Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2282: , The river of souls!

"Now, you believe my words." Zhang Xiang put his hands on his chest, struggling in the river of souls, and was kicked by a foot of a passing soul. Said Teacher Killing who was almost not washed away.

"Believe it, I believe it. Hurry up, hurry up and save me. Otherwise, I will be washed away." Teacher Sha hurriedly said.

Seeing that Teacher Killing had suffered enough, Zhang Xiang was able to point his right hand a little forward and rescued the other party's figure directly from the river of souls.

At the moment he came out, Teacher Killing almost didn't collapse to the ground.

"Huh... finally came out, almost, almost washed away..." Teacher Killing put his tentacles with both hands on his knees, which I don't know if it counts, and he exhaled.

However, after recovering a bit of physical strength, Teacher Killing looked in Zhang Xiang's direction.

"You just saw your death and couldn't save it, did you?" Teacher Killing held the tentacles and made preparations before beating someone.

However, Zhang Xiang just said a word, and he had to stop.

"Do you still want to swim in that river?" Zhang Xiang pointed to the river of souls that was so long that the extreme could not be seen, and smiled at him.

Listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Teacher Killing was already withered.

However, he still glared at Zhang Xiang fiercely.

"you are vicious!"

"Of course it's cruel, you are not a beauty, what are you doing so gentle to you?!" Zhang Xiang spread his hands and said.

"I finally figured it out. You told me what it's like to meet in hell. It turned out to be like this! What's the matter quickly, I have to rush to other places!" Teacher Sha continued to stare. Said Zhang Xiang.

However, Zhang Xiang's face showed a mysterious smile once again.

"I'll take you to meet someone. A person you really want to see." Zhang Xiang said directly to Teacher Killing.

"Meeting people? Is there anyone who wants to meet in hell? I remember, I don't have any friends. The only people I know are the only three-year class E students and you. Others, basic They are all enemies. Seeing an enemy in hell, do you have to torture them once?" Teacher Sha said in a puzzled manner.

"Apart from them, haven't you thought of anyone else? For example, ‘she’ (he and she in neon are pronounced differently)." Zhang Xiang has already revealed the answer.

"She, this is hell, isn't it...?!" Teacher Killing was already excited all at once.

"Yes, it's her-Xuecun Ajiuri." Zhang Xiang nodded.

"It's her, is it really her?!" For the first time, such a complicated expression appeared on Teacher Kill's face.

How to describe it, surprise, hesitation, fear, hope?

In short, if he had to describe it, his mood at the moment should be colorful.

Perhaps, he didn't know what his mood was like.

"Yes. If there is no second person in the world who died in the research institute, and it is also called Xuecun Yakuri, then she is the one you are looking for." Zhang Xiang looked helplessly at the lotus rain with excitement. Killing the teacher who didn't know clearly, replied.

"So, where is she now? Hurry up, hurry up and take me over to see him. By the way, thank you so much, come and hug one..." Excited Teacher Kill, opened his hands and wanted Hug Zhang Xiang.

However, Zhang Xiang dodged him.

"Don't, my brother doesn't do basics. If you want to do basics, find someone else." Zhang Xiang pretended that you were not approaching me, and he was still touching his arm with goose bumps.

After being interrupted by Zhang Xiang, Teacher Killing finally calmed down.

"Fuck off, I'm not a base. I'm a dignified man." Teacher Killing said with his hands on his waist.

"You told me to go? Are you sure?" Zhang Xiang raised his brow.

At this time, killing the teacher was a reminder that he hadn't seen Akuri Xuecun yet!

If Zhang Xiang hadn't led the way, in this world where he didn't know how big and what was dangerous, the chance of him trying to find the other party would definitely be close to zero.

So, in the next moment, the expression on his face started to flatter again.

"No, no, I was wrong. Let's go find Ajiuri together." Teacher Killing said with a silly look.

"Then, who is going to roll over?" Zhang Xiang glanced at him sideways.

"I, of course it is me." As Teacher Killing said, he took a deep breath, and the whole person turned into a balloon-like existence and rolled forward.

Seeing this sudden change, Zhang Xiang almost didn't open his eyes.

"Hurry up, don't delay the time." Teacher Killing, who turned into a fat ball, turned his head and said with an anxious expression.

Looking at his appearance, Zhang Xiang finally came back to his senses.

"Well, you're cruel, follow me." Zhang Xiang said while flying towards the front.

The killing of the teacher is like a big volleyball, jumping to the front to follow.

Zhang Xiang didn't stop until he got to a certain place and saw a rare oasis in front of him.

In the oasis, a woman wearing a white robe with short and medium black hair was soaking her feet in the river water, trampling on some splashes from time to time.

The moment he saw this woman, Teacher Killing's body was already stiff.

"It's her, it's really her..." Teacher Killing repeated this sentence to himself, his body trembling with excitement.

Then, after taking a deep breath, he wanted to walk forward.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang's right hand grabbed his shoulder.

"Do you want to go like this?" Zhang Xiang reminded.

"Huh? Is there anything else missing?" Teacher Sha asked with some confusion.

Listening to his words, Zhang Xiang suddenly slapped his head.

"It's said that girls in love have zero IQ. Even boys and octopuses are like this. Do you think you can find each other in such an image, not everyone is People who like tentacles. Not to mention, you went empty-handed. You should guess that way."

"You mean, I should change my appearance? However, I also want to return to the original appearance, but even if I die, I still maintain this appearance. There is no way. As for what to bring in the past, I'm a ghost now, what can I bring with me?" Teacher Slaughter said helplessly.

Listening to the words of Teacher Killing, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but slap his head again.

"You can't help it, but I have a way! If you don't understand, you should ask, move?"

"You mean?" Teacher Sha opened his eyes wide, and said with some excitement.

"Stop talking, you can just change you back to the way you were. Come on, let me stop talking nonsense, and just change it for the better. Change it for me!" Zhang Xiang snapped his fingers, and the figure of Teacher Killing suddenly changed. , Became his original appearance in the smoke, and it became real.

He even held a rose in his hand.

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