Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 21: , Separate the tail warehouse!

Just as Zhang Xiang thought of this, the other party seemed to realize that just inhaling, Zhang Xiang could no longer be killed.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang did not hesitate to do what Zhang Xiang had guessed for convenience.

At the next moment, the other party seemed to have absorbed enough breath and stopped and continued to inhale.

Then, is the beginning of the Big Bang!

Countless things that had been swallowed in began to spew out violently from the huge gap like a volcanic eruption.

That speed is at least hundreds of kilometers per second.

It is hard to imagine that in addition to the explosion of the planet, there will be objects with such a speed when they leave the planet, as if the gravity of the planet itself has been cancelled out.

This is the reality.

And looking at the projectile like raindrops, lasing from the space behind, covering a range of thousands of miles.

Zhang Xiang's face could not help but changed drastically.

"Damn, did you react so quickly?!" Zhang Xiang cursed secretly, but at the same time he did not dare to slacken the slightest, spreading his mental power to the spaceship's hundreds of miles around. within.

It was just a few seconds, and the raindrop-like projectile lasing from the'planet' had already come outside the range of Zhang Xiang's spiritual perception.

And above this distance, even those that hit a planet like the Earth can still make the planet move in orbit.

If it hits the moon, it will be enough to explode the entire moon projectile, and it only takes one second to catch up with Zhang Xiang's spacecraft.

And this still includes the displacement time of the Zhang Xiang spacecraft continuing to fly forward.

"Damn it! I just reincarnated on this body, my strength can't be fully utilized!" Zhang Xiang said a little unwillingly. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

However, he just complained, and did nothing else.

Although it was only a short second, it was enough for him to make some necessary reactions.

However, this is not easy.

Because Zhang Xiang's mental power scanning range limit is two hundred kilometers.

Although the meteorites were within the range of the mental power scan, Zhang Xiang could find and control the spacecraft to escape in time.

However, don't forget that the projectiles thrown in the direction of Zhang Xiang are as dense as raindrops.

Although, in that vast universe, it can't be regarded as dense as real raindrops.

However, if you want to ensure that within a distance of hundreds of meters to a kilometer, you can have a meteorite lasing past, you can still do it within the range of tens of thousands of kilometers away from the planet.

And the range of a few hundred meters to a thousand meters, compared to the vast space of the universe, it is really narrow to the extreme!

Not to mention, the longest spacecraft where Zhang Xiang is located is close to fifty meters in length.

At a speed calculated at a minimum of tens of kilometers to hundreds of kilometers per second, I want to dodge in the space where a meteorite lasing within the range of hundreds of meters to thousands of meters, that’s No less than dancing on the tip of a knife!

No, it's even more difficult!

Under this kind of situation, one can imagine how much pressure Zhang Xiang has.

Just look at the bloodshot eyes in Zhang Xiang's round eyes and the blue veins on his forehead.

At such a time, Zhang Xiang also ignored the excessive use of mental power, which would put the burden on this body, especially the brain.

Even if the nosebleeds flowed down from his nose, there seemed to be a ray of blood flowing down the corner of his eyes and ignored it!

Under his control, that old spaceship really seemed to be dancing on the tip of a knife, full of a feeling of extreme danger, passing by the edge of death was not once or twice. Things.

However, this situation did not last long.

One thing is that Zhang Xiang's body is really about to reach its limit.

The other point is that the projectile thrown by the opponent from the huge gap is no longer a meteorite of tens to hundreds of meters.

Rather, it peeled off from the huge planet that was swallowed in the abdomen, one by one starting at least a few hundred meters, the largest being a meteorite about ten kilometers in size.

Moreover, these large meteorites are large, but the speed is indeed not small at all.

With the projected area unchanged and the number almost unchanged, but the volume of the projectile has grown, the range that Zhang Xiang's spacecraft can avoid is undoubtedly forced to shrink to the extreme.

It can be said that if you don't move the position several times in a second, it is absolutely impossible to survive the bombardment like raindrops.

And Zhang Xiang knew that if he continued to toss like this.

Not to mention the mental strength that his body bears, and the huge pressure brought by the high-speed movement, that is to say, the spacecraft is good, it can't be sustained!

That spaceship can withstand several times in a second!

Not tossing and falling apart by him now would be a great advantage.

And Zhang Xiang knew that it wouldn't work anymore.

"Damn, fight, fight for a chance! The big deal is to reincarnate in this world again!" Zhang Xiang suddenly gritted his teeth and made a decision.

And just after he made a decision, Zhang Xiang allocated a part of his mental power, and controlled the nine remaining Saiyan replicas in the petri dish to walk out of the petri dish and put them on again. The battle armor.

More importantly, Zhang Xiang took out nine special medicines from the side under the control of Zhang Xiang and injected them into the vein.

Of course, in this process, due to the distraction, the danger encountered has also increased a lot.

But fortunately, within ten seconds, there is still not much danger.

Then Zhang Xiang let them go to the stern position.

"Separate the tail bin!" Zhang Xiang pressed a button.

In order to be able to separate the tail tank smoothly, Zhang Xiang's spacecraft could not help but stall for an instant, and was almost broken into pieces by a meteorite that flew past.

And at the moment that the tail warehouse was separated, nine successive frantic auras also erupted from the separated tail warehouse.

If Zhang Xiang could still observe the situation in Ogura now, then he would find that the nine Saiyan replicas that were originally sturdy in appearance are now completely inhuman.

Their bodies are bloated.

But instead, the aura on their body just got closer, and they could feel the surge twice.

However, that breath is not stable, as if it has no root.

However, this is also a natural thing.

Because the drugs injected by the nine Saiyan replicas are extremely overbearing and can stimulate the full potential of the human body in an instant.

However, the super-dominant potion that is destined to die after the outbreak!

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