Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2280: , Kill the ghost of the teacher

"How come, how did you become like this. Look. Wool and Chinese Net are right. It seems that you can change your appearance at will. That's how it is!" Teacher Sha had already reacted at once.

——Zhang Xiang appeared in front of him with his original appearance, so Teacher Killing didn't recognize him immediately.

It's just that Teacher Killing showed an ecstatic look when he recognized Zhang Xiang for the first time.

In the next instant, he had already changed into Shura's appearance.

"You know, because you didn't turn off that instrument, I am alone here. There is not even a bird in this one. There are no bugs. Finally, two humans came in, but they are not at all. Can’t hear my words, is it the kind of pain that a person has been talking to himself?" The ghost that killed the teacher suddenly turned into a vicious look, and the whole soul looked like it was He was gray-black when he was angry, his face also became savage, and he rushed towards Zhang Xiang's direction directly.

However, Zhang Xiang stood in place with everything under control.

I almost came here without holding a fan, pretending to be Zhuge Liang.

And Zhang Xiang's well-conceived appearance is not pretending.

Because, in the next moment.

The spirit of Teacher Killing had already passed through Zhang Xiang's body, and none of the attacks fell on Zhang Xiang's body.

But Teacher Killing seemed to be unconvinced, and he went back and forth like shopping, rushing back and forth from his body several times.

It wasn't until he was sure that he couldn't attack Zhang Xiang at all, that he became crazy.

"Ah, how could it be like this, how could it be impossible to attack at all!" Teacher Killing was in a frantic state, clutching his head that had returned to normal, it was already shaking.

"Don't forget, you are already dead. So, of course, you are a ghost, and of course you can't attack me at all." Zhang Xiang's lightly compelling voice rang.

Listening to Zhang Xiang's voice, Teacher Killing was already stunned.

Then he silently ran to the side to make a circle.

"I'm already dead...I'm already dead..." He repeated this question infinitely in his mouth.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang's voice rang again.

"Ahem... It's not impossible to touch people, or even let others see." Zhang Xiangqing coughed twice and walked to Teacher Sha to say.

This sentence immediately caused Teacher Killing to be resurrected with full blood.

"What way?!" Teacher Killing jumped up all at once, directly using the convenience of becoming a ghost, and directly stretched his elongated neck and head towards Zhang Xiang.

Of course, looking at the funny teacher killing, Zhang Xiang slapped him back.

"Give me back first. You look like this, I look panicked." Zhang Xiang said painfully.

Hearing that there was a way, of course it was a good baby to kill the teacher, so he knelt down in front of Zhang Xiang.

As if I was listening carefully to your lecture, there was almost no pen and paper tape to record the problem.

Looking at the appearance of killing the teacher, Zhang Xiang also began to explain.

"If you want to touch me, or let ordinary people see, there are two ways. One is to become a ghost, or there is a special obsession or resentment. Of course, which A kind of existence basically loses most of its sanity..." Zhang Xiang began to explain.

"But, wasn't I full of resentment just now?! Why can't I touch you yet!" Teacher Killing interrupted Zhang Xiang's words.

"That one of you can be regarded as full of resentment? It is a small temper at best. If I had just condensed my own body's automatic counter-attack ability, you would have been rushed to death. You are just a rookie ghost now, understand?" Zhang Xiang glanced at Teacher Killing and said.

And when Teacher Killing was about to riot, Zhang Xiang made another word that made him have to stop.

"Also, you'd better not interrupt my words. Otherwise, if I am upset, it won't be good for me to leave." Zhang Xiang said in a faint threatening language.

But listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Teacher Killing really knelt down again like a good baby.

"And the second point is cultivation. In this place full of death, although it has experienced the ravages of antimatter, there should be some death breath. With you, you can still maintain your sense and shape. It shouldn’t be difficult to cultivate. It’s just that it takes a little longer. It will take at least thirty years.” Zhang Xiang said the second solution.

It's just that, listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Killing Teacher almost didn't drop his hat.

"Thirty years, why don't you make me a ghost! At that time, even if I can meet others, what use is it for me to be touched by others?!" Teacher Sha stared wide. He jumped up directly, searched around, he wanted to pick up something and beat Zhang Xiang to fat.

But at this time, Zhang Xiang's voice also rang in due course.

"So, I still have this very quick, and there is no way to become a ghost." Zhang Xiang stretched out a finger and successfully prevented Teacher Killing from hitting his body again.

"What? What did you say? Didn't you just say that there are only two ways?" Teacher Sha's eyes widened again.

And Zhang Xiang looked at each other with a very ‘pure’ gaze.

"Have it?"


"You believe what the scholar said. Then you are really too stupid...!"

Therefore, without exception, a big pursuit has already begun.

Of course, the loser will undoubtedly kill the teacher.

After all, he couldn't even touch Zhang Xiang, so how could he win?

After a tiring pursuit, Teacher Kill finally stopped and sat near the big pit with Zhang Xiang.

"Okay, let's not talk about anything else. These days are holding me to death. Hurry up and stop those two machines and let me go out. I still have a place to go!" Teacher Sha sighed and faced him. Zhang Xiang said.

"Is it going to the abandoned research institute?" Zhang Xiang said directly.

"How did you know?" A hint of surprise flashed across Teacher Kill's face, but then he already understood.

"Yes, you have even figured out who I am, how can you not know what happened."

"However, I advise you to go to a place with me first. Otherwise, you will waste a lot of tears." Zhang Xiang stood up, patted his butt, and said to Teacher Killing.

"Wasting tears, what do you mean?" Teacher Sha said that he did not understand.

However, Zhang Xiang did not answer him.

"As long as you follow me, you will understand." Zhang Xiang had a mysterious smile on his face.

And in the next instant, Zhang Xiang already came to the sky above the other side of the earth with the spirit of killing the teacher.

Below, it is the largest seawater inner lake in the world that has only appeared since a year ago.

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