Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2281: , Under my feet is hell!

That's right, the next place is the continent where Zhang Xiang was sunk by Zhang Xiang because of that action in the United States a year ago.

And, in the end Zhang Xiang turned into a **** place.

"Here?" Teacher Sha looked around and asked curiously.

"The world's largest inner lake and sea!" Zhang Xiang's mouth was smiling.

"Of course I know. Because this place suddenly changed from a continent to a vast ocean, I have visited here several times, why don't I know what this place is?! What I want to ask is, you take me What is the purpose of coming here?" Teacher Sha said suspiciously.

However, Zhang Xiang did not prove to answer his question.

"Except for what you know is the place that you experienced from the mainland to the sea in one day. There is another place under the sea." Zhang Xiang said with a mysterious expression on his face. .

"Another place? I used to dive in, but I didn't find anything?" The doubt on Teacher Slaughter's face deepened.

"Of course, there is a place where the living cannot enter. You were still alive at the time, of course you couldn't enter. If you go down now, you will definitely see something different. Okay, go with me." Zhang Xiang Zai continued to hang his appetite for killing the teacher, and the whole person had already descended rapidly toward the sea below.

When he descended to the surface, the sea separated automatically, as if welcoming the return of the king.

The depth of the ocean turned into by this shattered continent is actually not too deep, only a mere thousand meters deep.

There is no existence like the Atlantic Ocean. The depth of the trench is even tens of thousands of meters.

So soon, the seabed appeared in front of Zhang Xiang and Teacher Sha. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

However, at this moment, Teacher Killing suddenly exclaimed.

"Wh, how could this be. How did the bottom of the sea become like this?! What is this?!" Teacher Sha looked at the ocean with a look of shock on his face.

Because, in the sight of Teacher Killing, there should have been a seabed of rubble everywhere, but now a huge whirlpool appeared.

It was a super huge vortex with a diameter of about tens of thousands of meters and could be seen within the range of sight.

The gray darkness is constantly stirring in that huge vortex.

But the magic is that this super huge whirlpool has not brought any influence on the flow of sea water.

"The gate of hell." Zhang Xiang's voice was already ringing at this moment.

"What?" Teacher Killing still hadn't recovered.

"Didn't you just ask me where is this place? So, I answered, this is the gate of hell." Zhang Xiang said with a smile on his face.

"Earth, the gate of hell? In other words, there is **** behind?! How is this possible?! How could there be **** in this world?!" Teacher Sha was shocked.

"But, you are already a soul now. So, what's the strange thing about hell?" Zhang Xiang pointed to the illusory figure of the other party and said to the other party.

At this moment, killing the teacher is considered to remember that he is now a ghost.

"Yeah, I'm a ghost now, I still don't believe these things... Ah, no, how can you see me? I remember, none of the other human beings can see me?! And, before you As I said, we met in hell. Originally I thought you were just joking. Now you are taking me to **** again. Could it be that you have premeditated about these things?" Only when he remembered this incident, he looked suspiciously in Zhang Xiang's direction.

"There are plans, but basically everything is disrupted. You know that. Who knows, there will be a sudden Resident Evil. And, didn't I tell you most of the plans? But, fortunately It’s a good result, isn’t it? As for the ability to see ghosts, a somewhat mysterious power is basically visible. Not to mention, I am still the lord of **** in this world. . Can't see the soul, isn't that nonsense?" Zhang Xiang spread his hands and said.

"Most of the plan? That means you really have part of the plan hidden, right?...Huh? What did you just say? You said you are the lord of **** in this world?" Teacher Sha suddenly opened his eyes. Looking in the direction of Zhang Xiang.

"Yeah, otherwise, do you think you can talk to me for so long without being sucked in by the whirlpool that is dedicated to the soul of the entire earth?" Zhang Xiang said with a smile on his face .

However, listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Teacher Killing still looked unbelieving.

"Impossible, aren't you kidding me? Moreover, I stayed in the original place for so long, and I was not sucked away!" Teacher Sha was suspicious.

"Yes or not, just try it yourself." Smiling Zhang Xiang snapped his fingers.

In an instant, a surge of Pei Ran vigorously passed in, and in an instant he pulled the teacher who was still chatting with him over.

The whole figure of Teacher Killing was twisted into a rubber band.

"Ah, help..."

But before he finished shouting, he was already absorbed by the vortex below and disappeared without a trace.

However, Zhang Xiang did not feel any surprises.

His body also descended into the huge vortex below, and directly sank into the vortex.

If there was an ordinary person in the seabed at this kilometer depth, then he would see that Zhang Xiang's image was swallowed by an unknown existence, disappearing from bottom to top.

When Zhang Xiang appeared again, he had already arrived in a gloomy and invincible place.

This is a world full of gloom, the whole sky is gray, and the whole land is dark red.

In the midair of this world, a grey torrent is rushing towards the far direction.

If you look carefully, you will find that this grey torrent is completely different from the whirlpool outside.

Because that grey torrent is a river of souls that is completely mixed with various souls.

Countless souls with bewildered faces, under the leadership of this river of souls, rush towards a place full of mysterious powers of heaven and earth, eliminating the traces that the world has given them.

But in this river of souls, a figure is very eye-catching.

"Help, help me...Hurry up, I'm about to be washed away..." A series of calls for help came from somewhere in the middle of the river.

The figure of Teacher Killing was struggling violently, trying to break through the barrier of this river of souls and break free from it.

But it is a pity that he tried his best to keep him from being washed away by countless souls in the river of souls.

As for breaking through the obstacles, it is simply impossible.

And listening to the other party's voice, Zhang Xiang also gradually leaned in.

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