Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2262: ,resident Evil!

After getting rid of them, Zhang Xiang walked two steps forward and killed the guy who could still move his tentacles. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

"It seems that these guys are the group of skiers who disappeared." Zhang Xiang glanced at their clothes and concluded.

"Well, it should be. They are still wearing ski suits." Chaotianzhu and others next to them also came to a conclusion.

"It's just, how did they become like this?"

"Yes, and they disappeared before we decided to come to this snowy mountain."

"So, what is causing them to change, will there be other places. For example, where we live?"

Speaking of this, the voices of everyone in Class E of the third year were all silent.

Everyone can't help but think about what it would be like if that kind of scene appeared.

"No. How could this happen. If this kind of thing appears in the city where we live. Then, news reports have been broadcasted overwhelmingly?" The face of a student in Class E for three years. With a fluke smile, he said to everyone.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang shook his head.

"Not necessarily. I have recognized it. The appearance of these tentacles is largely imaginary from the second generation of death. I also used special methods to prove that these tentacles were from the second generation of death. Some of the tentacles. And the reason why these monsters wake up is probably related to the avalanche being triggered. If they weren't for the avalanche washed down from the top of the mountain, they would not wake up and attack you. That is to say. , The monster that has been recruited will fall into a deep sleep state when there is no order or no food."

"This is the reason why these tentacle monsters are hidden and not caught by the news media. And the second generation of Grim Reaper was killed by me nearly half a year ago. The location is on the back of the school. . That is in the city where you live. And now these tentacles have spread here..." Zhang Xiang didn't say anything, but everyone already understood.

Listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the three-year E class students couldn't help but their complexion changed drastically.

"Then what should be done?"

"Let's go back quickly!"

"Yes, if these tentacle monsters appeared in the city, the damage would be huge!"

"Quick, let's call back first."

It's just that when someone took out the phone, they already exclaimed.

"Look at the text message in your hand!" said a student in Class E for three years with a face change.

And listening to his words, everyone couldn't help taking out their mobile phones.

In the short message box of the mobile phone, there appeared a short message sent by the government department several minutes ago.

The specific content is that there have been many monsters attacking people in the city. Please hide in the house and close the doors and windows to prevent these monsters from invading.

As for the following content, some official polite remarks that the Self-Defense Force will quickly handle this matter.

"How is it possible! Where we live, these monsters have already appeared!"

"Furthermore, the time is still a few minutes ago. Earlier, it was our time when an avalanche occurred here and brought out those monsters. You said, it was not us who awakened the monsters here, so it triggered a chain reaction. ......" Nagisa Chaotian's face turned very bad.

Listening to Nagisa Chaotian's words, everyone couldn't help but think of this possibility, and made a judgment that is very likely!

"If it is because of us, let everyone in the school, even father and mother..." A young girl said this, and her voice started to sob.

However, listen to their words.

Zhang Xiang shook his head, walked over and patted the sobbing girl who covered her face with her hands.

"It's not your fault. I guess it should be this protective shield to prevent the teacher from escaping. Only when they cut off their communication with other places will the tentacle monsters in other places start in advance. Let alone attack. Is it these monsters with tentacles? I don't know yet!" Zhang Xiang comforted everyone.

"However, the plan to come to the Snow Mountain to carry out the assassination classroom was proposed by us. If it were not for us, they would not have set the location of the next assassination here. Later, nothing will happen..." Kanzaki Yu Xizi's face was also full of regrets.

Looking at the deteriorating Class E for three years, Zhang Xiang couldn't help feeling a burst of anger emerging from the bottom of his heart.

"Good, good! It's all your fault. If you didn't choose this place, the snowy mountains would not have been bombed, and the tentacle monsters would not wake up and cause the tentacle monsters in other places to kill. This is your fault, so do you want to escape?! You just want to lower your heads here, waiting like a puddle of mud for the final result to be delivered. Instead of rushing back and using what you have learned Does the thing protect the family and kill those monsters?!" Zhang Xiang suddenly shouted.

While listening to the previous part of the words, many of the three-year E class students couldn't help but lower their heads.

However, after listening to the last sentence, they suddenly raised their heads and looked in Zhang Xiang's direction with some flushing eyes.

"Yes, we want to go back!"

"But, we are a two-hour drive from home, how can we go back!"

"Yes, we also want to kill these tentacle monsters, but there is no way!"

Many students in Class E of the third year roared in the direction of Zhang Xiang with red eyes.

But listening to their roar, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but nodded and laughed.

Because there will be a reaction, proving that they still have fighting spirit.

"The solution was devised by people, not falling from the sky! You haven't thought and asked, how do you know there is no way?!" Zhang Xiang stared at them and said.

"Teacher Dayu, what do you mean?" Nagisa Chaotian said suddenly as if thinking of something.

There was light in his eyes, as if he had guessed something.

"Do you think, how did these Ministry of Defense personnel hide here without knowing it, without causing any traces? They would be the kind of people who knew that there were not many tourists, and even took the cable car or walked up to kill them. Did the teacher see the clues of the people coming? In addition, the hotel staff obviously did not see them. This proves that they must have been sent directly to the mountain by some kind of transportation." Zhang Xiang slowly To say.

"You mean, helicopter?!"

"Yes, it must be from a helicopter!"

"With a helicopter, if we move in a straight line in the air, we can go back in at most half an hour!"

In an instant, everyone in Class E of the third year felt a surge of hope in their hearts.

At this moment, Zhang Xiang also nodded.

"Yes, helicopter. So, your main task now is to find Teacher Wujian. In his words, he definitely knows where the helicopter is!"

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