Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 84: , Kick Fei guilty!

"Okay, Father, I've seen this guy who bullies children a long time ago." Standing behind Zhang Xiang, Xiao Yang, who looked around, couldn't help showing excitement on his face. Come.

And just before his words fell, his figure had disappeared behind Zhang Xiang.

When he appeared again, Xiao Yang's figure had already appeared in front of Napa.

Without hesitation, his right foot turned into a long whip and directly hit Nappa's cheek.

The powerful force burst out instantly, sinking into Napa's head, and beating him in a moment.

Then, the powerful force took his body and shot towards the distant flying. After flying a distance of hundreds of meters, it slammed into the ground, splashed again, and hit a small building. The mountain just stopped.

But at this moment, Fei kicked the body of Xiao Yang, who had made such a powerful blow, to slowly fall to the ground.

"Chee, I just thought you bullied the kids so badly, you thought you were so good. Turns out, it's just a straw bag." With a chic short and medium hair, wearing a black stand-up collar long-sleeved shirt and black shorts, Xiao Yang, a cool young man with his hands still in his pockets, put on a look of disdain.

It's just that he hasn't waited until his cool is finished.

A scallion finger was already stretched out, giving him a brain collapse.

"Ah! It hurts, what are you doing?" Xiao Yang, who was knocked out by a sudden brain collapse, couldn't help but jump up with tears, without the cool look at all.

As for the object of his complaint, of course it was the classmate Xiaoguang who entangled him endlessly.

"You just said the word'cut', right? My father said it, children can't use swear words. Look. Mao. Line. Chinese. Wen. So, I am acting for my father. I'll teach you a lesson." The girl with her hands on her waist, wearing a black short-sleeved women's top and a knee-length black hakama, said bravely.

However, Xiao Yang was not convinced at all.

"But, my father hasn't spoken yet!" Xiao Yang retorted, clutching his head.

"Even if your father did not speak, I am your sister. Therefore, I am right to teach you!" Xiaoguang said to Xiaoyang with a natural expression.

However, listening to Xiao Guang's words, Xiao Yang immediately exploded again.

"But, today I am the elder brother! It is your turn to be the elder sister tomorrow!" Xiao Yang said frantically.

"Oh, isn't it? I forgot, I'm sorry." Xiao Guangdi rolled her eyes round and round, and said ‘apologies’ to Xiao Yang.

It's just that she has to be as insincere as she looks like.

Therefore, how can Xiaoyang, who has blown up his hair, let it go?

So, another time you chased me, centered on Zhang Xiang.

However, Zhang Xiang controlled the two again under compelling circumstances.

And, I learned what Xiaoyang said that I am my brother today and you are my sister tomorrow.

It turned out that the two of them finally compromised after arguing for so long without a result.

Let each other be the older one one day, when it is Xiaoyang's turn, he will be the older brother.

And the day it was Xiaoguang's turn, she was her sister.

In the days when it is their turn to be older brothers and sisters, younger siblings must call each other’s older brothers and sisters.

Today, it was just discussed to let Xiaoyang be his brother. For this, Xiaoyang even paid the price of having to call Xiaoguang brother for the next two days.

Therefore, when he is offended by Xiaoguang, his "sister", especially when the other party still claims to be "elder sister", Xiaoyang will explode so quickly.

Otherwise, according to the original scene, it would take Xiaoguang a few more provocations before Xiaoyang would blow his hair.

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh suddenly felt that Xiaoyang was so pitiful, he was grasped by xiaoguang and his weakness was not only more than that, but he was completely understood...

Ahem, okay, let's get back to the topic.

And while Zhang Xiang was busy explaining, while watching Napa being kicked out by Xiaoyang, Vegeta, who had not yet risen, recovered from the shock.

"How is it possible? Even if Napa is a waste, how could it be kicked in the air." Vegeta's face showed a slightly solemn expression, pressing the combat power detection meter next to her ear.

The voice of ‘dididi...’ began to ring one after another.

The numbers on the combat strength detection table began to roll quickly, and they turned from one digit to three digits quickly, and they continued to rise until they reached four digits.

However, the solemnity on his face has disappeared instead.

"Twelve thousand, twelve thousand, five hundred, and ten thousand more combat power? It's really good. It's such a strong combat power at such a small size. No wonder if you can't deal with you with the waste piece. Then I will come to do it myself. It’s just that you’re really rubbish! You can’t even compare to your two children.” Vegeta’s face showed a proud expression again, and his body slowly Floated up.

And listening to Vegeta's words, Zhang Xiang still had no opinion, and Xiao Yang and Xiao Guang beside him had big opinions.

"Ah, you are a trash! Father is so great, you can't imagine. As long as Father is willing, one finger can knock you down. Brother, let's go and teach this guy severely. Meal!" Xiaoguang, who was blown up by Vegeta's speech for the first time, yelled at Vegeta fiercely, and was about to rush out.

However, before she rushed out, she secretly signaled to Xiao Yang.

However, Xiao Yang was taken aback after a while.

"Okay! Ah, no, didn’t I say that? I’m the brother today! However, this guy dare to insult your father. It’s really unforgivable. I’ll settle accounts with you later. Now we are ruthless. Give him a severe lesson!" After Xiaoyang exploded, he decided to follow Xiaoguang to teach Vegeta.

Obviously, in the hearts of both of them, Zhang Xiang's position is still very important.

Of course, in addition to this, they have other careful thoughts.

However, before they rushed out, Zhang Xiang had already stretched out his hands and grabbed the collars of both of them.

"You guys, haven't I told you? After you come to the earth, please be obedient. Don't mess around. As for the thing he scolded me, since you are all called my father, won't I solve it by myself? When I I don’t know if you two discussed it in the spacecraft before. If you find an opportunity, you will pretend to blow up your hair, and then use the excuse of hitting the enemy or chasing each other to escape and play for a few days?" Zhang Xiang grabbed the two men. The collar taught them a lesson.

Xiao Yang and Xiao Guang, who were pierced by Zhang Xiang's careful thinking, couldn't help but shrink their heads with some guilty conscience.

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