Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2279: ,twinkle Twinkle Little Star…

After Zhang Xiang and Xiao Kong looked at each other, they stretched out their left and right hands and placed them gently on Xiao Chi's body.

The little chick's small body is very warm.

"Well, Uncle, Sister Xiaokong, Sister Meiyu, Little Xingxing can sing, right?" Xiaoxiao said suddenly again.

"Yes." Zhang Xiang and others nodded and replied softly.

"So, can I sing it to Xiao Chi? Xiao Chi, it has been a long time since I heard Dad and Mom sing this song to coax Xiao Chi to sleep. Xiao Chi, I want to listen to it once tonight." Xiao Chi used Said a voice full of memories.

At this moment, everyone understood why Xiao Chi was so abnormal tonight.

‘It turned out that I didn’t forget, and it’s not relief. Is it just in the bottom of my heart? After all, the shadows of my sister and brother-in-law still exist. Zhang Xiang felt a sting in his heart, and he couldn't help but sigh.

However, this is also normal.

It is normal for some things to be forgotten in a flash, while some things are always unforgettable.

However, this kind of sadness was temporarily dispelled by Zhang Xiang in a flash.

Now, the most important thing is the feeling of the young bird.

Without knowing who started it, that familiar nursery rhyme already rang.


HowIwonderwhatyouare! "

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Xiang's voice also rang, and sang in chorus with the tender voice of Xiao Chi.





Then, everyone sang together:







With the sound of singing, it seemed that countless stars were shining in the sky, forming a bright galaxy spreading towards the boundless distance. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

And in the blur, as if in the light of the stars like Ganges, there are really two shining stars staring at Bird Youjia.

At the end of the song, Xiao Chi was already asleep.

Although there were wisps of tears in the corner of her eyes, there was a smile of relief on her face.

Because her hands tightly grasped the hands of Zhang Xiang's three people covering her small body.

Tightly, it's like grabbing forever.

However, Zhang Xiang and Xiao Kong looked at each other, then looked in the direction of Xiao Chi.

"Dad and mom..."

"Is there any family..."

Zhang Xiang and Xiaokong said with some feeling.

Immediately, they smiled and watched the young chicks fall asleep with peace of mind.

Tonight, everyone in Xiaoniaoyou's home had a good night's sleep.

The next morning, it was the familiar voice.

"Ah, uncle, hurry up, I want to see the cherry blossoms quickly"

"Little chick, don't run"

"Also, Xiao Hina forgot to bring your little backpack."

"Alright, let's go..."

The daily life filled with noisy and warmth continues like this...


On March 13th, the ruins of the city were completely sealed off there. No, now it is said to be over a pit spanning hundreds of kilometers in size.

Zhang Xiang's figure suddenly appeared here.

"Have you not started to organize? The efficiency is really low." Zhang Xiang looked at the scene that was just blocked and hardly changed, and couldn't help but shook his head.

The efficiency of the neon government is still too low.

"However, this is not my business. I came to find that guy. Since the other person is not in hell, it should be on this side." Zhang Xiang said as he started to explore.

After a while, Zhang Xiang had already found his goal.

"Oh, where is it?" Zhang Xiang moved instantly and appeared on the edge of the area affected by the big antimatter explosion.

In that place, there is a ghost that can only be seen with special abilities.

However, this ghost is doing some boring things at this time.

——Draw a circle.

Walking a few steps closer, we could even hear the voice inside his mouth.

"Draw a circle and curse you. Since the antimatter explosion is over, why don't you turn off those two things that are in the way. Also, the neon government, what are you going to study those two things? Time! Even if you want to study, turn it off first. I've been locked in here for ten days and I'm almost starving to death. Uh, I forgot, I'm already a ghost, I won't starve to death. Ah..."

That's right, the person who can speak so funny words, plus the person who died here can produce only one result.

That is this ghost, that is-kill the teacher!

Listening to the words of Teacher Killing, Zhang Xiang couldn't help laughing.

And this sudden laughter also attracted the attention of the teacher's ghost.

"What kind of person! Don't you know that I am uncomfortable here?" Teacher Killing grabbed his body fiercely and began to shout.

"I know, that's why I spoke." Zhang Xiang said with an expression of'I was on purpose'.

"Knowing that you are still laughing, see if I won't clean up you. Wait! Can you see me?!" Teacher Killing is about to roll up his sleeves and fight.

It's just that he just said that his sleeves were half rolled, his expression froze.

Then, it was a look of ecstasy.

"Of course, you are as big as a dead octopus, and you are still cursing me in circles, why didn't I see it?" Zhang Xiang said in a mocking voice.

However, listening to the words in Zhang Xiang's words, the other party was not angry at all, but happily waved his tentacles.

"Yeah, someone has seen me. Someone has finally seen me..." Teacher Sha, who looked ecstatic in his clothes, almost didn't jump up and circle the earth to celebrate.

However, after he was excited, he still remembered something wrong in the conversation just now.

"No, why is your voice so familiar, and you told me to die octopus. Then he said I was cursing you in a circle. Could it be that you are the one!" Teacher Sha widened his eyes and said to his guess. Came out.

"Yes, that's me! But it's a pity that we didn't meet in **** as promised." Zhang Xiang confessed his identity generously, and then said with some regret.

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