Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 58: , The main battleship!

After taking the battle uniform handed over by the butler and putting it on, Zhang Xiang walked directly towards the deeper part of the base.

As he moved forward, a series of automatic doors began to automatically verify and open in the sound of ‘click’.

Obviously, the things hidden deep in the base must be very important things.

In a short while, Zhang Xiang walked to the deepest part of this base.

That is a very huge space.

It occupies more than the size of the entire mountainside, because it is already a dozen stories underground.

And at this moment, there was a sound of ‘click’.

A burst of bright lights illuminated the entire space.

This is a large dock with a length of about 10,000 meters and a width of about 5,000 meters.

It's just that what is made here are not those marine warships in the form of planets, but those warship docks that are dedicated to battle in space.

But now, there is only one spaceship in the dock.

It was a giant battleship about two kilometers long, one kilometer wide, and two hundred meters high.

Moreover, this is the latest ultra-high-tech warship covered in layered armor and showing red, white and blue.

Because Zhang Xiang prefers to be up to SEED, the overall image is closer to the appearance of the Archangel.

To describe it with the words in Gundam SEED, it is "long legs".

Because it also followed the Archangel on both sides, carrying two high-powered positron cannons.

As for other modifications, it is different from the Archangel, because this warship mainly cooperates with Zhang Xiang to fight. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

Therefore, both the anti-submarine torpedoes and the automatic guns were all abandoned.

Instead, there are some strange weapons.

When Zhang Xiang approached the spaceship, the main system of the entire warship also began to self-check, and the weak main engine started to reverberate in the quiet underground space.

"Welcome back, Master!" A familiar voice rang, the voice of the main system of this warship.

In terms of system control, the warship he brought was more advanced.

Therefore, he reinstalled the main system of that warship to this side.

And as soon as its voice fell, the door of the battleship opened at the same time, revealing the brightly lit sci-fi metal channel inside.

"Okay." Zhang Xiang responded, but he walked inside without stopping.

And wherever Zhang Xiang went, the lights of that place would brighten up quickly.

Finally, Zhang Xiang came to the command room.

Unexpectedly, compared to the command rooms of other warships, this command room looked a bit narrow.

There is only one seat!

That is the seat that belongs to Zhang Xiang's command of this warship.

It’s hard to imagine that a special type of warship that is about two kilometers long, one kilometer wide, and two hundred meters high, can hold tens of thousands of people, but only one person can command and control it. This is impossible. Imagine things.

After all, human beings only have hands and feet, and it is difficult to do everything.

It's just that this is only for ordinary people.

For Zhang Xiang, this is not the case.

Zhang Xiang sat on the seat and put one of the helmets on his head like a virtual online game.

"Start, mind control system!" Zhang Xiang said flatly.

At the same time, the sound of the system rang again.

"The control system begins to initialize... The control system begins to differentiate and connect... The main nerve connection begins... The mind control system begins to form..." As the system's voice sounded, Zhang Xiang could feel something sharper and penetrated. In the back of his head, connected to his nerves.

After that, Zhang Xiang's mental power was like a flood, directly submerged in the entire helmet, and began to accept the control authority separated by most of the systems.

After that, Zhang Xiang slowly opened his eyes.

"Archangel, let's go!" Zhang Xiang's voice slowly fell.

At the same time, with the start of the main engine and the two auxiliary engines, powerful power is output from that engine and poured into the power system.

The Archangel, which was originally docked in the dock, began to float gradually, and the strong wind began to sweep through an underground space.

"The gate is open!" Zhang Xiang's voice sounded again.

And then, the harsh sirens sounded an entire underground base.

Then, there was a violent shaking, and it began to sweep the entire base.

Everyone in the base, after a moment, began to run quickly, rushing towards their respective posts.

Because there is only one possibility for such an alarm.

That is, the warship that was hidden in the base is about to set sail for battle.

Although they hadn't experienced it, Zhang Xiang stayed in their minds in order to control them, allowing them to act automatically.

At this moment, the entire mountain above the base began to tremble violently.

The scope of the impact, even the surrounding mountains have been affected.

And shortly after the shaking sounded like an earthquake, the ray of light finally shone from thousands of meters away from the mountain to the bottom of the base, and fell on the hull of the Archangel.

That ray of light, like the morning light in the morning, attracts people to go out.

And at the moment the light descended, this warship also began to slowly rise towards the sky.

As it slowly rises, the originally relatively narrow upper space is becoming wider and more vigorous with the light above the head, and it is constantly being enlarged.

When this warship flew to the highest point and flew out of the two sides that had originally split from the top of the mountain.

The mountain, which was originally more than 2,000 meters high, was already separated by a distance of close to 1,500 meters.

If you look down from the sky, a red, white and blue warship jumps out of the gloomy ground amid the movement of several huge mountains.

And it wasn't just this warship that jumped out, there were also two smaller frigates behind.

And this is all the battleships that Zhang Xiang has accumulated in the past two years.

And the three battleships are also destined to shine with unprecedented light in the next battle.

Since this chapter is not in the state, if you go over it, the next chapter is estimated to be able to enter the text.

Recently, my mental state is not very good, and I have barely maintained the update, which makes the writing in the last two chapters not very good. I am sorry.

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