Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2269: ,Tentacle body!

"Is it finally here? The body of the tentacle monster!" Zhang Xiang looked at the huge figure that appeared on the edge of the mountain in the distance, and said to himself.

However, looking at the immensely huge body, the people fleeing in the city that was already panicked became even more panicked.

Even the members of the Self-Defense Forces, many people show signs of shrinking.

"Under this kind of situation, it should be a tentative attack first." Zhang Xiang's voice just fell, but two fighter jets suddenly dived down from an altitude of about several kilometers.

The sound of howling passed from the sky.

It was accompanied by four missiles shot out from below the aircraft when the two fighters flew past.

It was just a moment. The four missiles that impacted from the lower wings of the two aircraft had already bombarded the huge figure that appeared on the edge of the mountain.

The violent explosion temporarily covered everything, and the edge of the mountains in the distance was full of fire.

However, when the light of the explosion disappeared, even the dust gradually drifted away.

That huge figure still stood in place, and several small pits appeared on its huge body, but they were all replenished under the flow of the dark, slippery substance.

"Sure enough, although its body is not anti-matter internal organs, it can attack the entities that have attacked into its body like killing a teacher. However, its own defense power has evolved due to the absorption of many animal genes. I am not afraid of missile bombardment. I just used the first layer of toughened skin of unknown animal to resist the strongest shock wave. Then I used the second layer of soft and extremely soft buffer layer to cushion. Finally, When attacking on its body, the power is already only one of ten."

Zhang Xiang slowly analyzed what the other party did just now. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

Although the things the other party had just done were very secret, they couldn't hide from Zhang Xiang's eyes.

At this moment, it seemed that I did not believe that the missile attack could not kill the opponent, or it was changed to another missile, such as an armor-piercing bomb, or a missile such as an incendiary bomb.

The other two fighters turned out to be back.

And the other side seemed to want to repeat the situation just now, once again bombarding the missile onto the opponent's body.

"It's really stupid...Do you really think it has no wisdom?!" Zhang Xiang looked at the two fighters that were impacting at the huge figure, shook his head and said.

The result was not unexpected.

Just when the two fighters planned to use supersonic speed to repeat the situation just now.

The two pitch-black tentacles suddenly shot off from the shoulders of the huge figure, and instantly penetrated the two fighters that were just planning to drop missiles.

"The attack speed of Mach five! It has such a large volume and such a powerful speed. It seems that if you want to solve it, it will be a little difficult." Zhang Xiang's body slowly rose, facing the huge figure. Flew in the direction.

After all, the third year E class and many citizens have not yet completed their retreat.

Sometimes, he still has a heart of peace.

After a while, Zhang Xiang was already flying in front of the huge figure.

At this time, Zhang Xiang could see the whole picture of the other party clearly.

Generally speaking, the opponent is like an enlarged humanoid monster, but the whole body is made of dark and greasy unknown material, and the monster that can come out of the body with tentacles up to Mach five at all times.

"This way, one side will pass!" Zhang Xiang didn't have any nonsense, stretched out his right hand and swiped the ground.

A gully that was hundreds of meters long and tens of meters wide had already appeared in front of the huge monster.

" side is passing! It's a big tone, it will become my food!" The huge monster suddenly said.

Its words are like a weird child's voice, and it is like a superposition of dozens of different voices, giving a feeling of frowning slightly.

However, the other party did what he said.

As soon as its voice fell, a pitch-black tentacle had already hit Zhang Xiang's body directly at a speed of Mach 5.

The pitch-black tentacles are pointed, shining with solid pitch-black light, and they are obviously extremely sharp.

However, the opponent's Mach 5 tentacles did not pierce Zhang Xiang's body at all.

Because, just before the tentacle arrived, he had already shot.

"Broken!" Zhang Xiang directly used his fingers as a sword.

The sharp breath passed through the air, like a bright meteor light.

An extremely smooth incision appeared on the tentacle that had crossed the line, and cut it in half directly.

After losing control of his quasi-head, the pitch-black tentacles shot directly from his body, hitting a building thousands of meters away, and knocking it out directly. Came through a big hole.

It wasn't until the tentacles smashed through and hit several buildings before it fell to the ground and made a loud noise.

The weight of that tentacle turned out to be more than ten tons.

However, what Zhang Xiang didn't expect was.

Just after he cut off the opponent's tentacles, the opponent did not attack again, but screamed and rolled all over the floor like an injured naughty child.

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts..." The opponent's body weighing tens of thousands of tons rolled on the edge of the mountain, waving those huge hands everywhere, and directly pretending to collapse a mountain. The trees on the surrounding mountains were razed.

‘The opponent is not in control of the second generation of Death? Is it a new consciousness? Or is it the control of collective consciousness? Zhang Xiang frowned slightly, a little confused about the expression of this huge monster in front of him.

And after rolling for a while, the other party finally remembered Zhang Xiang, the culprit who caused such pain.

"Die, if you die!" The sharp mixed voice roared from the opponent's mouth.

The extremely sharp sound directly formed an infrasound impact, causing the glass doors and windows on the edge of the city to shatter in an instant.

Some people's ears still shed blood.

Of course, what is even more unfortunate is that some of the Self-Defense Force fighter groups that have just approached.

Under the impact of infrasound waves, not only the drivers suffered more severe impact than the people in the city, but also some positioning equipment began to have problems, and they fell towards the forest and the edge of the city, causing a while. Small explosions.

However, none of these matters are for Zhang Xiang.

Because, as soon as the other party's "death" was uttered, the other party's attack was already coming.

As many as a dozen dark tentacles emerged from all parts of the opponent's body, attacking Zhang Xiang like an octopus.

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