Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2272: , Anti-matter restraint appliances!

Ten minutes later, in the new research room of Yanagisawa Kotaro.

"Is this one?!" Zhang Xiang looked at two symmetrical instruments in the basement covering an area of ​​about 20 square meters.

In his hand, Kotaro Yanagisawa, whose whole body was basically destroyed, was carried.

"Huh, so what. It's just a machine that can only restrain the power of one milligram of antimatter explosion. Now, that guy has thousands of grams of antimatter in his body! Such antimatter doesn't even matter. It can be completely exploded, but it is really simple to destroy the entire earth! You want to use such an instrument to restrain the power of anti-matter explosions, it is really wishful thinking! "Yagisawa Kataro freely. Laughing.

"I have said before, as long as there is this technology. The maturity of the technology or otherwise is not in my consideration, because what I want to use is not the so-called science and technology you know..." Zhang Xiang While speaking, one side pointed in the direction of that instrument.

Driven by his mind, the instrument flew slowly towards his direction.

At the same time, all the structures in the instrument were clearly seen by him in his field of vision.

"Well, you have discovered the power of using a special magnetic field to restrain the antimatter explosion. However, because of structural defects inside, the energy consumed has increased by about 130%. Moreover, There is still a huge flaw in the structure inside. Even if it is optimized, it can only restrain the power of an antimatter explosion at the most. The flaws were all told.

Listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Yanagisawa Kotaro couldn't help but raised his head suddenly and looked in Zhang Xiang's direction.

"How is it possible? Have you seen this instrument? No, you should have seen the design drawings?! No, even if you have read the drawings, you can't know the design flaws inside. Look. Wool, Chinese Could it be that at that moment..." Yanagisawa Kataro's face was shocked.

However, Zhang Xiang smiled slightly.

"What's incomprehensible about this kind of thing. As long as you see the structure of the real thing, you can reverse the principle and structure, can you easily analyze its manufacturing principle? As for the problem of defects, It is enough to construct some related models, as well as fill in the data and deduction. It is difficult to come to this kind of conclusion. Don't you think that you are only a genius scientist." Zhang Xiang's face With a contemptuous smile, he glanced at Kotaro Yanagisawa beside him.

He is very clear that the other party is very proud of his name as a genius scientist.

"Impossible... You must have guessed randomly. Moreover, there is a considerable gap between you and our calculated data. The energy consumption is at most 30% more than the design. As for the amount of restricted antimatter, it is only three milligrams at most..." Yanagisawa said with a look of shock and disbelief.

"Yes or not, let's use facts to prove it." Zhang Xiang said while moving into his basement.

Zhang Xiang's basement has changed a lot from when it was first built two years ago.

At the beginning, the basement was only hundreds of square meters in size, but now it has hundreds of thousands of square meters.

Almost the entire underground of the community was hollowed out by him.

Moreover, the entire basement was divided into three floors by him.

Each layer has a different function, and the highest layer contains things like Gundam and spaceships.

However, what Zhang Xiang brought Kataro Yanagisawa to the bottom was the bottom.

Used by him to test the effects of various technological weapons, the surroundings are constructed with the most advanced alloys, and have the lowest level of cushioning, sound absorption and excellent resistance to impact.

And the moment he appeared, that instrument had already fallen on the ground.

Automatic ropes and cables seem to be alive. With the help of intelligent systems, they are already being assembled and provided with corresponding energy.

A special magnetic field appeared in that field along with a large amount of electricity.

Of course, that is a magnetic field that can only be seen with special equipment.

"Here, it is five milligrams of antimatter. Let's take a look at it now, it can withstand it!" Zhang Xiang directly transferred the antimatter that he had turned into the machine.

However, watching this scene, the other party almost didn't stare out his eyes.

"Anti-matter?! You can make anti-matter!" Yanagisawa Kataro asked in shock.

Moreover, he was even more surprised.

The antimatter in Zhang Xiang's hands was created casually by him.

How can this make him not shocked? !

"No, you must be deceiving me. How could human beings create antimatter in such a simple way, and still be able to touch the air and hands... You must have brought out something similar to antimatter..." Liu Sawa Taro's face was unbelievable.

But at the next moment, what happened before him made him have to believe it.

Full of special reactions occur in the high-speed circulating magnetic field, revealing a special light.

"This kind of reaction is..." He grew his mouth with an incredible expression on his face.

"Then, let's start the reaction!" Zhang Xiang snapped his fingers and lifted the antimatter outside of the antimatter that isolated the air.

In the next instant, a violent explosion and wireless light and heat burst out suddenly.

Of course, along with it, there was a cry from someone.

" eyes..."


An hour later, the whole building was turned into a **** scene on the edge of the city.

"Okay, are you done?" Zhang Xiang asked the teacher next to him.

"You wait. After all, this is my first and last time on TV, as the last record in this world. I always have to be more solemn." Teacher Killing tightened his neck. The tie was dressed up in front of a mirror that he had erected with his tentacles.

"Then, hurry up. I have to hurry back. I'll take out the things first." Zhang Xiang snapped his fingers directly.

As if there were dimensional pockets, two huge instruments appeared directly from the outermost places on both sides of the city and crashed onto the ground.

However, watching this scene, Teacher Killing suddenly became a little worried.

"It's okay. You just throw such a sophisticated instrument on the ground like this. I'm not afraid that there will be a problem with that part of it, and then there will be a big problem..."

"Don't worry, the instrument is just a way of doing it. The key is to rely on me... Forget it, you don't know if I told you. Anyway, will I harm myself? Leave everything to me. . All you have to do is to go to death generously." Zhang Xiang said to Teacher Killing with an impatient look.

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