Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2273: , The world's live broadcast!

A few minutes later, over this city, four or five cameras were pointed in the direction of Teacher Killing.

A large amount of influence data is transmitted to TV stations around the world through satellite transmission.

Almost all channels, especially those near this city, have all become such a scene.

Even mobile phone online video viewing has suffered related effects.

"Everyone, believe that this is the first time I met you. My name is Teacher Killing, and it's an artificial creature..." Teacher Killing began to explain some related things.

Later, he shifted the topic to the three-year E class students.

"At this moment when I am about to pass away. I want to say a few words to the three-year E class students who have been with me for a year. Life is always full of various difficulties and obstacles. Some things, You can avoid the past. But some of them cannot. Therefore, when difficulties come, please don't avoid them. Face them bravely, this is the life that you will not regret."

"Nagisa Shioda, your heart is the thinnest among the three years of Class E. There are many weaknesses about me that you have noticed. At the same time, your heart is also the toughest one. I hope you will continue to use your strengths in the future and continue to move forward..."

"Akaba, I still remember that the first time you met with me, you already hurt me successfully. Although, you didn't cause any harm to me after that. However, I always think of your fighting power and learning Ability is the best type of people in the three-year E class. However, your somewhat impatient personality needs to be changed..."

"Mao Yefeng, I still remember the name of my'killing teacher', which you took. The implication is that you can't kill the teacher. You are a very sensitive and tough person. To kill me, you can bear it. Painful for such a long time. Regarding the incident that I have caused your sister, I finally say sorry to you..."

"Kanzaki Yukiko..."

Killing the teacher is like a treasure, saying the name of every three-year E class student. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

In addition, some of their past events were all told.

And these film and television signals are also transmitted to all parts of the world with satellite transmission, and they are also translated into other languages ​​in real time.

As a result, we can see it all over the world, in neon supermarkets, or on the big publicity screens of buildings.

The scenes of advertisements, or publicity, etc., which were originally being broadcasted, suddenly jumped to broadcast the scenes of killing the teacher.

This suddenly changed picture, and the words broadcast along with the picture, made everyone stop.

"Huh? How did the advertisement on the big screen turn into this picture." A girl who soaked up milk tea asked her boyfriend next to her with some confusion.

"I don't know, it may have been temporarily switched. However, the picture on that picture is really real. I don't know what special effects are used to make such a creature. There is no sense of disobedience." The boyfriend in his pocket said to the milk tea girl, with an expression of interest on his face.

"Yes, in reality, there should be no such existence. If there is, it will be a mess." The milk tea girl took a sip of milk tea and nodded.

However, in the next moment.

The pictures and sounds passed from the big screen almost made her not spray out.

"My name is Teacher Killing. It's an artificial creature... Maybe you don't believe it, but now I broadcast it in real time. Can you see the city behind me? It's where I live. The city is now. Although the government is now strictly banning it. People who are close to this place should know some related information here. If you have relatives and friends in this place, just ask to know if I am right now. It's live broadcast. And what happened to them. Of course, you can also use Google Maps to watch here..."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. The computer in the building, come to be funny... You know, my aunt lives in this city. Let me call her..."

Only when she got through the phone and asked her own questions.

She couldn't help but her face changed drastically, and the milk tea in her hand fell to the ground and spilled all over the ground.

"How is it possible. Aunt, are you kidding..."

Almost at the same time, some people who were also onlookers successfully watched the scene of that city using Google Maps, which was too late to ban.

"Impossible, has even Google Maps been hacked? No, that scene will move in real time. In other words, it is true..."

As this sound rang, the faces of the people in the square couldn't help but change. They all took out their mobile phones to learn about the situation through various channels.

It didn't take a while, along with the confluence of various channels, various uproars began to spread out.

And this kind of thing is not only happening in one place, but like a continuous thrust behind a wave being lifted, making the wave sweeping wider and more turbulent.

The whole world is almost boiling in the same world.

As for the officials from all over the world, they are struggling.

"Change, change quickly. Could it be that the TV station raises some of you technicians for display?!" The major TV directors who are under tremendous pressure from the upper level are all roaring.

It's not just them, but the top executives all over the world are ranting, wanting to turn off these live video broadcasts.

However, the answers of those technicians are all impossible.

Unless it is to shoot down the satellites that transmit these signals, or to shut down all the invaded signal receiving towers on the earth.

Otherwise, these videos cannot be prevented from playing out.

Moreover, the network is also being broadcast live, and if you want to prohibit the live broadcast of this video online, you need to shut down many servers.

That is not something that one country can do. It can only be done by the concerted efforts of several countries.

And, even if it succeeded.

The various waves triggered by this will also cause the world's economy and stability to regress for decades.

Not to mention, it is simply impossible to do these things in such a short time!

So they had to smash all kinds of things and let these live videos continue to be broadcast.

Of course, this live video, which was spread all over the world, was also seen by the evacuated three-year E class students.

In a large tent, a student was bored and opened a video website with his mobile phone.

Then he exclaimed.

"Everyone, come and watch. Kill the teacher, kill the teacher in the live video..."

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