Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2249: , Young man, don't be too anxious!

And just when Shio Tian Zhu held his head with only his right hand, thinking that he would fall badly, and praying that he would not hit the tree. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

A softness was transmitted from the back of his body, accepting all the force that hit his body, making his body finally stop after flying out more than ten meters.

Just when he couldn't figure out what happened, a familiar voice rang in his ears.

"You just got stronger. Didn't I say it before? Young man, don't be too anxious...Look, don't you offend her now?" Zhang Xiang stretched out his hand and pointed in Mao Yefeng's direction.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Chaotian Zhuo hadn't even looked at Mao Yefeng's direction, he had already explained it quickly.

"Teacher, it's really not like what you see..."

However, before he could finish his words, a flame-burning tentacle was already bombarded.

Zhao Tianzhu, who was caught in the air with one hand by Zhang Xiang, only felt that he had been caught and retreated a few meters quickly.

Then, there was a sound of ‘Boom’!

The flaming tentacles bombarded the ground in front of him, blasting out a gully about four meters long and thirty centimeters deep, and the surrounding grass was scorched black.

Obviously, if this shot fell on him, he would be crippled even if he was immortal.

Of course, a diagnosis of severe burn somewhere has to be added.

At this moment, Nagisa Chaotian realized that Mao Yefeng's expression had begun to return to that crazy killing state again.

The tentacles on the back of her neck began to darken.

But Mao Yefeng's face has also become paler.

That is the performance of her tentacles absorbing her vitality. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Seeing this scene, Nagisa Chaotian couldn't help feeling anxious.

"Teacher, let me go. I'm going to save her. If she goes on like this, she will die!" Chao Tian Zhu violently struggled in Zhang Xiang's hand.

However, even though he used a lot of strength, it didn't have the slightest effect.

"No." Zhang Xiang refused directly.

"But if she goes on like this, she will really die. Teacher, let me go and let me save her!"

Chao Tian Zhu continued to struggle.

"When I said no, I didn’t. Didn’t you realize that you had lost too much blood? In another two to thirty seconds, you would lose too much blood and faint. Then, you knelt in a coma. . And she can hold on for at least a minute. Therefore, you should be the one to save first." Zhang Xiang said while pressing his left hand on the other's broken left arm.

Gently patted on it, closing the opponent's fine hole in an explosive state.

So, at the next moment, a scream of pain already rang.

" hurts!"

"Of course it hurts, and now it's still the result of your loss of too much blood and decreased pain. If you wake up a little bit more, you may pass out directly from the pain. Who told you to use your mind to temporarily cut off the pain system? , Now the retribution is coming! What a guy who knows nothing about life and death!"

Zhang Xiang scolded the opponent, but a bright green light came from his left hand, and he began to heal the opponent.

Of course, he had to avoid attacks from Mao Yefeng who was already in a frantic state from time to time.

A few seconds later, Zhang Xiang threw Chaotianzhu to the side and sent him to a safer place with soft energy.

Then, he looked in the direction of Mao Yefeng.

"Okay, it's time for me to take care of you. The recent students are really unbehaved. Even the teacher also beats, really deserves some punishment." Zhang Xiang said, but It was walking forward like shopping, avoiding all the tentacles bombarding him.

Then, when he approached her, he directly stunned the opponent with a hand knife.

However, just when Zhang Xiang wanted to hold Mao Yefeng.

It seems that her tentacles did not stop because the host passed out in a coma, but continued to execute the command to kill anyone approaching, directly waving the whip in the direction of Zhang Xiang.

Looking at the scene that the shadow of the whip can't capture, you can know how powerful the tentacle is.

Only at this time.

Zhang Xiang suddenly turned his head and glanced at the tentacle.

A strong momentum burst out instantly, rushing towards the direction of the tentacles.

In the next instant, that tentacle had already fallen softly to the ground.

And almost at the same time, even during the battle between Chaotian Zhu and Mao Yefeng, the birds in this forest that hadn't left, suddenly fled out in panic.

The entire sky was occupied by a large number of birds that suddenly sprang out of the forest.

"I've said it, be good." Zhang Xiang said as he put Mao Yefeng on the ground, letting her lean on a big tree.

And at this time, the sound of ‘swarthy’ came from the forest not far away.

It makes people feel nervous.

But with the appearance of a yellow head, everyone could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Because, with a yellow-headed creature, there will be anyone besides killing the teacher!

And he didn't just show up alone, he also carried a figure on his shoulders.

With silver-white hair and that thin figure, who else besides Horibe Camp? !

"Ahhhhhhhhh, are you all done? So, I am the slowest one? Ugh...I am a man with a speed of Mach can I be the slowest one... "As soon as Teacher Killing appeared, he started to be funny again.

However, when he walked a few steps closer, he saw the blood covered in the field and the broken left hand of Nagisa Chaotian.

His expression could not help but changed slightly.

"How about it. Are you okay? By the way, with the broken left hand, we will go to the hospital right away. If you pick up your broken left hand now, there should be no problem." Teacher Sha rushed to Chaotian Zhu's body. Before, he picked up his broken left hand, and said to the other party anxiously.

However, some weak Shioda Nagisa shook his head.

"No, Mr. Dayu has already helped me stop the bleeding. Now I am not a major problem. The important thing is classmate Chiye. She was full of pain and craziness just now, as if she was controlled by her tentacles. Hurry up and see her." Chaotian Zhuo said as he tried to struggle.

However, before he stood up, he was already dizzy due to excessive blood loss and fell back to sit down.

If it weren't for Zhang Xiang's good treatment, then his wound would burst once again.

And just when he wanted to struggle to stand up again, Zhang Xiang also spoke again.

"Don't worry, she has nothing to do for the time being. Don't worry too much."

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