Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 81: , My father? ? !

And at this time, in that gravity training ground.

Zhang Xiang opened his hands and took the two fists that contained tens of millions of tons of force.

Powerful Qi reverberated throughout the entire gravity training field, and some of the Qi that was surging and impacted with each other also hit the alloy wall, knocking out many hideous traces.

Even the whole gravity training field has a feeling of being about to disperse.

At least, the heavy equipment that was originally erected in the center of the room and provided to the entire room with a hundredfold gravity has already begun to make a harsh sound.

Then, at a moment when a burst of blue smoke slowly drifted up, the entire 100-fold gravity that enveloped the training ground instantly disappeared, turning the entire training ground into a zero-gravity state.

——Because the room has to be covered with a hundredfold gravity, in order to prevent interference, the hull shields this part of the conventional gravity blessing.

With the passage of time, the tyrannical air in the entire gravity training field began to disappear sharply.

The power above the two fists that had bombarded Zhang Xiang's hands also began to drop rapidly.

Even the owner of those two fists couldn't help but drop his feet on the ground.

If it were a real battle, relying on the flaws exposed by the owner of these two fists, I am afraid that Zhang Xiang would have pulled each other's fists together in an instant, and then a qigong gun would take care of the two.

However, Zhang Xiang did not do that.

On the contrary, except for a smile on his face, he let go of his grasping fists and looked at the two people standing next to him.

"Yes, very good. Although I can't take a step back, I have improved a lot compared to the last time." Zhang Xiang said to the two people on both sides with satisfaction. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

And the person standing on both sides of Zhang Xiang, on the left is about one meter six, wearing a child-level combat uniform, fair skin, hair and bangs extended until the tail gradually turned into broken hair, and his face also showed A cool boy.

He seems to be about eleven or twelve years old, as if to pretend to be cool, with his hands still in his pockets.

"Huh, it's not enough, I haven't told you to take any step back!" The boy said coolly, as if to prove that his words were true, and turned his head slightly to the side.

However, Zhang Xiang was able to see it.

When the other party was talking about this, not only did he not have regrets flashing in his eyes, but there was a flash of joy.

Although this point was only a flash in the opponent's eyes, it was caught by Zhang Xiang, who was keenly observant.

While watching this scene, Zhang Xiang just smiled, but did not refute it.

After all, the arrogant boy's hair must be stroked along, not against it.

However, Zhang Xiang didn't expose the other party, and the girl standing on Zhang Xiang's right hand did not show him any face.

"Brother, you are really not ashamed. You are obviously very happy for the praise of your father, but you show a look of disdain. Isn't this too arrogant?" The girl next to Zhang Xiang made a shameful expression towards the teenager on the left.

This is a young girl with long and supple waist-length hair. She is wearing a more women's combat uniform. She is a little shorter than the boy she calls the'brother', only about 1.5 meters tall. That's it.

In terms of appearance, she is very cute, with a pair of big eyes, she is very smart.

However, listen to her words.

The young man who was standing next to Zhang Xiang suddenly exploded like a cat whose tail was caught.

"Brother, I am not your younger brother. I am older than you. Remember, I am my older brother, not my younger brother! Moreover, your combat power and height are lower than mine!" Cool boy She yelled at the girl in a frantic manner, as if she had been pressed some switch, she suddenly became frantic, and chased the girl, as if she was going to have a theory.

However, the young girl seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and took Zhang Xiang's hand and started to circle.

While she went around Zhang Xiang, she shouted with great interest.

"My father, my brother has rebelled again, and he wants to beat me. Help," the girl shouted, but she happily continued to tease the cool boy.

Looking at the two playing people, and the name of a girl, Zhang Xiang stretched out his hands somewhat helplessly, grabbed their heads with one hand, making them unable to move.

"Don't make trouble. You're about to reach your destination. You guys take a break first. You always make trouble with this problem every day, aren't you tired?" Zhang Xiang began to persuade like a father.

"But, I am the elder brother!" The cool boy who was controlled by Zhang Xiang said angrily.

"But, I'm going out a second before you!" The long-haired girl said triumphantly.

"No, I was one day earlier than you consciously!" The cool boy said anxiously.

"But, I still came out a second earlier than you, brother!" The long-haired girl blinked her big cute eyes, and she just repeated a reason very rascal.

And, not once or twice, but no matter what reason the cool boy finds out, he always answers with this one reason.

Moreover, while she answered, she looked at the cool teenager's madness and smiled with satisfaction.

So, after repeating it more than ten times, the cool boy couldn't help it again and struggled out of Zhang Xiang's hands.


But it's a pity that when the cool boy was halfway through the rush, Zhang Xiang had already caught the battle uniform again and lifted it up.

It's just that the other party continued to dance in midair without giving up, as if it would be unconvincing if it didn't catch the girl and hang it up and fight.

"Xiao Yang, don't be so impulsive. It's not good to be always so frizzy. Moreover, the difference between the younger brother and the elder brother is only in name. You only need to look for this point yourself." Zhang Xiang calmed the hair. Cool boy.

However, when Zhang Xiang was putting out the fire, the girl next to him continued to fan the flames.

"Thank you Father, if it weren't for Father Father, even if he catches him, I'm afraid my brother would have to bear the name of killing sister for a lifetime." The girl standing in front of Zhang Xiang seemed to be really very Worried about his'brother', he said to Zhang Xiang.

Moreover, as if to be realistic, he also took out a handkerchief.

But the point is that she didn't squeeze out any tears at all, and she was still winking at the cool boy in secret.

Watching this scene, how could the cool boy calm down?

"Ahhhh!!! Can't be forgiven!!!" The cool boy struggled hard in Zhang Xiang's hands, his hands longing for half a meter to strangle the girl.

Looking at this scene, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but feel even more headache.

"Xiao Guang, don't be naughty, don't continue teasing Xiao Yang. Is it so fun to molest Xiao Yang? And, don't call my father an adult, I just raised you guys and grew up..." Zhang Xiang persuaded with a headache. .

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