Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 70: , A hypnotic device!

It's like a lie. If a person said something different from your memory, then you might not believe it yet.

However, when everyone in contact with you says that your memory is wrong, you will really think that your memory is wrong.

Conversely, when your own memory is the same as more than one person, then even if someone else says that your memory is false, you will not think that your memory is false.

Instead, they think that other people's memories are fake.

When the door of this underground space opened again, the captain and main personnel who had been driven into the room no longer had the look of decline and anger that they had when they first entered.

Now, the expressions on their faces are full.

If we look into their eyes, we can even see the enthusiasm for a certain belief in their eyes.

Because they have been thoroughly brainwashed.

Brainwashed by Zhang Xiang's illusion, both his memory and his thoughts have developed in the direction Zhang Xiang hoped.

On the high platform, Zhang Xiang's figure has also disappeared.

Although, casting a C-level illusion is just a simple matter for Zhang Xiang who is not in a combat state.

However, you must know that every word and every action he said on the high platform, even the various ups and downs of the voice, all have strict requirements.

For example, Zhang Xiang's sudden handshake at the beginning was just like the muffled noise.

In order to maximize this C-level illusion to the extreme.

Therefore, although the effect can be said to be excellent, he is not lightly tired.

Even if he can precisely control every muscle of the body, it is not too laborious.

But the mental cost is still a lot.

To a certain extent, Zhang Xiang is more willing to participate in an uphill battle than to do this kind of thing.

However, there is no way, it will take so hard at the beginning of not having a rich family foundation.

And soon, Zhang Xiang walked to the previous research room.

At the moment he stepped into the door, Zhang Xiang's expression returned to coldness.

Before his hands, a qualified leader should never show his exhaustion.

"How about it, have you collected the data?" Zhang Xiang directly asked the busy scientist inside.

Listening to Zhang Xiang's voice, he was already busy analyzing the principles and fluctuations of illusion. The scientist who managed this research room immediately trot to Zhang Xiang's side.

"Okay, all the information has been collected. I have never seen such a successful hypnotic scene. Not only has the hypnosis been successful, a permanent subconscious has been formed, but also the collective illusion hypnosis has also appeared in the mutual brainwaves. The influence makes hypnosis more successful. This kind of scene is really unprecedented, and it is really a phenomenon worth studying. This kind of phenomenon can easily prove that what I proposed, in fact, the human spirit is emitted Around the body..." The scientist who studies the biological and spiritual aspects described with a fanatical face.

However, this is also normal.

If a scientist is not interested in what he is studying, it is difficult to study something.

However, Zhang Xiang didn't come to listen to this.

He doesn't need to know the detailed process and principle, he just needs the final result!

Therefore, he interrupted the other party's words.

"Don't say these things. What is the result that you promised me originally? The result of this hypnosis, as well as the collective hypnotic sound wave device you newly researched, can be used to collect this related illusion experiment. After that, will it be completed? How long will it take?" Zhang Xiang stretched out his hand, interrupted the other's words, and calmly asked what he cared about.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's interruption of his own words, the face of the scientist who studies biology and spirituality showed a somewhat unfinished expression.

But he still didn't dare to violate Zhang Xiang's words, he immediately curbed his gaffe and answered Zhang Xiang's question.

"The giant eye biochemical organisms cultured with the cells of the special deep-sea creatures, after six generations of optimization, already have the function of large-scale hypnosis. I believe this time, after collecting the complete experimental data, it is probably at most It only takes three days to fully cultivate it. If time is urgent, it only takes one day to cultivate it. However, the effect may not be so good." The scientist who studies biology and spirituality is thinking. After a while, Zhang Xiang was given an accurate answer.

And the so-called giant eye biochemical creature is naturally the giant eye embedded in the ceiling in the underground space.

"Three days? No problem, I'll give you five days. It is okay to cultivate on the special battleship I prepared, right? In addition, how far is the propagation distance of these hypnotic fluctuations, and at what interval are they distributed? The effect is the best, and whether it can penetrate the physical protection device and energy protection device, I also gave me a detailed research data in these five days. I need it to make the most correct arrangement." Zhang Xiang turned his head. He glanced at the huge special petri dishes that were only cultivated, this fashionable and juvenile giant-eyed biochemical creature, and gave orders to each other.

"There is no problem with cultivating on the battleship. But for five days, it will take three days for cultivating, let alone other. There are only two days left. I want to figure out these things. The resources of the laboratory want to do this, there are really some..." The face of the scientist who studies biology and spirituality showed a somewhat difficult expression.

However, before he could finish his words, Zhang Xiang had already interrupted him.

"You have to figure it out, I am not asking for your opinion, but giving you an order!" Zhang Xiang suddenly turned his head, his eyes were full of oppression and looked at the other party until the other party's head burst into cold sweat. Come, repeatedly say it is after.

Zhang Xiang just let the opponent go and continued to speak.

"Just know it, I will allocate more manpower to you. All you need is to complete the task I assigned to you within five days." After Zhang Xiang finished this, he ignored the other party's listening. After Zhang Xiang's words, a somewhat surprised expression appeared on his face, and he walked outside.

However, after Zhang Xiang walked out of the door, his face showed a somewhat thoughtful expression.

"Is he doing this because he wants to win more resources, or is it for other reasons?" Zhang Xiang muttered to himself, and then walked directly into another channel.

As for what the truth is, Zhang Xiang doesn't think it is important.

If it's just that the other party wants to strive for more resources in the organization, Zhang Xiang has no reason to care about such things.

After all, if an organization wants to flourish, good competition within the organization is indispensable.

And if it was for other reasons, as long as that giant illusion hypnotic device was made, then everything would be fine.

Because he intends to be the first person to be implemented by scientists in this entire base.

Relying on his one-to-one hypnosis, although the loyalty of the most important part of the people can be guaranteed, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be people with different intentions lurking in it.

But as long as this collective hypnosis device is used, it can be done once and for all.

As for whether the other party would make some small tricks on this giant illusion hypnotic device, Zhang Xiang felt it impossible.

After all, there are more than a dozen scientists in the entire research room.

Even if he wanted to make some small actions, he couldn't do it under the supervision of others.

Not to mention, Zhang Xiang also constantly monitors these important research rooms.

Moreover, if something really happens, Zhang Xiang, who already has millions of combat power, also has the ability to destroy all of this in an instant. (Because of his mental power, he is immune to illusions below S level. Therefore, he is not afraid of the hypnosis of the hypnotic device.)

This is the guarantee that he is not worried at all.

Force is always the most important thing in the Dragon Ball world!

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