Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 80: , A hundred times the gravity!

Two silhouettes that are imperceptible to the naked eye are flashing rapidly beside Zhang Xiang. Only the occasional sweat trickles down from their bodies, and the moment they are crushed by the huge gravity, we can see a little remnant. shadow. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

It's hard to imagine that someone would be able to reach a level that is hard to see with the naked eye under a hundred times the gravity.

Even the Monkey King before he turned into a Super Saiyan, it would be very difficult to do this.

However, now there are two people beside Zhang Xiang who have reached this level.

Imagine what a terrible thing this is.

At this moment, Zhang Xiang finally spoke.

"Well, your temptation is enough. If you don't attack anymore, with your actions that consume a lot of physical energy, I don't think you will have the strength to attack after two minutes." Zhang Xiang's face With a smile, the body floated in the air, as if there was no guard at all, and said to the front.

And his words are similar to the facts. In the room with a hundredfold gravity, the two figures flashing around Zhang Xiang, although their speed has not slowed down, they are already beginning to make slight gasping sounds. .

So, at the moment when Zhang Xiang's voice just fell.

The two afterimages seemed to have a tacit understanding. They gave up the meaningless move of continuing to explore, and attacked directly in the direction of Zhang Xiang.

However, the other two people are not without the slightest city government.

In order to maximize the advantages that the two talents can have, the two afterimages turned out to launch fierce and incomparable attacks on Zhang Xiang from the left and right sides of Zhang Xiang at almost the same speed.

The two fists turned into fists of afterimages, piercing the surrounding air, turning the front of their fists into a vacuum, and attacking Zhang Xiang's ribs and cheeks.

Those two afterimages turned out to not only choose the left and right attack, but also chose the upper and lower attacks that made people more difficult to parry.

Moreover, the place where the punch was punched turned out to be the vital part of the human body.

If ordinary people were hit by a punch, they would be killed on the spot.

However, facing such a fierce attack, the smile on Zhang Xiang's face did not disappear.

"Very good, very well coordinated. But unfortunately... the speed and strength are not enough!" Before Zhang Xiang's voice fell, his hands were already stretched out, and they instantly changed into a corpse. Ying completely took the two afterimages' fierce attacks.

It's just that those two roads seem to have expected such a thing to happen.

At the moment the fist was caught, both of the opponents had already stopped at all.

Moreover, relying on the advantage of his smaller figure, he raised his right foot and attacked Zhang Xiang's lower plate and waist at the same time.

However, Zhang Xiang also seemed to have expected that the two would do this a long time ago, and his hands turned out to be late and came first to the feet of the two, resisting the attack of the two. , And threw both of them away.

At the moment when Zhang Xiang was caught, we could see two silhouettes of only about 1.5 meters tall, wearing combat uniforms, looking like children flashed past.

And then, the two of them were thrown out by Zhang Xiang's power, turned into two afterimages, and directly hit the alloy room.

If it is really smashed and strong, with the inertial force brought by the one hundred times the gravity, I am afraid that even if the entire room is constructed with special alloys, it will probably be damaged.

Not to mention, how much damage will the two afterimages thrown out.

Only in the next moment.

The two figures that were thrown out forcibly changed their positions in the midair of this room with one hundred times the gravity, so that their feet could first touch the walls on both sides of the room.

Then, two huge sounds that were approaching at the same time sounded.

With the appearance of the traces of the alloy wall being slightly sunken in, the speed of the two afterimages unexpectedly accelerated again.

Moreover, from the bodies of these two small figures, a burst of incomparable aura burst out.

"Ahhhhh!!!" 2

The two voices full of momentum rang, causing the two people to explode with unprecedented power, rushing out towards Zhang Xiang with full of anger.

What's on their bodies converged sharply on the right hand.

If the picture is played back, we can see that powerful qi erupts from their bodies, and under the influence of a mysterious force, flows back to the right fist, condensing an extremely powerful Angry.

And those two sudden bursts of air even made the whole house that can withstand the devastation of one hundred times of gravity, and nothing happened yet, began to whine.

The whole room began to shake.

Even in the control room of this super warship, a red, piercing alarm sounded.

The personnel in the control room who was observing other things couldn't help running around in a hurry and starting to call up relevant data.

However, when they saw that the alarm that could affect the super warship came from this one hundred times the gravity training room, they couldn't help showing wry smiles and looked at each other helplessly.

Even some people complained helplessly.

"Really, the masters and young masters, always make these nervous things every few days."

While complaining, the person in this control room manually turned off the alarm.

In addition, he began to give orders to make the repair crews ready, and wait a while to repair the gravity training room, which is likely to have problems.

Because they knew that since such a big movement had already been made, the self-alarm system of the super warship had been activated.

Then, it is natural to make greater movement next.

After all, they have already experienced this kind of thing many times.

There is a bit of strangeness and skill in it.

And at the moment when they showed helpless wry smiles, their words have not yet fallen.


The combination of the two sounds made it impossible to tell whether it was one or two loud sounds that spread across the ship in an instant.

Fortunately, the entire warship has adopted an overall defensive design, absorbing sound waves that can harm the body.

Otherwise, the loud sound alone would be enough to cause the entire battleship to lose a lot of people in an instant.

And more importantly, along with the huge noise, there was also a huge shock that made the entire super warship of billions of tons shake.

All the people in the control room could not help but sway, or almost fell over.

'Knew it……! ’

The two people sitting in front of the console looked at each other speechlessly, and the same message was revealed in each other's eyes.

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