Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2274: ,farewell! Class e for three years!

As his words sounded, the three-year E class students who were worried about the safety of killing the teacher and others couldn't help but surround themselves.

Even Teacher Wu Jian, who was standing at the door of the tent, came over.

"What? Really?"

"It's okay to kill the teacher? But, how could he be on the live broadcast?"

"Yeah, is there a helicopter going there for interviews, he is photogenic..."

Hearing the news of the killing of the teacher, the students in Class E for three years couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Some people even joked with a lighter tone.

"Don't talk. Killing the teacher seems to have something to say. I'm talking..." As if he had heard something, the other party said seriously to the other students in Class E of the third year.

Listening to his words and his serious look, everyone could not help feeling a vague premonition.

At the same time, the other party also turned on the external ring and adjusted the volume to the maximum.

"At this moment when I am about to pass away. I want to say a few words to the three-year E class students who have been with me for a year..."

This sentence echoed clearly in the tent.

And it was this sentence that made the people in the entire tent boil all at once.

"What? The teacher is dying?"

"How is this possible?! Didn't you kill the teacher alive and well on the screen?"

"Yeah, why do you kill the teacher?"

"It must be a joke to kill the teacher. We have assassinated the teacher so many times without success. Why is he going to die..."

Mixed sounds full of doubts and disbelief rang in the tent, and everyone looked unbelievable.

However, at this moment, a sound that squeezed through the audience rang.

"Be quiet and listen to Teacher Killing's words!" Zhang Xiang's voice suddenly appeared in the tent.

This sound calmed the sound inside the tent.

Then, a more violent voice rang.

They all surrounded Zhang Xiang who suddenly appeared, with anxious and puzzled expressions on their faces.

"Teacher Dayu, do you know what is going on?!"

"Yeah, killing the teacher said he was going to die. What is going on?!"

"Yeah, what happened?"

However, facing these follow-up questions, Zhang Xiang did not answer.

"You will be clear if you listen. Calm down and listen to what he said to you at the end." Zhang Xiang's tone was also somewhat complicated.

Sending someone out of this world is not a simple matter.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, everyone knew that this was true.

The scene was silent again.

However, this time everyone really started to hear Teacher Killing's last words in this world.

"Chaotian Nagisa, your heart is the thinnest among the three-year E class..."

"Akabane industry, I still remember the first time you met me, you already successfully hurt me..."

"Mao Yefeng, I still remember the name of this'killing teacher' of mine, which you took..."

Teacher Killing talked about his past with everyone in Class E for three years one by one.

He remembered everything clearly and brought back the memories of everyone present.

At this time, the crowd was a discovery.

In this unknowingly year, they have experienced so many things and possessed such a deep love.

The suppressed sobbing sound quietly filled the tent.

When Teacher Killing finished talking about everyone, there was already a cry in the tent.

Everyone is reminiscing a little bit of the teacher killing this year.

Killing the teacher is like silent rain and dew, helping them every drop in their lives and studies, but they are not aware of it.

Until this moment, when they remembered these things, they understood all of this.

However, it is a bit late now.

"Teacher Dayu, take us to see and kill the teacher."

"Yes, we want to persuade him to stay."

"We have been wrong all the time. We have to protect and kill the teacher."

However, Zhang Xiang shook his head.

"It's useless, even if you want to persuade you, it is of no use. Because this is the best time he has found for himself to pass away. You go, it only adds to his sadness. His body I can't hold on for ten days..."

Almost at the same time, the killing teacher on the TV also said this.

"Okay, don't be sad about my next passing. Because I have known it a year ago. I will not survive this year on March 13th. I was made when I was made There are already defects. By March 13th, the antimatter in my body will be out of control and blow up the entire earth. Originally, I wanted you to be on the last day, or today I was shot to death when I died. I used my death to give you the final strength and self-confidence. However, now it seems that I have a better way to die. That is the people all over the world. The front, including your front, leave this world as a hero who saves the world."

"Although, I was going to die. However, I still became a hero to save the world, and became a hero you will respect for the rest of your life! Not just the octopus teacher who has been making fun of you. . Well, the words are here. If you wait any longer, I don’t know what will happen. So, goodbye. No, goodbye everyone...Please remember that I am the prince of destiny incarnate in the eternal wind ..."

Then, the lens began to stretch, and gradually leapt over the planet.

The figure of Teacher Killing also flew over the purgatory city like the wind.

‘Goodbye, dead octopus, see you in hell. Zhang Xiang used his mental power to follow the other party.

‘Haha... See you in hell. However, with your abilities, it has always been difficult to meet in hell. So, let me tell you first. Thank you for the funeral...thank you...’

As soon as the voice fell, the link was disconnected instantly.

On the screen, a bit of bright light gradually burst out, forming an indescribable light that enveloped all the darkness in the city below.

"No, kill the teacher...!"

The reluctant voice of Class E for three years resounded across the sky.

As for the dark silt **** shrouded in light, it was the last roar.

"No, it's still the last step!"

Afterwards, its entire huge body, as well as a cup-shaped thing buried in the deepest part of the body, was broken down into countless particles.

In the final light contraction and skyrocketing, Teacher Killing's lips moved slightly, leaving the brightest smile.

"Goodbye, this year of life with you is my happiest year. I hope we can meet again in the next life..."

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