Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 69: , Virtual memory and changing thoughts!

"Furthermore, in addition to giving you strength, I can also give you power and stop your endless wars between old and new humans, leading you to peace. Even, taking you out of this imprisonment, you don’t know how many tens of thousands of years. , The galaxy banned by the mysterious power, truly marches into the big world of the universe!" Zhang Xiang stretched out his hands and said all his promises.

At the same time, under the impact of Zhang Xiang's many promises and various unimaginable truths, the whole scene is like boiling hot water, making it even more noisy.

The expressions on people's faces are full of all kinds of complex expressions that are either fanatic, shocked, or mixed with several emotions.

But there is no doubt that they were shocked, even moved.

But Zhang Xiang's voice has not fallen yet, he is still chasing after the victory.

"Imagine that in your respective camps, you are just some middle-level members. If it doesn't matter, you may not get a promotion until you die. But it is not for me. As long as you surrender to me sincerely If you do, I can give you even greater rights. The place you are smashed will also be divided between you. Later people will not have as many choices and rights as you. They will even leave this galaxy and colonize another galaxy in the future. Go, you can control the life and death of human beings on other planets..."

"Furthermore, I can also provide you with a cultivation method to cultivate to my level. As long as your aptitude is sufficient, you can even master the power that can easily destroy the planet. Against those that were previously only new battleships and Gundams could deal with Warships and Gundams! The power you control with your own hands is more fun than controlling warships and Gundams!"

"Finally, I can lead you to completely quell the entangled battles of the old and new mankind for more than two thousand years. I believe that although you are hating each other. But you are already exhausted. Two thousand years of entanglement. Fighting makes you tired. However, as long as you belong to my hands, I can lead you to quell the two thousand years of fighting, so that the old and new humans can truly move towards peace and integration!"

"As for, do I have this power. looks at the big screen behind me. I wiped out you before. Guess how many people I used? Ten thousand? Ten thousand? No, it's only. I’m alone! Yes, I’m the only one! With me alone, I will wipe out all of your one million battleships and 800,000 of your Gundams! And the humans of the same race who came in with me, There are still dozens of them! Although their abilities are not as strong as mine, they are enough to show half of my combat power! With you, everything is just something you can grab!" Zhang Xiang's voice became agitated. , A special wave passed from his body.

At the same time, above the top of the ceiling, there was a slight wave of fluctuations slowly emerging, as if some cover had disappeared.

A huge eye suddenly appeared on the ceiling that was supposed to be alloy, staring at the hundreds of thousands below.

The special wave emanating from Zhang Xiang’s body is transmitted to this eye in the special reverberation through the wall. When it is transmitted again, the intensity has increased by almost twice, following Zhang. Xiang's fluctuations formed a double reverberation wave.

Coupled with the shocking scene played on the big screen behind Zhang Xiang, Zhang Xiang sitting alone in the battleship easily suppressed the millions of battleships and Gundam scenes.

There are dozens of Saiyans who are immersed in green liquid and loaded into a cylindrical petri dish on the big screen next to them, and everyone’s minds are attracted by the Saiyan who has the same tail as Zhang Xiang. past.

And that special hypnotic gas that has spread throughout the audience from the beginning.

Therefore, under these conditions, the vigilance in all people's hearts is unconsciously reduced to a certain level.

Under Zhang Xiang's successive shocks and speeches, most of the people have already thought of taking refuge in Zhang Xiang.

Even some people have fallen into a frenzy.

Although, this is a combination of several reasons that let them have these ideas.

When they calm down, most people will come back to their senses.

However, this is enough to see the superb methods of Zhang Xiang.

However, Zhang Xiang didn't care that the other party was calming down, and he would come back to this point.

Because he won't let the other party recover.

In other words, before the other party comes back to his senses, he will let the other party consider this idea as the most correct one!

A more powerful illusion wave passed from his body, passed through the reverberation of the mysterious creature's eye embedded on the ceiling, and spread throughout the audience, followed by the one that spread throughout the audience. The illusion wave forms a trio and a quartet.

Under the strengthening of layers, it was originally a C-level illusion that could be used to confuse others, but it began to exert an illusion effect equivalent to the A-level.

And, it is constantly strengthening with the passage of time!

It is constantly climbing from the A level to the S level illusion, and even looks like a god.

The illusion of other gods has the ability to control others without knowing it, and even get the effect of permanently changing one's mind.

And this one is only C-level, but it is a psychedelic illusion that has been strengthened several times, but after dozens or hundreds of times of strengthening, it also has some effect that can change the mind of others.

The difference is that this illusion that has been strengthened hundreds of times gradually changes the memory of everyone present, and then changes the personality and thoughts of that person through the memory after subtle changes. .

Because, to a certain extent.

A person's character and thoughts are influenced by one's previous experience.

However, Zhang Xiang was even more surprised.

This illusion that has been strengthened several times still has a more powerful effect.

Because it was a large-scale illusion and the use of this feature of constant reverberation to strengthen, most of the brain waves in the scene actually began to have some mutual influence.

The memory of one person’s change begins to affect the memories of others, and then undergoes a chain reaction of general changes, forming a collective memory, which is the nothingness constructed by them collectively, but it seems to them to be extremely real. Memory comes.

The void memory constructed by one person may be flawed, but the flaws in the void memory constructed by 150,000 people will be so rare that it is almost impossible to find.

At this moment, if someone says that their memory is wrong, then they will definitely be regarded as a lie with ulterior motives.

Because these nihilistic memories are not only owned by him alone, but owned by the 150,000 people present.

It was pretty cool just now, but when I stopped and re-read the contents of these chapters, I felt a bit ashamed.

It seems to be too pretending, too connotative... I don’t know what everyone thinks...

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