Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 22: , Detonate the planet!

At the same time, Zhang Xiang's spirit connected to the nine Saiyan replicas in Ocang also gave orders to the nine Saiyan replicas. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

"Attack!" Zhang Xiang shouted angrily.

And just in the next moment he drank violently, a qigong cannon with a diameter of several hundred meters burst out from the separated tail chamber behind Zhang Xiang, turning into a tyrannical beam of light sweeping toward the rear. go with.

Along the way, everything that was blocked in front of the qigong gun was crushed into pieces.

Even those meteorites with a diameter of tens of kilometers!

After all, these are nine Saiyan clones with a combat power of about 1,000, a full blow after stimulating the potential of the whole body!

And just when the extremely powerful qigong cannon blasted all the meteorites on the road behind.

Zhang Xiang didn't delay at all. He rushed forward and seized the time to escape from the opponent's attack range.

Under the bombardment of the qigong artillery in the rear, after Zhang Xiang was no longer restrained, he rushed in a straight line at full speed. It was only a few seconds, and he already escaped thousands of kilometers away. Up.

And at this moment, the diameter of the Qigong Cannon beam behind him has already begun to shrink, and it gradually becomes somewhat unable to suppress the massive meteorites that continue to spit out from the opponent’s huge gap. .

Seeing that, as long as a few more seconds pass, the safe area created by the full burst will be reoccupied by the meteorite stream.

And if it's just escaping a distance of less than 20,000 kilometers, with the strength of the cosmic creature that can swallow the planet, it is not difficult to catch up.

However, Zhang Xiang had already thought of this question when he made abandoning the only nine remaining Saiyan copies!

"Is it already 20,000 kilometers away? Now, it should have escaped the strongest range. Look. Wool, Chinese net, then, if that's the case, blow it up for me!" Zhang Xiang stared at it. The huge cosmic creatures that appeared on the big screen, and the riddled planet in its mouth, couldn't help shouting.

And at the moment when his words fell, the Saiyan copy thousands of kilometers away seemed to have been ordered, ignoring the body that was so strong that it could be considered a little abnormal because of excessive stimulation. The bodies, however, moved closer to the middle of each other.

And the qigong gun, which was hundreds of meters in diameter, began to become thinner.

If you take a closer look, you will know that the qigong cannons are not actually getting smaller, but the qigong cannons separated from the original nine paths are gradually converging into a wave of qigong cannons.

In other words, the torrent of qigong cannons that are hundreds of meters long is just an illusion composed of nine different qigong cannons, and it has not reached the magnificence of hundreds of meters in diameter.

Now, it is the time when the nine qigong cannons are combined into one!

But even so, these nine alternate qigong guns are enough to show that the nine Saiyan replicas after receiving the stimulation of the medicine are powerful.

If there is a combat power detection table now, I believe that under detection, it will all show that the combat power of these nine Saiyan clones has been greatly improved.

At least, it has increased the intensity by about one-third!

Although, that was at the cost of death on the spot after exploding all the potential of the body.

The diameter of the qigong gun has become thinner, which means that the power of the qigong gun has greatly increased!

After all, the original qigong guns with a diameter of several hundred meters were used by nine people with all their strength, but because of the relatively large attack area, the qigong guns did not come together.

In other words, the power of the qigong gun per unit area can only be regarded as exerted by a single person.

However, when the nine Saiyan clones approached each other, and the breath of the body began to converge gradually.

Everything has changed.

The beam of light that had bombarded the super-giant universe creature that occupied the entire planet, but was blocked by the steady stream of meteorites and shock waves, began to push away again.

Moreover, at a speed that the super-giant universe cannot react to,

It was just a moment. The beam of light that was narrowed to the size of a single person encircled it suddenly penetrated the massive stream of meteorites, and directly plunged into the planet that was continuously disintegrating due to the impact of the powerful air current. Go up, not in the center.

That's right, the goal of Zhang Xiang's Qigong Cannon was not to face the super huge universe creature.

Because he knew that the main penetration and damage range was only tens of meters, and at most only a few hundred meters, but when it exploded, a powerful qigong gun would burst out, and it would not kill at all. It was the size of a planet. Of cosmic creatures.

After all, even if it is stimulated with a potion, it will explode to its full potential.

The attack power of the qigong gun is at most close to about two thousand, and it hasn't achieved the effect of destroying the enemy with one stroke.

Since this is the case, it is better to aim to kill the enemy as much as possible so that the enemy cannot pursue this point.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang thought about it.

If he penetrated the core of that planet and caused the planet that was swallowed up in the abdomen by that super huge universe creature to explode, what would the result be?

No need to guess, the explosive power of the planet's core being detonated is sometimes enough to destroy a small half of the galaxy.

Therefore, detonating the planet in the opponent's abdomen can at least severely damage the opponent!

If you are lucky, it is not impossible to kill the opponent in one blow!

Even if the opponent's defense power is great, it is also outside the body!

In the body, there is usually not much defense power.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang set up this situation.

In order to ensure that he would not be affected, he deliberately did not combine the qigong guns of the nine Saiyan replicas into one at the beginning.

These thoughts flashed through Zhang Xiang's mind.

In the next moment, a dazzling flash of light burst out from the center of the planet that was swallowed in the abdomen in the distance.

And the super huge universe creature that swallowed an entire planet also seemed to feel some danger and wanted to spit out that planet.

However, it is already too late!

After the dazzling flash broke out, it was a huge explosion with a speed of thousands of kilometers per second.

Countless sand, lava, and metal in a semi-molten state are blasted away in the shape of a dazzling fireball.

Even Zhang Xiang, who escaped more than 20,000 kilometers away, was chased after he fled for more than ten seconds.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang was shaking violently. He didn't know what the spacecraft hit. The whole person hit the wall of the spacecraft and passed out...

Sorry, the update is a bit late...

No way, I just had a full meal and I was very sick when I sat down.

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