on the shoulder, making him turn his vision to Zhang Xiang's direction.

A mysterious wave passed from Zhang Xiang's eyes.

And when Zhang Xiang patted Chao Tian Zhu’s shoulder again, he already felt that there seemed to be a lot of knowledge that did not belong to him in his mind, and the outside of his body seemed to be wrapped in a powerful force. general.

"Is this read? So, Tang, Jian!"

Under the rotation of his thoughts, the power of thought on his body suddenly changed, first entangled on his body, and then directly turned into a hard protective layer.

This level of proficiency made Zhang Xiang feel a little surprised.

‘It seems that the last time he opened the spermatic hole, he made his body adapt to the ability of mind in advance. Moreover, his talent in thinking ability is probably at the level of a million people! Zhang Xiang praised the other party in his heart.

And when Zhang Xiang was admiring, Chaotian Nagisa was already in action.

"Then, I'm on it. I must rescue Mao Yefeng. She is not the real one now!"

With the fall of this voice, Chao Tian Zhu's figure had disappeared in front of Zhang Xiang, and he was fighting with Mao Yefeng.

Although he is not familiar with using mind power, Nagisa Shioda is at a disadvantage.

However, relying on various assassination techniques and his familiarity with Mao Yefeng, he was still getting back the situation little by little.

And when Chaotianzhu was fighting, Zhang Xiang also lost his sight to the field.

"Since Nagisa Shiota has shared one for you. Then, I will share one for you. I will leave the second generation of Shinigami to me. After all, Horibe Camp is your student, and he has been away for so long. You should also have a good talk with him. Although, this second generation of Death God was once your student." Zhang Xiang has a smile on his face and walks in the direction of the second generation of Death God. A step away.

Teacher Killing also smiled and took a step forward.

"Then, thank you in advance. However, that guy, when he betrayed me, I had already regarded him as a stranger. Okay, let me educate this absenteeism well. So many questionable students." Teacher Sha said with a smile on his face.

As soon as the voice fell, the Horibe camp had already rushed forward before the killing teacher shot.

"I'm the strongest, let's see who is teaching who!" Horibe Camp said with a cold face, and waved the four tentacles he had transformed.

And at the next moment, the two of them also got together.

As for Zhang Xiang following the second generation of death, he continued to face each other.

And facing Zhang Xiang, who had cut off his right hand before and digged out half of his liver, the second generation of Death didn't have the slightest fear on his face, and some were just excited.

"Finally, I finally waited for your arrival. I was a little disappointed when I heard that you were trapped." The second generation of Death God's eyes were staring in the direction of Zhang Xiang frantically, and the tentacles on his body were slightly Shaking, it looked a little disgusting and terrifying.

However, these have no effect on Zhang Xiang.

"Oh, not afraid, I was defeated easily again?" Zhang Xiang asked with some interest.

"Of course I am not afraid. Because I am also a monster now! I have already analyzed it in detail. Last time I just lost to your monster body. In fact, your assassination skills are superb, but they are It’s not enough to fail me. So, now I’ll change to another body that’s also a monster, let’s compare it with you and see who has the real assassination skills!"

Before the words of the second generation of Grim Reaper fell, a terrible smile appeared on his face and launched an attack.

"The ground is sinking!" The pitch-black tentacles behind him slammed the ground.

The ground under Zhang Xiang's feet suddenly collapsed, trying to make him sink in.

However, how could Zhang Xiang, who has such a keen perception, not know that there is a trap in the ground under his feet?

At the moment the trap was activated, he had already jumped to the back.

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