Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2270: , The big boss is not so easy to die!

Of course, even if the opponent's attack is so fierce. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

However, the result is still the same.

"Still not behaved? Then, just continue to cut me off!" Zhang Xiang waved his right hand again without hesitation.

The sharp invisible sword energy continued to swept across, cutting down everything that crossed the boundary.

In an instant, dozens of pitch-black huge tentacles had already broken apart, hitting the ground, causing shocks after another.

It's just that this time the other party didn't feel the pain at all.

A steady stream of tentacles sprang out from above its body like a tide, rushing towards Zhang Xiang's direction.

"Dead! Death! Death!!!" The huge monster's mouth just repeated this sentence.

Of course, even so, the opponent's tentacles did not touch Zhang Xiang's body at all.

Under this kind of crazy behavior, the tentacles cut off by Zhang Xiang already piled up behind him about the size of a hill.

However, Zhang Xiang felt that something was wrong.

"No, it is wise. It shouldn't do such useless work. The purpose of the other party's crazy actions should be..." Zhang Xiang suddenly looked behind him.

I saw behind him, all the tentacles that had been cut off by his sword aura, but no one knew when they had quietly merged together.

A large wave of black waves, hundreds of meters high, fell directly in this direction of Zhang Xiang.

Even the light of the sky was temporarily concealed.

On the other side, the huge monster that was madly growing tentacles attacking, also showed a triumphant smile.

" are fooled!"

It was filled with a sharp, piercing and proud voice coming from the other party's mouth.

And the other party is like a toad, touching the bottom with both hands, the whole person is like a biochemical demon in the League of Legends, directly ejected out.

"Die to me!"

In an instant, both sides of Zhang Xiang were already covered by two giants.

As long as a few moments later, his body will probably be submerged by tens of thousands of tons of dark greasy substances.

However, Zhang Xiang's face was as cold as ever.

"I said, this way, one side will pass!" Zhang Xiang stretched out his hands and pointed in both directions.

"Everything that crosses the line will disappear for me!" Zhang Xiang said coldly.

An extremely sharp aura rushed out of Zhang Xiang's body, directly transformed into a circle of sword aura surrounding him, and then suddenly burst out.

Within a radius of several thousand meters, it suddenly became a place ravaged by a storm of sword energy.

Each sword qi is only one-tenth the size of a cell.

Countless sword auras ransacked all the existence and drowned everything.

Even if it is on the body of a huge monster, even if it is separated, it will obey its command and become a part of its body and weapon-like existence, and all of it will be destroyed.

Because this time the level of killing is the existence of the cell world.

After a few seconds passed, everything within a kilometer radius turned into a piece of lifeless dust and fell onto the ground.

It's just that the color of this dust is a bit colorful.

Of course, dark dust occupies the most space.

And the range that some dark dust spread to is near the gully he drew.

On the other time in the gully, there was still only one right foot of the original huge monster.

That is the part of the body where it hasn't had time to step out.

However, it may not have thought of it.

It was because it took a step slower, but it successfully saved its life.

The surviving right foot wriggled for a while, and a vague figure appeared again.

It's like, the other party has never been hurt at all, but has shrunk dozens of times.

After this attack, the opponent seemed to feel scared, and did not continue to attack.

However, Zhang Xiang did not continue to attack.

But waiting for the arrival of a certain guy.

Today's protagonist is not him, the one who killed this monster must be that protagonist.

After waiting for about half an hour, when the sun in the distance had already fallen to half, the figure he was waiting for finally appeared.

It was a yellow body with a round head, like an octopus.

Yes, that one person killed the teacher.

However, he is a bit miserable now.

At least, the tentacles of his hands have been broken to only one, and the tentacles under his feet are broken to only two. As for the injuries on the body, it is dense, making people with intensive phobias panic. .

Of course, there was a smile on his face.

"It's done? However, time is a bit slow." Zhang Xiang looked at Teacher Killing, then looked at the miserable and miserable Yanagisawa Kotaro who was being lifted by him, and asked him.

"No way, it's too difficult. After all, it is to catch him alive, not to kill him. Therefore, some tricks at the bottom of the box are not useful. I finally risked leaking a fatal flaw and tricked him into the bait. Only then did I get the final victory." Teacher Killing pointed to the part of his heart with the only remaining tentacle.

As the awe-inspiring blows past, behind the half-moon-shaped tie, a hole through the whole body is slowly healing.

That is but his fatal place, because there is his heart.

Of course, killing the teacher can still survive now, which means that he used a special method to temporarily shift the position of his heart, or used some other special method.

"By the way, what's going on here?" Teacher Sha pointed to the huge monster that stayed outside the lines drawn by Zhang Xiang and was undergoing some complex changes.

Then, he pointed to the other side where the evacuation was almost complete, but there were many tanks parked on the edge of the city, and there were dozens of fighter jets patrolling back and forth at an altitude of several thousand meters in the sky. .

However, Zhang Xiang shook his head.

"One side is accumulating power, ready to give me a big one. The other side is also accumulating this power, but it is somewhat recklessly trying to kill the monster that is accumulating power." Zhang Xiang concisely and clearly. Explained after killing the teacher.

However, Teacher Killing still does not understand.

"The side of the Self-Defense Force that you are talking about does not live or die? Even in the battle, I have paid attention to it before. Didn’t that monster originally possess dozens of times the size now? Isn’t it already lost? Is it nine out of ten fighting strengths? Even if the Self-Defense Forces can't get rid of it, it shouldn't be considered reckless, right?" Teacher Killing is a little confused.

However, Zhang Xiang gave him a blank look and threw him a tube of repair fluid.

"You don't need to worry about this one. You just need to accumulate your strength and wait for the next splendid and moving death event to come. As the ultimate boss, you think it really has that little strength. With such a little power, its tentacles can spread and infect another city dozens of kilometers away?"

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