Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2247: , The second game!

"So, let's get started. Watch the second assassination game of 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Let's follow, let us go elsewhere and don't disturb them." Zhang Xiang jumped several tens of meters. Outside.

He wanted to kill Zhang Xiang to prove that his second generation of Death had also followed.

It was only a minute, and the two extremely fast people had already arrived in a strange forest.

"Then, the game begins!" As soon as Zhang Xiang's voice fell, his body had already disappeared behind a big tree.

And almost at the same time, the opponent's pitch-black tentacles were like a viper out of a hole, suddenly bombarding the big tree where Zhang Xiang was hiding.

In the midst of the bang, the big tree collapsed.

However, behind the big tree, there was no trace of anyone.

And Zhang Xiang’s voice continues to spread from all directions

"Last time, I was chasing you. Then, this time it's your turn to chase me. Of course, the range is limited to a radius of one kilometer." As soon as Zhang Xiang's words fell, his figure disappeared. It appeared behind another big tree farther away.

Seeing this scene, the second generation of Death couldn't help chasing after him, and violently smashed the big tree with his tentacles.

It's just that, unlike the previous smashing of the tree, nothing happened.

At the moment the tree was shattered, several steel wires that were originally tightened on the tree suddenly loosened, and a dozen steel wires shot in his direction like a celestial flower. Come.

Moreover, these steel wires are still very sharp, and the branches blocking the roads have been cut.

It was just a blink of an eye, and it was already in front of the opponent.

Unprepared, even though the opponent has already waved his tentacles into a protective circle.

However, after the ejected dozens of steel wires collapsed. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

A segment of pitch-black tentacles fell on the ground, bounced twice on the ground, and then turned into a pool of liquid.

At this time, Zhang Xiang's voice was considered loud.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. I, too, will set up traps!" Zhang Xiang is like a careful hunter, carefully teasing the prey of Death II.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the second generation of death is undoubtedly angry.

"Damn it!"

Accompanied by his roar, the tentacles on his body suddenly skyrocketed, and even the broken tentacles recovered in an instant, directly turning into a dark storm and raging around.


The tentacles that he spread out directly bombarded everything within a radius of tens of meters into fragments, sweeping this area into flat ground.

However, he didn't know.

Because his sweep like this has caused more traps.

As the ground next to it was bombarded, a rope connected to a certain place suddenly tightened one by one, and suddenly ejected from the ground not far away, exposing a dense array of bullets below.

In the next instant, hundreds of special bullets were shot out from the launcher with densely packed bullet ports, turning into a green BB bullet screen.

Seeing this scene, even the second generation of Grim Reaper, who was in a crazy state, felt a big change in his face.


He shot directly to the side, and the tentacles also took the lead in grabbing a thick branch, intending to pull the power to make him dodge behind the big tree.

But it is a pity that Zhang Xiang's figure appeared dozens of meters away.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, but I carry a weapon against that dead octopus with me. Although you have been modified, in principle, you still exist like the dead octopus. Then, you Just enjoy the taste of the gun rain! By the way, my dynamic vision and marksmanship are also great. So, goodbye." Zhang Xiang detained himself as he was talking. The trigger of the pistol in the hand.


A burst of gunfire sounded, and gun smoke slowly floated from the muzzle.

In the distance, the branch held by the opponent's pitch-black tentacle suddenly broke apart.

At the fracture, there are traces of high-speed sharp objects passing through.

And then, the second generation of Reaper was hit by the densely packed teacher-killing shells, and was drowned in the barrage.

And Zhang Xiang's figure is also slowly walking towards this side.

"Although your strength and speed have been strengthened to the level of a monster. However, your sanity seems to be affected by the power of the tentacle. Forget that you are also a monster now. Following the killing of the teacher, you have the same shortcomings. There's a question." Zhang Xiang slowly explained the reason why the opponent had fallen into this end.

At this time, the thick barrage has gradually faded.

However, at this moment, something happened that surprised Zhang Xiang slightly.

"Don't think that I only have such a little strength!" The crazy hoarse voice of the second generation of Death rang, and a fist full of power bombarded it.

Under this kind of distance, it was already too late to dodge.

However, Zhang Xiang didn't even think about dodge.

He also blasted back with a punch.


The ground under Zhang Xiang and the other's feet sank slightly, and both of them transferred the force of the impact to the ground.

"Nice power!" Zhang Xiang exclaimed, feeling the power contained in the other's fist.

At this time, Zhang Xiang finally knew why the other party could survive such barrage.

Because the opponent also had a right hand made of steel, which helped him block most of the mortal attacks.

Of course, even so, the other party was seriously injured.

At least, the left half of the opponent's body is already showing a tattered posture.

"Is it a good power? There is even more powerful power! The rocket mode is on! Also, you dare to run to such a close place. Then, let me become pieces obediently!"

With the roar of the second generation of Death God, the back of his right arm suddenly opened, and turbulent flames spewed out from inside, bursting out with incomparable power.

At least, it's just power, it has already skyrocketed from the previous power of more than 1,000 tons to the power level of tens of thousands.

This is the mechanical force that erupts without considering the limits of the human body.

Almost at the same time, the body of the second generation of Death was slightly sunken inward, and the whole body's nutrition was poured into the tentacles.

The pitch-black tentacles suddenly recovered most of their power and stood behind him, turning into a pitch-black cut net and shrouded in Zhang Xiang's direction.

Moreover, there was a dark light shining above this big net, which was a special biological toxin that could poison the creatures of a river by a drop secreted by his tentacles.

"Die, as long as you touch me a little bit, you will turn me into mud!"

The second generation of Grim Reaper screamed in excitement, as if victory was in sight.

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