Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2251: , One hundred times faster stitching!

Just, screaming? The screams only lasted for less than two minutes before they stopped. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

"Okay, it's done!" Teacher Killing took away the knife in his hand and said to his student.

And listening to the words of Teacher Killing, Nagisa Chaotian couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"It's all right so soon? Impossible? I remember, it takes at least three hours to receive the operation. Killing teacher, you shouldn't be because of my barking, so you just picked it up. ? Even if the nerves and muscles are not joined, it is absolutely impossible to sew and break the hand so quickly, right?"

Chaotian Nagisa said to Teacher Killing in surprise and panic.

Although he said that he had shown the willingness to let Teacher Kill and Zhang Xiang save Mao Yefeng first, it did not mean that he really didn't care about this hand!

It's just that Teacher Kill has already taken off his mask and put his hands on his chest.

"Look, it doesn't matter if you just said it had an impact. Are you nervous now?! But don't worry, when did I pit my students? The nerve line in your left hand, including the muscles, has been broken. I stitched it up at a hundred times the speed. Now, it doesn't matter if you move. It's just that you can't give your strength." Teacher Sha said with a smug expression.

"This, how is this possible? It's only two minutes..."

Nagisa Chaotian said in disbelief that he would realize the realization on his left hand.

At this time, although he was not able to feel the presence of his left hand due to anesthetics.

However, in his vision, his left hand is indeed already connected.

Moreover, from the outside, if it wasn't for the traces of special stitches, then he really couldn't tell that his hand was broken.

But at this time, Zhang Xiang came over from the side.

"How about it, it's stitched up? Then, let's move it. Look at the 1 wool 3 Chinese website" Zhang Xiang turned his head and said to Chaotian Zhu.

"Move? I have just stitched up now, and the effect of the anesthetic hasn't been over yet!" Nagisa Chaotian opened his eyes again.

"Don't worry, I use a special type of anesthetic, which just shields most of the pain from your severed hand. It doesn't affect your movement. You just feel that you can't move because of psychological effects." Zhang Xiang also The mask will be taken off.

Listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Chaotian Nagisa couldn't help but began to try to move.

What surprised him was that his broken left hand really moved, and he successfully made a fist.

You know, how many people have broken their arms, but after they are completely healed, they can't do this simple fist movement.

However, now that his severed hand has just been stitched up, it is already able to move. You can imagine the impact on him.

"I, my hand can move!" Chao Tian couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

However, his head was hit in the next moment.

" hurts!"

Nagisa Shioda cried out in pain.

"What are you yelling in such a pleasant surprise?! It's just that you can move, and you can't return to its original appearance. What can you celebrate?" Zhang Xiang said irritably.

"However, I had already planned for the worst before. However, I didn't expect to be able to move right now. That's why I was a little excited..." Chaotian Nagisa said embarrassedly.

And listening to his words, Zhang Xiang and Teacher Sha also understood.

After all, although Nagisa Shioda was a member of Class E for the third year, he was responsible for assassinating the teacher.

However, in essence, no matter how good their assassination ability is now, they are just ordinary students.

At best, there are more skills.

However, at this moment, Nagisa Chaotian suddenly remembered something else.

"By the way, Teacher Dayu, how about Chiye?" Nagisa Chaotian asked nervously.

"I haven't done her surgery yet. I just helped the Horibe camp, which is easier to perform surgery, to remove the tentacles and practice hands. As for Chino-san, the problem should be considered small. After all, the nerve line was just connected. I. I'm going to help her with the operation now, do you want to come and watch it together?" Zhang Xiang sent an invitation to Chaotianzhu.

However, listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Chao Tian Zhu's face showed an awkward expression.

"Well, my left hand just connected. If it moves, doesn't it mean that all previous efforts are gone?" Nagisa Chaotian looked at his broken left hand with a wry smile.

But at this moment, Zhang Xiang was able to show a face of sudden realization.

"Oh, I almost forgot. But, it doesn't matter, I'll take care of it for you." Zhang Xiang said as he put his right hand on the other's severed arm.

"Teacher Dayu, what are you doing?..."

Nagisa Chaotian said he was a little surprised and puzzled.

"Help you speed up the healing!" Zhang Xiang said, with a bright green healing light on his right hand.

A feeling of warmth came from the left arm in the sensation of Chaotian Nagisa.

It's just that this feeling comes fast and goes fast.

Before he could taste it, Zhang Xiang's right hand left his left hand.

"All right."

"That's all right?" Chao Tian Zhuo said he couldn't understand, and looked at his left hand.

Then, he was shocked.

Because the fracture of his broken left hand and the stitches all disappeared.

If he hadn't remembered the kind of piercing pain when he broke his left hand, he would have doubted whether his left hand had been broken.

"Well, most of the tissue on the face of your left watch is already healed. It's just that the nerve lines inside have just been connected, and you can't use too much effort. Otherwise, there is no big problem." Zhang Xiang said in a relaxed tone.

However, Nagisa Chaotian was already shocked beyond words.

If it hadn't been for Zhang Xiang to tell him, should he watch his girlfriend's operation to remove the tentacles, I'm afraid he would continue to be sluggish like this.

Of course, even though Zhang Xiang said it was not a big deal.

When he got off the operating table, he was still cautious, supporting with his right hand, fearing that his left hand would suddenly fall to the ground.

It wasn't until later that the effect of the anesthetic gradually faded and he could feel that his left hand was really healed for the most part, only then did he dare to let go.

And then, he began to see how Zhang Xiang operated on Mao Yefeng.

At this moment, Mao Yefeng was lying on the operating table, his hair dyed in aquamarine green scattered scattered on the operating table, and there were still some tears in the corner of his eyes.

Of course, the hickey on the mouth also exists greatly.

Nagisa Chaotian couldn't help but feel a slight blush.

Because that is a good thing he did.

But what made him breathe a sigh of relief was that Zhang Xiang and Teacher Sha did not make fun of him with this incident.

Of course, what he didn't see was.

Zhang Xiang and Teacher Killing glanced at each other secretly, a certain unscrupulous teacher stretched out a tentacle, took out a camera without flashing lights and sound of photos from behind him, and lay Nagisa Chioda in the operation. Mao Yefeng on the stage took photos together.

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