Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2263: , Head towards the city!

It's just that, without Zhang Xiang and the third-year E class students looking for it, Wu Jian Weichen has already appeared. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

He covered his injured shoulder with his right hand and walked slowly out of the forest.

At this time, his coat was gone, revealing a shirt with a holster, and a blood-stained pistol in his right hand.

There are a lot of snowflakes all over the body.

"Teacher Wujian!"

"Why are you hurt!"

"Are you OK?!"

Originally because of the avalanche incident, I felt that Mr. Uma might follow the Ministry of Defense and Katsutaro Yanasawa to conceal this matter, and the three-year E class students who did not take their safety to heart could not help but feel a little nervous .

But Uma Weichen still had that cold look.

"I'm okay, it's just being covered by an avalanche, and I was attacked by some monsters as soon as I broke free from the snowdrift. Then, I already solved it!" Teacher Wujian said Raised his hand, indicating that there was nothing wrong with him.

However, only a person like him with a will like steel can ignore the pain of being penetrated in his shoulder.

Before Zhang Xiang and the third-year Class E students could speak out, Teacher Wujian had already mentioned it on his own initiative.

"About what you just said, I can already hear it in the forest. Regarding the helicopter, this is indeed true. It is in the forest. However, adhering to the responsibility of an academic staff, I still I have the responsibility to inform you that your actions like this are very dangerous. The best way is to stay here where the danger is basically eliminated. Waiting for the Self-Defense Forces to clear the monsters before going back." Wu Ma Weichen spoke to the third-year E class student with a serious expression.

It's just that the three-year E class students shook their heads.

"No, we have to hurry back!"

"Yes, our family must be protected by us!"

"The things we have learned can finally be used today!"

All the three-year E class students said to Uma Weichen with serious and excited expressions. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

And listening to their words, the expression on Wujian Weichen's face finally loosened slightly.

"Well, since you have already made a decision. I won't stop you anymore. However, before that, I want to apologize to you!" Wujian Weichen took a step back towards Zhang Xiang and the third year E class. He bowed in the direction.

"I didn't figure out the plan of the Ministry of Defense before, so I brought you. It almost killed you in an avalanche. This is my mistake."

And listening to his words, Zhang Xiang shook his head.

"Don't worry, no one in this class will blame you. They all believe that you really don't know the truth. These things can be known from the things you have experienced in the past." Zhang Xiang smiled Said.

"Yes, Teacher Wujian, we trust you!"

"Teacher Wujian will never do anything like that, we are sure!"

"We don't blame you!"

The three-year E class students all began to respond.

Listening to the answers of the three-year E class students, Teacher Wu Jian bowed again.

"Thank you! However, this is my mistake and it is mine. I still need to apologize again. I am very sorry!" Uma Weichen apologized again.

After this apology, Teacher Wujian stood up again.

"Okay, then let's hurry up! Teacher Wujian, you can also lead the way." Zhang Xiang smiled and said after teacher Wujian.

Although, he had already been under the exploration of mental power to know where the helicopters were.

"Okay, come with me." After Uma Weichen **** his wound with a bandage, he nodded to everyone and said.

"But, what should I do to kill the teacher?" Chaotian Nagisa said with some worry.

Because, Teacher Killing is following the fierce battle that is taking place in Yanagisawa Kataro.

The intensity of the battle was so intense that even the eyes of people couldn't react to it, but they could see continuous shock waves, broken tentacles and scales, falling from the sky.

Listening to this question, Zhang Xiang smiled.

"Don't worry, he won't have anything to do. He hasn't fallen to the point where you need to worry about it. What you need to do now is to do what you can do." Zhang Xiang faced Class E for three years Said the student.

However, when he led the three-year E class students behind Teacher Wujian and walked towards the helicopter in the deep forest.

However, he turned his head in the direction of killing teacher as if he had thought of something suddenly.

"By the way, dead octopus, don't kill that octopus snake later, at least keep his head, and take him to the side of Class E for the third year. These things are caused by him, and he wants to solve them completely. If you drop it, I believe he is still useful." Zhang Xiang shouted directly in the direction of the teacher killing, as if the long-planning Kataro Yanagisawa would be defeated by the teacher at any time.

But in fact, the killing of the teacher is still suppressed.

However, this is also normal.

After all, the other party had to endure it for a long time, raising the success rate to more than 95% before making the move.

In this situation, how could it be possible to kill the teacher easily? !

But even in this situation, a loud shout was passed from the sky.

"Don't worry, I will knock this guy out and take it. Also, I have a name. I am not called Dead Octopus, but Teacher Killing. Of course, you can also call me'incarnate the destiny of eternal wind The prince'oh haha..."

The strange laughter of Teacher Killing rang over the snow mountain.

Of course, the result of his playing handsome was that one of his tentacles was directly cut off by Yanagisawa Kotaro.

In terms of offensive power, Kantaro Yanagazawa was stronger.

And listening to the handsome laugh of Teacher Killing, the students in Class E of three years who didn't know the details of the air situation could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

As for Zhang Xiang, he couldn't help shook his head.

‘In order to reassure the students of Class E in the third year? Zhang Xiang thought with admiration in his heart.

But immediately, Zhang Xiang already turned his body.

"Okay, everyone, let's go. Keep up!"

Under this situation, everyone couldn't help but quickly follow up.

And it should be said that Teacher Wujian is worthy of Teacher Wujian. Even if he is injured, he walks fast in the snow that is difficult to walk. Only Zhang Xiang can easily keep up. The others are a little reluctant to follow.

However, they are all clenching their teeth.

Because they are now anxious to go back.

But the effort paid off, and finally the helicopter in front appeared.

Moreover, the number is quite large, there are three in full.

"Okay, everyone is divided into two teams. One team gets on the first helicopter, and the other gets on the second helicopter, which will be piloted by Teacher Wujian and me. Hurry up and keep up!" Zhang Xiang counted the number of people. After that, I followed the three-year E class students.

Immediately, he opened the cabin door and began to open various buttons, and the propeller of the helicopter also began to spin.

Two minutes later, the two helicopters began to rise from the dense forest and flew towards the direction they came...

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