Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 7: , Sorry to send you to the west

Looking at the Saiyan replicas in front of them, they all followed the commands engraved in their genes and knelt down.

The Zvru people present could not help feeling relieved, and there was a burst of comfort and joy.

"Finally let this group of monkeys kneel down in front of us. It's really cool!" A Zvru's face showed a happy expression and shouted in a vent.

"Yeah, all that's left now is to cut the Saiyan's back path!" Another Zvru also showed a happy expression on his face, but his eyes still have possession. With hatred.

However, listen to the words of these Zvru people.

The old Zvru with an anxious face on his face suddenly interrupted their words.

"Stop talking, let's go! Moreover, we have to save the remaining people in our clan! There is not much time left." An anxious expression appeared on the face of the Zvru old man. I want to walk outside.

It's just that the remaining young Zfru people didn't move at all.

Even a sneer smile appeared on his face.

"What's the matter? Why are you still still?" The old Zfru couldn't help turning back anxiously and shouted.

However, he has not waited until his words are finished.

Another Zvru, who was in his twenties, slammed forward, not knowing where he took out a dagger, and pierced the heart of the old Zvru together.

"Why, why..." The old Zfru didn't even say a word, and he was already gone.

His eyes were wide open, obviously he couldn't catch his eyes!

"Of course I think you are too distracting! Although we are copies of you, we are not your subordinates! Moreover, those stupid tribesmen, no, should be ants. Why do we need to save them?! Even if it is a group of people, it is a waste of food. Anyway, we have the technology of cloning. As long as a few copies of us continue to live, wouldn’t it be enough to create a new race with cloning technology? Then, the whole race They are all wise men, and that scene is the time when we Zvru are truly rejuvenated!" At this point, the Zvru couldn't help raising his face full of excitement. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

Looking through the corner of his eye, Zhang Xiang only discovered this time that these several Zvru people gathered together.

Although they are of different ages, they range from more than 20 years old to more than 60 years old who is close to that old man.

However, their faces are somewhat similar.

Originally, Zhang Xiang thought they were so similar because of the same race.

But unexpectedly, these guys are simply copies of the old Zvru.

This discovery can't help but make Zhang Xiang's eyes jump slightly.

However, it is normal to think about it.

King Vegeta wanted to hide from Frieza and play tricks in the dark. It was impossible to bring many Zvru people into this secret research institute.

Moreover, with the arrogance of King Vegeta, it may be too late when he remembers that he will save two Zvru scholars from the Saiyan massacre.

In the end, there is only one person left, who can only copy himself and inherit his own wisdom.

In this way, this Zfru has multiple research time and direction.

It is not certain that it was because this old Zfru was good at cloning technology that King Vegeta left his life.

‘Forget it, I don’t want to, now the most important thing is to save my life. Escape from this planet Vegeta that is about to explode! Otherwise, everything is empty! Zhang Xiang suddenly threw the distracting thoughts out of his head, remembering that the business was coming.

This is why Zhang Xiang pretended to be controlled.

Because, although he learned some necessary knowledge through the computer in that research room, he even had the technology to control the spacecraft.

However, he didn't know where those spaceships were placed!

Not to mention, there must be many guards in the place where the spacecraft is placed.

With the current alone, it is still too difficult to break through.

In this case, why not use the power of these Zvru and Saiyan clones?

This is part of Zhang Xiang's plan.

And the opponent is worthy of being a copy of the Zfru old man. After venting a bit, he decisively brought a large group of Saiyan copies to wear the battle armor that I don’t know when to prepare, and rushed outside. Up.

All the way straight up, it is really God blocking and killing God, Buddha blocking and killing Buddha!

After all, the Saiyans who are left on the planet Vegeta are basically guys with low combat effectiveness.

Those with high combat effectiveness have basically followed Bhakda to fight against Frieza.

So, in the flash of qigong cannon and figure.

One by one Saiyan was killed in screams, and the bodies of some Saiyans were torn to pieces.

From this, we can see that the nature of Saiyans is really cruel.

Therefore, it is so cruel between actions without much self-consciousness.

But even the remaining Saiyans are basically old, weak, sick and disabled, but the Saiyan copy is because there is no self-awareness, there is not enough time for cultivation, and the strength is even less than one-third. , But the loss was heavy.

Especially on the way, I met a guy who had a broken leg but had five thousand combat power.

After consuming more than three hundred Saiyan replicas and a one-time weapon secretly developed by the Zvru people, it was barely enough to defeat the opponent.

However, it was just defeated.

Under the anger, the other party directly blew himself up. The remaining two hundred copies of Saiyans were also blown up by more than half. Even the Zvru were killed and injured, with only two remaining. That's it.

In the end, when they arrived at the place where the spaceship was docked, only two Zvru were left, and there were about a dozen Saiyan replicas.

"Damn, among the Saiyans who stayed behind, there will be five thousand fighting strengths. Luck is really bad!" The Chronicle was about 20 years old, that is, the one who killed himself. The Zvru replica of the body said viciously.

"Stop talking! Just survive, let's leave soon! Whether it's Frieza won or the group of Saiyan monkeys won, it will be difficult for us to go." The breath is a bit chaotic, and he is thirty years old. At about age, another Zfru replica that was obviously seriously injured, said anxiously.

"Damn it, after finding the spaceship, I originally thought of sending all Saiyan clones to wipe out the remaining Saiyans. If you look at it now, you can't do it." The younger Zvru fiercely The shell of a hammered spaceship.

However, at this moment, the Zvru, who was in his thirties, comforted him.

"Don't worry, we left this time. Didn't we bring the blood that has been isolated and possessed the genes to cultivate the superior warrior of Saiyan monkey? As long as we escape, we will come back one day. When that day comes, we will have All the Saiyans are annihilated, and none of them are left. Frieza must be killed to take his place!" The 30-year-old Zvru took out a tube of blood from his arms. There was a look of excitement and hatred in his eyes.

Only at this time.

Another voice rang.

"Really? Your dreams are very good. But, I'm sorry..." Zhang Xiang's somewhat immature voice sounded behind them.

"What..." The young Zvru wanted to take a laser gun out of his arms.

However, at this moment.

Accompanied by the sound of a sigh, a dazzling qigong cannon brightened up in front of his eyes.

His last thought was: "What a dazzling light..."

Then, his head disappeared without a trace, and was directly beaten by the qigong gun into a bunch of red and white things!

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