Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2252: , The treatment only takes two seconds!

"I'll make preparations first. Watch 1 Mao, 2 Line, 3 Chinese Net" Zhang Xiang said while he was ready.

Tie up the surgical gown, wear a mask, and tighten gloves!

Then, from under the metal operating table next to it, a lot of things were pulled out, which contained various surgical utensils-wedge, scalpel, hemostatic cotton...

"Then, let's start!" Zhang Xiang stretched out his gloved hands, just like an experienced surgeon.

In this scene, Nagisa Chao Tian could not help but start to get nervous.

He even swallowed.

‘Come on, teacher. Come on, Chino, you will be fine! Nagisa Shioda prayed in his heart.

However, what happened in the next moment was that Nagisa Shioda's eyes barely appeared.

Zhang Xiang stretched out his hands and pressed the neck of Mao Yefeng's parasitic tentacles, the aquamarine light brightened up.

Two seconds later, Zhang Xiang took his hands back.

Then, Zhang Xiang said a word that made him dumbfounded.

"Okay, it's done!" Zhang Xiang said, but he threw the separated tentacles into the stove where he didn't know when, closed the door and clapped his hands.

"Okay, okay?!"

Nagisa Chaotian said that his head has not yet turned.

When his head turned around, his voice couldn't help raising a few pitches.

"How is it possible, it's just that simple? Two seconds, just two seconds, the operation is already completed?!" Chaotian Nagisa opened his eyes wide, and said in a strange way.

However, listening to the other party's words, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but glance at the other party. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

"How much time do you think it takes? Is it possible that things that can be done in two seconds have to be delayed for two or three hours to show my professionalism?" Zhang Xiang said something that Chao Tian Zhu couldn't refute. Come.

"But, it's impossible for only two seconds. What you just said is very serious! It will be done in two seconds, isn't it too sloppy? Will there be residual tentacle material left behind? On the neck of classmate Mao Ye?" Chaotian Zhuo said, looking at Zhang Xiang with wide eyes.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen. I am a very strict doctor! Sui," Zhang Xiang pretended to be very serious.

"Strictly speaking, you wouldn't eat noodles here now!" Chao Tian Zhu almost didn't resist the urge to grab the instant noodle box from Zhang Xiang's hand and throw it on the ground.

That's right, the two onomatopoeias after Zhang Xiang finished speaking were precisely because he was eating instant noodles.

Moreover, he is not only alone, even Teacher Sha is eating together.

However, Zhang Xiang looked at each other with big innocent eyes.

"Does rigor have anything to do with eating when you are hungry?" Zhang Xiang widened his seemingly innocent eyes and looked at each other.

"Yeah, does it matter?" Teacher Killing also opened up his dark eyes, which were hard to find, and started to join in the fun.

As a result, Chaotian Nagisa said that he was about to vomit blood, and almost didn't take off his shoes, and used the soles to teach Zhang Xiang and others.

But thinking about the difference in military force between the two sides, he finally endured this impulse.

"Then, why did Horibe camp take two minutes, while Chino-san, who was in trouble with what you said, only took two seconds!" Nagisa Shioda endured the urge to pump the soles immediately.

However, Zhang Xiang glanced at Nagisa Chaotian with contempt.

"Who told you that it took me two minutes to treat the Horibe Camp? Two minutes? Is this an insult to my medical skills? I used one second to directly cut off the connection points of all the tentacles and pull the tentacles. It's over when I come down." Zhang Xiang said with a disdainful expression.

By the way, I took a bite of noodles.

Well, the gluten is soft and springy, and it is really a great treat in the world when paired with a thick soup.

"So, why did you stay on that side for two minutes just now?" Chao Tian Zhuo said that he couldn't understand, and stared at Zhang Xiang with suspicion.

"Stupid! Where do you think the instant noodles in the hands of Master Sha and I came from? In two minutes, I spent one minute to find instant noodles, and 59 seconds to boil hot water and make various spices. And adding hot water to flood it. Then, it took one second to complete the operation of Horibe Camp. Then, we talked for more than two minutes, and I spent two seconds for the operation, plus nonsense. It takes you thirty seconds, exactly three minutes, this is the most delicious time for instant noodles. Don't you understand?" Zhang Xiang stared at Chaotian Zhu with the look of a countryman.

And killing the teacher, is still nodding next to him, expressing his approval.

Listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Chaotian Nagisa said that he would never love anymore.

He felt too tired to live in this world, especially talking to Zhang Xiang and Teacher Sha...

So, he took a deep breath, exhaled his breath, breathed out again, and then exhaled, and followed himself with the plural sentence: "This world is so beautiful, we shouldn't be so irritable", he finally became Calm down, no longer think about it and immediately ran over to hack Zhang Xiang and kill the teacher.

At this moment, a groan sounded from above the operating table.

This voice undoubtedly attracted Nagisa Chaotian's attention immediately.

And Zhang Xiang and Teacher Killing glanced at each other, and couldn't help but walk out.

After all, they don’t want to be big light bulbs, and young people’s affairs should be solved by young people.

In addition, the killing of the teacher is the person involved. If you keep on, I am afraid that the atmosphere where you can talk about it will be gone.

After he walked out, Zhang Xiang finished his last bite of noodles and threw the noodle box directly into the trash can behind him who didn't know when it would be realized.

"I'm finished so fast, do you want another box? I can run back to get it." Teacher Sha was enjoying the soup base beautifully, turning his head to follow Zhang Xiang.

However, Zhang Xiang shook his head.

"No, the instant noodles are delicious. But they don't have much nutrition. Just eat one. After all, I just made it just to reconcile the atmosphere." Zhang Xiang said while lying next to him. Above the seat.

However, his gaze was in a certain direction of the forest.

"Hiding in the dark, collecting information, secretly increasing the success rate, waiting for the arrival of the final assassination?" Zhang Xiang looked at the figure hiding in the distance and said in a low voice.

"Well, what did you say?"

The teacher killing next to him asked with some confusion.

"No, just talking casually."

Zhang Xiang smiled.

"Oh, then I'll enjoy it. Unexpectedly, this instant noodle is so delicious, I'll go buy another..."

In the depths of the forest, Kataro Yanagisawa, who was wearing white clothes, put a notebook in his arms.

"Compared with the first time, the speed has increased by 0.1%, the recovery ability has increased by 50%, and the reaction ability has increased by about 30%? It is indeed my own production. Monster... But the day you are destroyed is not far away..."

As he spoke, the figure gradually disappeared into the depths of the jungle...

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