Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2248: , The world is getting worse...

But at this time. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Zhang Xiang raised his head slightly and smiled at the other party.

"However, it's just good. There is still a big gap from me!" As soon as Zhang Xiang's words fell, his right fist slammed into force.

Formidable power emerged from his lower limbs that were touching the ground, and through the blessing of the waist muscles, suddenly appeared on his right hand.

Suddenly, a powerful force that had undergone heavy overlaps burst out in an instant.


The powerful force rushed into the opponent's body directly from the right manipulator that was in contact with each other, causing a wave of ripples to emerge from the opponent's body.

"How could it... have such a powerful force..."

Shocked eyes and the words full of panic came from the other party's mouth.

He wanted to withdraw his right hand to avoid further shocks.

However, he suddenly discovered that his right hand did not follow his command at all.

Even the whole body did not listen to his commands, which undoubtedly made him even more frightened.

But in the next moment, he knew the reason.

——His mechanical right hand unexpectedly began to crack, turning into a large amount of metal powder, and some relatively sturdy parts fell towards the ground.

And his body was like a piece of mud, it actually fell slowly, piece by piece, and fell softly to the ground.

It wasn't until this time that he understood what happened just now.

Under Zhang Xiang's punch, his whole body collapsed!

However, when he wanted to understand, it was too late. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

Because when he understood these things, his consciousness had already fallen into an eternal dreamland.

"It's a pity, I originally wanted to play with you again. However, your action was still too eager, and you used your own assassin so quickly. Isn't this forcing me to kill you?" Zhang Xiang While speaking, he turned his head and walked toward the depths of the forest.

Behind him, that puddle of mud was still sliding down.

Pieces of dark meat slid onto the ground, eroding holes in the ground.

Moreover, perhaps due to the influence of certain toxins, the vegetation within a radius of tens of meters began to turn from green to yellow, and finally turned into a pile of ashes.

And this scope of influence is still expanding.

From this, we can see how strong these toxins are.

I'm afraid, even if it means killing the teacher.

With his incomparable anti-drug ability, he would be poisoned.

After getting the second generation of Death God, Zhang Xiang gradually moved towards the place where Chaotian Zhu and Mao Yefeng were fighting each other.

Along the road, traces of their fighting can be seen everywhere in the forest.

Whether it is the overwhelmed grass, the interrupted tree, and the roar that still rings in the distance, it can be seen the fierce fighting between the two sides.

"However, at this time, it should be time to tell the winner. Nagisa Chaotian has already begun to overdraw her physical strength, and Mao Yefeng's tentacles have begun to absorb her vitality." Zhang Xiang did A corresponding judgment came.

Before, he chose to kill the second generation of Death so quickly, and there was one reason in it.

After all, he can't watch his students die, right? !

Only when he rushed to the ongoing battlefield.

His face is a bit subtle.

Because the battle scene is indeed very tragic.

A series of blood was splattered on the ground, and the surrounding trees and ground showed that there had been a fierce battle.

There was even a left hand with a smooth cut not far away.

Looking at the traces of the left hand, it was obviously cut by the tentacle with super high speed.

Needless to say, its owner, that is Nagisa Chaotian.

It's just that the reason for the subtle expression of Zhang Xiang's face and the reason for the tragic battle scene is not because of this one.

A battle scene of this level is not a fierce scene in his opinion.

As for just breaking one hand, Zhang Xiang can reattach this smooth left hand to Chaotian Zhu's body at any time.

Even if his entire left hand is missing, he can use cloning technology to help the opponent get one out.

And the scenes that made his face subtle and felt ‘tragic’ were what Shiodai was doing to Mao Yefeng.

Of the two tentacles behind Mao Yefeng, one was cut off, while the other was pressed on the ground by Chaotian Nagisa's left hand, unable to move a single movement.

In addition to doing some things, Chaotian Nagisa is still doing other things.

For example, he crushed Mao Yefeng on the ground and sat down close to her thigh. The upper body directly overwhelmed the opponent's body, and kissed directly against the opponent's resistance.

Moreover, it was that kind of intense long kiss.

Mao Yefeng's resistance was also very fierce, and even caused both of them to shake.

Looking from Zhang Xiang's direction, Shio Tian Zhu is pressing on Mao Yefeng's body, kissing and galloping on certain things.

That scene is so beautiful that people dare not watch it.

Blood, overwhelmed grass, severed hands, and two figures lingering on the grass...

Well, I can't describe it anymore, let me be quiet...

"Ahem... I didn't see anything, I didn't see anything... Oh, the world is really going downhill, I think I didn't even hold a girl's hand when I was in middle school... Unexpectedly, now It turned out to be so open. I started to do this kind of thing on the grass, and I am not afraid of being seen by others... In addition, although the teacher can treat these things as if they have not seen it, remember to make protective facilities. I regret it after I have it..." Zhang Xiang carried his hands on his back, and wanted to get out of this'battlefield'.

God knows, will the next scene be more intense.

Especially when Mao Yefeng still has tentacles, I believe that picture will be even more ‘tragic’...

At this moment, Nagisa Shioda, who was doing these ‘things’, finally came ‘awake’ and left Mao Yefeng’s lips.

"Teacher, it's not like this. Don't get me wrong, I'm just waking up classmate Mao Ye..." Nagisa Chaotian hurriedly wanted to explain to Zhang Xiang.

However, it is not only him who wakes up.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Mao Yefeng couldn't help shouting.

By the way, under the emotional excitement, the tentacles exploded with powerful power, and suddenly countered Nagisa Shioda and flew him out.

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