Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 17: , Ready to escape the planet!

Seeing that the other party was seriously injured and furious, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but shook his head. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

"The mental quality is not good..." Zhang Xiang stood up while talking coldly.

However, his gaze was on the combat power detection watch worn by the eggplant universe.

"Although these things are good, it's not a good thing to rely too much on it. Not to mention, if there is a leak, it will be even worse." Zhang Xiang said while using his toes to detect the combat power. The watch kicked away from the opponent's ear and dropped to the ground.

Then, Zhang Xiang stomped on him.

He knows that under certain circumstances, all combat power detection tables will actively transmit the combat power value, even some of the captured images.

Although the place is now in such a remote place, even if the signal is launched, Frieza and his team may not be able to accept it.

However, Zhang Xiang still had to guard against it!

As for how Zhang Xiang knew?

It was very simple. When he stayed under the planetary palace of Vegeta, he didn't just stay there to restore his body.

During that time, he hacked into the central computer of Vegeta planet by hacking the computer where he was, and detected a lot of things.

Not to mention, these concealed settings of the combat power detection table have long been found out by the strange Saiyans with the help of the Zfru people.

"Well, just in case, mine should be destroyed." Zhang Xiang said as he took down the combat strength detection meter next to his head.

Because of the suddenness of the incident, the Zvru had no time to clear the concealment setting in the combat strength detection table.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang had to do this.

Otherwise, it is good to have a combat capability detection device. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

At the very least, it can quickly detect the specific strength of most of the enemies encountered.

However, Zhang Xiang didn't directly trample the combat power detection meter to explode, or pinch and explode it.

But after Zhang Xiang gathered some ‘qi’ in his body, he tried to transform it.


An electric light burst out in Zhang Xiang's hand, directly burning the combat effectiveness detection meter.

Amidst the electric light and a plume of smoke, this combat power detection meter lost its left and right functions.

"Sure enough, it would consume too much energy to convert qi into lightning..." Zhang Xiang said while touching his chin while watching the light of lightning in his right hand disappear.

However, seeing more and more smoke diffused on the combat power detection table, it was obvious that all the circuits in it were burned out.

Zhang Xiang couldn't help showing a trace of embarrassment on his face.

Because, he only planned to burn out a part of the circuit before, leaving it to be modified later to remove the trap left by Frieza and his team.

However, now looking at the number of smoke bombs that diffused out, Zhang Xiang knew that he was a little bit playful.

If all the circuits are burned out, not only the critical part of the circuit is burned out, it is not so easy to recover.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but feel even more embarrassed.

However, in the next moment, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but recover, and shook his head.

"Fortunately, there are also some combat power detection devices under him..." Zhang Xiang mumbled, while projecting his gaze towards the expressionless Saiyan replicas.

I saw that their ears were also wearing a combat detection device.

It was originally prepared by King Vegeta to resist Frieza.

However, he did not expect that these things would eventually fall into Zhang Xiang's hands.

Of course, if it didn't fall into Zhang Xiang's hands.

Then, these things have long since become fly ash following the destruction of the planet Vegeta.

And then, it's time to keep flashing.

The closer to the end, the stronger Zhang Xiang's control, and the brightness and frequency of the electro-optical flicker also decreased.

In the end, Zhang Xiang was able to control only the circuit that was connected to the power supply to burn out.

There is a reason why I choose to burn out only the wiring that connects the circuit.

In addition to letting these combat power detection tables send out messages, the more important reason is that he needs to have enough complete combat power detection tables for him to research and copy.

And the power circuit of the combat effectiveness detection meter is burned out to avoid interfering with other circuits, making the research too difficult.

After dealing with these things, Zhang Xiang threw several combat power detection tables that he had completely destroyed, to the point of a pothole.

Then, he began to jump out of the big pit and picked up the fallen tree next to him. He turned out to use the tree that was more than ten meters high and more than one meter thick as a broom-like thing. Sweep the mud from the side to the point of a pothole, and bury the eggplant alien's body.

"Okay, I'm the one who has done my best. Then, goodbye!" Zhang Xiang filled the big hole halfway to ensure that the other party's body would not be dug out and eaten by creatures on this planet, then turned and left. .

And the location they originally chose to fight was also very close to where they landed.

Therefore, in less than a minute, Zhang Xiang was already exhausted, especially the intermediate Saiyan replica fighters who were injured by the transformation and caused their bodies to collapse back to the universe. In the boat.

Then, immediately let them enter their respective training warehouses to repair their bodies.

However, after the Saiyan replicas entered the petri dish, Zhang Xiang did not stop, and directly went to find the spaceship where the enemy was located, and made it disappear into this world with a qigong cannon. Up.

And Zhang Xiang didn't even stop, so he began to deal with the details of the spacecraft he was in.

After all, this spaceship is an old-fashioned spaceship that the Saiyans deliberately bought from other cosmic races.

But it cannot be determined that there is no harm.

What made Zhang Xiang relieved was that after a round of investigation, he had already determined that there was no hidden danger on the old spaceship he was on.

However, this is also normal.

If there is a problem with this spacecraft, then why did the Zvru find this slightly old spacecraft in a place that is so wide that it can accommodate at least hundreds of spacecraft?

It is natural to be able to trust it.

After the investigation was clear, Zhang Xiang didn't dare to underestimate him, and immediately began to prepare for the spacecraft flight.

After all, if there are chasing soldiers in the back, it will be at the level of Shang Bo the last time.

If he did meet him, he would have to eat and walk around.

Not to mention, it might be possible to provoke the Kinuite team and others, whose combat power is several to ten times that of Shangbo.

Everyone, give me a monthly pass. It's so miserable, I haven't broken through the double digits...

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