Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 59: , The whole battlefield broadcast!

In the vastness of the universe, a little faint starlight shone from far away, bringing a rare light to this dark starry sky.

However, in the starry sky at this time, there is not only the dim starlight, but also the bright and bright light constantly flashing.

Because, in the familiar star field, the new humans and the old humans are at war again.

Moreover, this time can be regarded as the largest battle in these decades.

If either party loses, I'm afraid it will take more than ten years of cultivation before it is possible to recover.

This can be clearly seen from the number of warships and the high number of warships invested by both sides.

If you look at it roughly, the two sides have invested a total of at least close to 40,000 warships and close to one million Gundam.

And these warships and Gundams are all distributed in the battlefield only millions of kilometers away from the old planet of the old man.

Every moment, there are bright rays of light, or small dots of light flicker, flickering in this battlefield that is tens of thousands of kilometers wide.

That was the battleship, or the light that was shot up.

And at this moment, from above the old human planet, there are three warships approaching at high speed.

And this unknown object that approached quickly was also detected by various warships in the battlefield, and fed back to each other's teammates' warships and Gundam for identification.

But it is a pity that no one is very vigilant about the three warships rushing towards this side.

At most, those warships closer to the edge of the battlefield began to be vigilant.

After all, there are only three battleships, and it can't change any situation that has become a battlefield like a meat grinder.

You know, this is an ultra-huge interstellar battlefield that has used 40,000 warships and nearly one million high, spanning hundreds of thousands of kilometers!

Just like the battlefield of the old humans, even if it is a fierce general of the level of the Demon King Cheng Yaojin, personal force alone cannot change the outcome of a battle of tens of thousands of people.

You can kill five people or ten people alone, but you can't kill a hundred people or a thousand people.

Personal force is always exhausted!

Therefore, even if these three super battleships are all the latest battleships, at best, they are only about the situation of the local battlefield, and it cannot shake the situation of the big situation.

Therefore, no one has too much vigilance towards these three warships.

Therefore, no one thought at all that these three new warships were about to become the existence that changed the outcome of the entire battlefield.

And in this situation without any interference, the fleet controlled by Zhang Xiang successfully approached the edge of the battlefield.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang also started to act.

He began to control the spacecraft and began to collect and decipher the communication signals from both sides in the battlefield.

"Starting to accept the signal...under the analysis...using the R-S157 soft cracking method to the process...invalid...change the method...successfully perform signal analysis..." Various complex electronic signals, In Zhang Xiang's spiritual world, it turned into a visible existence, and it was forced to crack.

With the support of his so-called vast and powerful mental power, the ordinary communication between the two sides of the battlefield was successfully cracked.

As for the more advanced signals used to issue orders, Zhang Xiang did not try to perform compulsory cracking.

Because this is an important thing related to the direction of the entire battle.

The old and new mankind must be very concerned about this, using various means to encrypt.

It must be dozens of times more difficult to crack it than to crack some ordinary communication signals.

Therefore, although it is not impossible to crack it compulsorily, it takes too long.

Not to mention, the other party's encryption and decryption methods are constantly changing with the agreed time, and the encryption method for the next second is different from the previous second.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang didn't bother to crack it.

After all, he just wanted his voice to spread throughout the battlefield.

"Well, start the parser, and transmit my words to both parties simultaneously." Zhang Xiang gave orders to the main system.

"Yes, Master. The debugging has been completed, and the amplifier is ready to be in place, ready for full-battlefield broadcast." The voice of the main system rang.

"Then, let's start!" Zhang Xiang gave the order directly.

And at this time, a new broadcast signal appeared quietly on the battleships and Gundam's ordinary communication channels on the entire battlefield.

Then, when these warships did not conduct signal debugging, the sound rang in their warships and Gundam.

"Hello, new mankind and old mankind." Zhang Xiang's voice was conveyed to the entire battlefield through broadcast for the first time.

And this rushing voice made many people jump.

Even the fighting situation in some places stagnated for a moment.

"Who, whose voice is this?"

"That guy, why didn't he get my consent and connected to my call system!"

"Moreover, the recognition on the discrimination system is unknown. Is this the enemy?"

In the battle full of haste and danger, many guys who were scared started to analyze.

Of course, some guys started yelling.

Because he was startled, it doesn't mean that the enemy was also startled. Even if he was startled, he might not react slower than him.

Therefore, the battle was stagnated for a moment in many places on the entire battlefield.

The shining light that represented new sacrifices and damage appeared once again in the starry sky, and it became more dense.

Some military officers are still giving orders to prevent soldiers from being affected, ordering them to change the encryption of their communication signals.

But unfortunately, the other party changed the password of the communication signal, but Zhang Xiang parsed it out faster.

Therefore, after his voice became hoarse due to the signal problem, it became clear again.

"Everyone, stop fighting!" Zhang Xiang's voice continued to ring in everyone's ears.

However, listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the entire battlefield did not appear to be stagnated for even a moment like before.

Although there are many people, when Zhang Xiang yelled out the phrase ‘stop fighting’, the idea that if the fighting could really be stopped, it would be fine.

However, I thought that I was in battle now.

If you stop fighting, and the enemy doesn't stop, then you will definitely be dead.

Therefore, no one stopped.

Even without slowing down the speed of the battle, some people took the opportunity to launch a more violent attack.

Of course, apart from the soldiers who had supported the idea of ​​‘stop fighting’ in their hearts for a moment, most of them were dismissive of Zhang Xiang’s words and even swearing.

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