Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 20: , A strong crisis!

It's just the next moment. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

Zhang Xiang's face suddenly changed.

Regardless of his care, he controlled the spaceship to madly accelerate forward, even the upper-level Saiyan replica fighter that might be picked up.

Because Zhang Xiang felt a deep crisis passing from behind him.

He has experienced life and death many times, but knows what it means.

That means that possession is dangerous enough for him, and even the crisis that can kill him is coming from behind.

If it wasn't for the Saiyan who couldn't survive for a long time in the universe, then he really wanted to rush outside and abandon this spaceship.

Because, in a short-range attack, the Saiyan who is running at full strength is faster than the spaceship that has just rushed out of this weird planet and has not completely broken away from the gravitational pull of this planet!

And the crisis came very quickly.

On the big screen that Zhang Xiang set up to keep an eye on the rear, a terrible scene appeared.

It was originally judged by Zhang Xiang to be a cosmic creature that was parasitic on the planet. After suffering a severe blow and losing two thousand tentacles, it revealed its true posture for the first time.

The planet that is two-thirds the size of the earth and has a diameter of thousands of kilometers, the countless huge tentacles that had spread unscrupulously on the earth suddenly stopped shaking and became erect. The hair is erect like a wolf dog threatening others.

At the same time, a huge pothole appeared in the place where Zhang Xiang had just landed, and everything was swallowed by the sudden crack.

Even the round spaceship chased by the eggplant cosmonaut suddenly fell into the invisible crack.

If you look at it from the outer space, it is a crack that is more than two thousand kilometers in length and hundreds of kilometers in width, appearing on the planet. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

Looking from this direction, it looks like a huge mouth.

However, Zhang Xiang knew that it was a real mouth!

"Damn it, the estimate was wrong!" Zhang Xiang looked at the scene behind him, his expression becoming even harder to look at.

Because he is already clear now.

The super universe creature that launched an attack on Zhang Xiang was not parasitic on the planet he just landed on.

On the contrary, the other party is a super cosmic creature that is slowly digesting a planet in its abdomen!

At this point, Zhang Xiang grew his mouth from the opponent, revealing that the planet underneath was already swallowed and riddled with holes.

You know, Zhang Xiang has the ability to communicate with the planet.

Therefore, he could clearly feel that the aura on the battered planet that was swallowed by the opponent in the abdomen was rapidly weakening.

And this planet is in the abdomen of that cruel cosmic creature. What is it that it is not swallowing the planet to evolve itself?

Before that, Zhang Xiang didn't find out.

It's just that the universe creature that swallowed that planet, while swallowing the power of the planet, mimicked the breath of the original planet.

And Zhang Xiang was busy planning to kill the eggplant universe before, but he didn't find this point.

"Damn it, I knew it was disguised by cosmic creatures. Even if you were in the cosmic space with Frieza's soldiers, you shouldn't go in!" Zhang Xiang's face became worse and worse, and his words revealed a trace of regret. coming.

Because, he knew that such a huge cosmic creature, the method is definitely more than the previous tentacle that can attack in the atmosphere.

Perhaps, the huge tentacles that can cause danger to Zhang Xiang in the atmosphere are just the opponent's hair.

This can be seen from the opponent's body with a diameter of more than thousands of kilometers.

Those tentacles with a length of more than ten kilometers at most are absolutely equivalent to the hair on the human body.

But in the next instant, Zhang Xiang's face suddenly changed again.

Because, the huge ‘planet’ behind Zhang Xiang has already begun to move.

After the huge ‘planet’ opened its mouth, it suddenly began to inhale.

If it is an ordinary person's inhalation, at most it will absorb some air into the lungs.

However, if the person who inhales is a ‘planet’ with a diameter of thousands of kilometers, what would that scene be like?

That's a scene where the sky is falling apart!

A huge suction force suddenly passed from behind the spaceship where Zhang Xiang was.

It is not only the absorption of air, but also has a special force that will swallow everything in front of the big mouth by pulling it towards the big mouth behind him.

It was just a moment. The upper-level Saiyan replica, who had reluctantly wanted to flee outside, was directly pulled into the endless abyss by that powerful force, and was swallowed clean.

As for the spacecraft that was accelerating gradually, the acceleration also began to gradually slow down.

But the difficulty was not this one, but the meteorites that originally surrounded this planet for some unknown reason, but they also began to be absorbed.

The meteorites, which are hundreds of meters long, or even tens of kilometers in size, continue to attack Zhang Xiang in this direction.

But all of this was under Zhang Xiang's precise control, and it was a breathtaking experience.

And, relying on the speed that has been added up before, it is gradually leaving this planet.

However, Zhang Xiang's face didn't ease in the slightest.

Because he knew that this super huge universe creature that can swallow the planet's real ultimate move has not been used yet!

Just inhaling has already attracted so many meteorites and forces exerted on the spacecraft. What if you exhale?

That scene is predictable!

Not to mention that the absorbed meteorites will be ejected in swarms.

If that super huge cosmic creature is angry and spit out the swallowed planet, what should it do?

If it's just a meteorite, he can also order the Saiyan replica to use the Qigong Cannon to blow up the meteorite when he cannot avoid it.

But if a planet collides over, then the result is nothing to think about.

Even if all the Saiyan replicas present were gorillas, using Qigong Cannons to launch an attack would be of no avail.

Because, even if the planet is blown up.

The inertia of the shattered super huge meteorite was enough to crush this spaceship into flesh.

I'm going to sweep the grave tomorrow. The chapter in the morning should be released on time, but I'm not sure in the afternoon.

After all, I didn’t come back until the afternoon when I went to sweep the grave in the morning, and the sun was so big halfway, it would take an hour to walk.

Finally, thank you [13285377398] for the reward of 1000 VIP points! ! !

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