Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2283: , Meet and open the channel!

"It's really, really changed back to the original look." Teacher Killing looked at the changes in his body with some shock.

However, Zhang Xiang did not continue to talk nonsense.

"Of course, let me go. Let me go to that side!" Zhang Xiang directly pushed the opponent out, causing Teacher Killing to stagger forward a few steps.

He even knocked down a pile of rocks that were obviously piled up by someone, and made a sound of "wow," which attracted the attention of a woman not far away.

"Eh, you..." Teacher Sha turned his head, trying to find Zhang Xiang to settle the account.

But unfortunately, Zhang Xiang's figure has disappeared without a trace.

In the high altitude.

"I have arranged so much for you. If you can't take it anymore, I have nothing to say..." Zhang Xiang muttered to himself as he watched the scene below.

However, at the next moment.

He already fumbled his chin.

"However, I didn't expect that his real person is really handsome. I am embarrassed to kick his ass... I just want to kick him in the face... Hey, sure enough, I am still too great. A pair of newcomers did not take any action without even bearing the humiliation." Zhang Xiang said shamelessly.

Below, Teacher Killing suddenly turned his head and discovered that Zhang Xiang's figure had disappeared cleanly.

His body couldn't help feeling a little stiff.

‘What should I do, should I say hello to her, or should I say ‘It’s been a long time,’ or...’ Killing the teacher’s head is like a paste now, I don’t know what to do.

On the opposite side, Xuecun Ajiuri looked at the figure that appeared not far away, which seemed to be familiar but had not been seen for a long time, only to feel that the inner string was suddenly moved.

"You, you are him..." A look of expectation and a trace of fear appeared on Yukuri Akuri's face. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

She was looking forward to the convenience of the person she imagined, but at the same time she was afraid that the other party was not the person she expected.

At this moment, killing the teacher was finally determined.

"Yes, it's me. I'm back. We met again." Teacher Sha raised his head, with a warm and bright smile on his face.

Seeing this scene, Yukura Ajiuri couldn't help covering his mouth, his eyes were already wet in an instant.

And, in the next moment.

She already rushed directly up and hugged Teacher Killing directly.

"It's you, it's really you..." Xuecun Ajiuri hugged Teacher Killing tightly, and tears came out all of a sudden.

"Yes, it's really me. I'm sorry." Teacher Killing also naturally stretched out his hands at this time and hugged the other person into his arms.

However, in the next moment, Ajiuri Xuemura broke free from the arms of Teacher Killing a little bit.

"Why are you here? It's **** here. Could it be that you are already... Yeah, it's March, and it's almost this time... So, you'll be given by him in the end..." A sad expression appeared on Yukuri Yakuri's face.

Although she didn't say the words behind her, it was already obvious.

However, killing the teacher shook his head.

"No. I was not killed by anyone. I blew myself to death, to save the world. I blew myself to death. That is to say, the death is very brilliant. I also left one for the three-year E class students. The impression of a hero." Teacher Killing said with a smile on his face to Yukuri Akuri in front of him.

"Did you blew yourself to save the world? Moreover, there are still three years of class E..." Yukuri Akuri opened his eyes slightly, and did not understand his words.

"This matter is very long to talk about. But, would you like to listen to me slowly?" Teacher Killing hugged Yukuri Yakuri, looking at each other, and said softly.

As Yukura felt this, his face turned red.

But then, she nodded.

"I would..."

So, in the oasis of **** that is always full of green.

Teacher Sha hugged Xuecun Aguri, sat down by the river, and began to talk about all the things that had happened this year.

"Where should I start talking about things? From the day I left the institute..."


Seeing that the young couple was already showing affection, Zhang Xiang shook his head and moved away in a flash.

He did not spy on others' habit.

"One thing has been delayed for a long time. It's time to start." Zhang Xiang stood in the sky above this **** that was entirely his own, looking up as if to see through the eternally gray space dividing line, and directly through it. Penetrating into the chaos, even seeing another world.

"Come out, grinding wheel!" Zhang Xiang waved behind him.

A mysterious roulette that seemed to cover up the sky, but in an instant it had shrunk to the size of an ordinary grinding disc, appeared behind Zhang Xiang.

"Open it, the passage to the secondary source world!" The power in Zhang Xiang's body quickly passed away and poured into the mysterious wheel.

In the next instant, that roulette directly penetrated the space-time diaphragm of hell, and came directly into the chaos, directly smashing a spatial channel.

On the opposite side of the space channel, that is a channel full of infinite darkness.

However, Zhang Xiang knew.

The opposite of the channel is actually not like this, it's just that the opposite of the channel is a huge black hole, and the strong gravitational wave distorts all the light so that nothing can be seen.

The forces of time and space and chaos are constantly corroding this temporarily opened channel.

However, these corrosive powers were all directly shaken away by the huge power of the wheel.

But Zhang Xiang also knew that with the passage of time, this temporarily opened space-time channel would be more likely to be discovered by the world on the other side.

Not to mention, the power to resist time and space and chaos is also massive.

So, in the next moment, Zhang Xiang's raised his right hand.

"Cut, divide!" Zhang Xiang pointed his right hand at himself, and slid downward.

Accompanied by a pain as if the whole body was torn apart, Zhang Xiang's soul turned out to be directly divided from one into two.

No, maybe it shouldn't be two.

It should be two halves of the soul controlled under the same consciousness.

"Then, everything is up to you!" Zhang Xiang's body said towards the soul clone that he split up.

"No problem, everything is left to me. The world of Dragon Ball, I am here!" Zhang Xiang's soul clone nodded.

After that, he walked directly into that space-time passage and disappeared in front of Zhang Xiang's body.

"Hope, the next time the fusion comes, it will be time to re-board the half-step immortality." Zhang Xiang looked at the slowly closed space-time channel and the sky-grinding wheel re-submerged into the void, softly Said.

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