Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 6: , Finally out!

"Quick! Quick! Quickly lift the shackles and force these Saiyan cubs to wake up!" The old Zfru man shouted to everyone around him with anxiety and surprise on his face.

And under his shout, everyone rushed to the controlling computer, not knowing what was up.

In the process of awakening, the other Zvru also began to talk with surprise expressions on their faces.

"God bless us Zfru people! That Saiyan king ran to Frieza to find his death, and he dared to attack Frieza! Now Frieza's army is all out to destroy the Saiyans!"

"Yeah! What a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Frieza's army was under pressure, and the Saiyans almost went out to resist. We have this opportunity to come here to awaken these Saiyan cubs. , Wait and escape together!"

"It's a pity that if this matter comes a few days later. It would be nice to let these Saiyan cubs grow up a little bit. Now, even one-third of the fighting power may not be able to be used! If it can be used to all. If the strength is strong! We might even be the oriole with the mantis catching the cicada and kill the Saiyan and Frieza!"

Speaking of this, the eyes of everyone can't help but flash a heavy hatred!

"No, isn't it possible to do it now?! Now most of the Saiyans have gone out, and they are left with the old, weak, sick, and the newly born Saiyan cubs. Why don't we?!" Although the words behind this Zfru were not said.

However, listening to his words, the breath of most of the Zvru people present could not help being thickened, their eyes flashed with strong killing intent, and there was an opportunity in their hearts to take advantage of this opportunity to stay behind. All Saiyans and Saiyan cubs on the planet were given the idea of ​​being wiped out.

It's just that when everyone wanted to respond to this, the old Zfru drank abruptly.

"Don't talk nonsense! Hurry up, Frieza is powerful, you don't know! Those Saiyans are definitely not able to withstand Frieza's army! Hurry up, we have to get out quickly. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Otherwise, we will end up in the funeral with the Saiyans!" A trace of horror flashed in the eyes of the Zvru old man, and his face sank and shouted at the Zvru present.

And this old Zfru seems to have a very strong prestige.

Although the Zvru people present seemed unconvinced, in the end they didn't go on.

In the silent operation, the hands of these Zvru scientists were beating on the button.

Soon, with a sound of ‘pouch’, it seemed to be the sound of some air flow being eliminated.

Zhang Xiang could clearly feel that the orange liquid that soaked his body in it was flowing at a constant speed toward the two drainage holes below.

At the same time, a faint electric current also began to pass through the lines that fit on Zhang Xiang's body, and began to flicker continuously.

That is the Zvru people using electric current to awaken the muscles of all Saiyans present.

After all, just in case.

They are in the nutrient solution, adding medicine that relaxes the muscles and speeds up the absorption.

As the liquid in the cylindrical petri dish was drained, the feet of Zhang Xiang and other Saiyan replicas touched the bottom of the petri dish, and the weak current gradually increased, allowing them to touch The muscles of the feet on the ground began to work.

Looking around, among the more than 600 petri dishes in the scene, there were more than 600 standing without any clothes on their bodies. From the surface, the age looks like they have from five or six to fifteen or six. Saiyan.

And Zhang Xiang also felt his own body when it touched the ground for the first time.

When the soles of his feet just touched the ground, because the muscles of the body were not moving, he felt that he would lose his balance and fall.

This made him a little nervous.

‘Get active! This thought emerged in Zhang Xiang's heart.

But just between his subconsciousness, the muscles of his feet began to recover quickly, faster than the stimulation of electric current.

He can even feel his feet. As long as he uses more strength, he can make his body jump on the ground.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang was accompanied by the flow of his consciousness, and he truly began to take full control of his body.

As soon as he felt it, Zhang Xiang felt that inside his body, there seemed to be a dragon and leopard-like power flowing in it. It seemed that as long as one of his movements, the glass of the petri dish that could withstand the gunshot without hindrance would burst open. general.

Even Zhang Xiang tried to shake hands slightly, there was a feeling that he could squeeze anything, and even caused the wind.

Fortunately, those Zvru people were looking at the copy of the Saiyan in the front of the room with bright eyes, and they didn't notice his movements.

But Zhang Xiang still couldn't help but surprise himself.

‘What a powerful force! With this strength, I am afraid that one punch can blow up a hill! Zhang Xiang couldn't help but sighed.

You know, it took him several years before he had the strength to blast the hill with a punch.

And now, he has just grown to be close to five years old, and he has such power.

This makes Zhang Xiang really have to sigh, the Saiyan blood is really strong!

Especially when Zhang Xiang feels the energy that is scattered in his body, everywhere, in this world called ‘qi’!

At this moment, the Zvru people present spoke again.

"Okay, the last step!" The old Zfru also couldn't help showing tension on his face and pressed the button in his hand.

A specially modulated electric current suddenly flowed under the bodies of all Saiyans in the field, causing them to open their eyes.

And with the flow of this current, Zhang Xiang could also feel a special sensation that seemed to emerge in his body, that is, kneeling on the ground.

Zhang Xiang knew that that was the power specially engraved in genes by the Zvru people.

Now, the other party used that special current to provoke this force.

However, Zhang Xiang could feel that he should be able to use his willpower to resist this physical force.

After all, before that.

He eliminated the genes that were mixed in the nutrient solution by the Zvru people in order to strengthen the control of Saiyan replication.

In addition, because he has self-consciousness, it is not difficult to resist.

However, in the next moment, Zhang Xiang thought of something, and his eyes flashed.

His consciousness turned, but he no longer resisted the power emerging from his body, and followed the more than six hundred Saiyan replicas of varying heights, and landed on his right knee.

The Zvru people in the scene could not help but breathe a sigh of relief as they watched the scene before them.

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