Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 18: , Universe creatures!

After checking everything to make sure that the spacecraft has enough energy and no other major damage, Zhang Xiang pressed the start button. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

"Well, go ahead! Goal, the earth of the galaxy!" Zhang Xiang said his goal unabashedly.

That's right, the reason why Zhang Xiang chose to go to Earth at this time was to take the Dragon Ball into his own hands as soon as possible.

At the very least, it is also necessary to make a wish to make one's combat power soar to the level of Super Saiyan as soon as possible.

Only if he reaches the level of a super Saiyan can he destroy the Frieza group and accept their power.

Don't forget what Zhang Xiang's purpose is in this world.

His purpose of coming to this world is to control this sub-primary world, so as to gradually erode the original world of the entire second-element universe and put it under his control.

For this purpose, he must first have the capital to ensure his own survival and development.

And the fierce Frieza group is undoubtedly a good choice before he has found out the reality of the Dragon Ball world so that his strength can reach control of this world.

And just when Zhang Xiang was thinking about what to do in the future.

It also has nine tenths of the energy that can allow the spacecraft to fly smoothly on the island of the Milky Way. The spacecraft above the earth is also starting to move.

The raging blue flame, under the spit of the combustion-supporting agent, provided a powerful force to break through the shackles of gravitation, allowing the spacecraft to fly quickly toward the outer space of the planet.

Because it is a relatively old spacecraft, flight is supported by a physical and chemical phenomenon called flame eruption.

It is not like the latest version of the new spacecraft, which can take off and land on various terrains at will by relying on an anti-gravity device, but it will fly into the sky with anomalous gravity. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

However, when the spacecraft climbed to 10,000 meters in the sky, an accident happened.

‘Boom Rumble’, ‘Boom Rumble’...

A burst of huge sound, accompanied by a strong vibration that even floating in the air, can be felt, appeared on the entire planet.

Feeling the shock that has such a big impact on the spaceship flying in the air.

Zhang Xiang couldn't help but press the button to display the scene of the surface of this planet on the big screen of the spacecraft.

However, when the picture appeared on the big screen, Zhang Xiang's face changed drastically.

"That's it? Not good!" Zhang Xiang's face changed suddenly, and he controlled the control lever of the spacecraft, suddenly pulling to the right.

But at the next moment, the entire spaceship that climbed into the sky suddenly shifted to the right.

The entire spacecraft was in the limit of deviation, and even the hull of the spacecraft was turning 90 degrees.

Many sundries in the spacecraft, from staying peacefully on the ground, to being in a high position and mid-air, fell downward.

However, before the debris fell, the entire spacecraft fell rapidly towards the next one, and the direction of the object's fall changed again.

And if, let us shift our sights to the outside of the spacecraft.

We will see that green tentacles emerge from below the ground, lasing towards the sky, like a birdcatcher, constantly aiming at the spaceship where Zhang Xiang is. Lased in the direction of, wanting to catch it.

If these tentacles are only one and two, then it is easier to dodge.

However, the number of tentacles that emerged from below the ground was one or two from the beginning, and it surged to tens, hundreds, or even thousands.

Moreover, this is only the number of regions.

If you count the entire planet, from outer space, it looks like the entire planet is like a giant bacterial cell, with some special flagella on the outside.

It's just that this one is a little bit large.

Moreover, the length is thousands, even tens of thousands or tens of thousands of meters.

In terms of size, the smallest is as large as a building, and if it is larger, it is even as large as a hill.

What is even more amazing is that on these tentacles, there are even a lot of towering trees rooted on them.

Moreover, the roots of these towering trees were deeply planted in the tentacles, even if the tentacles shook violently, few trees fell down.

And those tentacles rarely cause the roots of the tentacles to shake in a wide range.

From this, it can be seen that these trees are already familiar with the appearance of these tentacles.

But these are not the key points. The key point is that Zhang Xiang saw a lot of spacecraft and other wrecks from the bottom of those tentacles.

Moreover, the bottom of each tentacle can be observed.

From this, we can know how many spaceships are buried on this planet!

This discovery gave Zhang Xiang a shuddering feeling.

"Damn, A-level, or even S-level cosmic creatures, disguised as planets, seduce the existence of wanderers and cosmic merchants in the universe, and go to die?" Zhang Xiang looked at those spaceships Looking at the wreckage, it seemed like it was resurrected, the tentacles became more flexible, but the complexion was not so good.

Because, whether it is an A-level cosmic creature or an S-level cosmic creature, it is a huge trouble.

Judging from the information he obtained from the planet Vegeta, neither A-level cosmic creatures nor S-level cosmic creatures can be dealt with now.

Because, B-level cosmic creatures already have the strength to resist 10,000 combat power.

Moreover, it was still a B-level cosmic creature that lived in groups and had relatively weak individual strength.

For now, even Frieza's group that was rampant in the universe had only encountered a group of B-class cosmic creatures.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang could not confirm whether the cosmic creatures that existed at the planet level under his feet belonged to the cosmic creatures above the A level.

After all, as far as it goes, it is not clear to everyone how powerful the A-level cosmic creatures are.

However, Zhang Xiang knew that having a cosmic creature the size of a planet, even if it was not a cosmic creature above the A level, could not be described by common sense.

And feeling the speed of those tentacles moving faster and faster, the space where the spaceship under his control dodges is getting more and more compressed.

Zhang Xiang also knew that he couldn't drag on any longer!

"Then, blow up this side of this planet!" Zhang Xiang suddenly made up his mind.

At the same time, under the manipulation of Zhang Xiang's mental power, an advanced Saiyan warrior who had just repaired his body also walked out of the petri dish and quickly flew out of the open hatch.

Everyone, give me a monthly pass...

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