Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 85: , I am the Saiyan Prince!

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang raised his head. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

"It seems that I don't need to act. Someone will help me teach him." Zhang Xiang raised his head and looked in the distance.

However, after listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Vegeta, who was already flying into the air, sneered.

"Huh, the fighting power is not high, and the tone is not small! Want to teach me, do you have this qualification?" Vegeta sneered, before his words fell, his figure was already a sudden Disappeared and appeared behind Zhang Xiang.

"Let me teach you a lesson first!" Vegeta suddenly appeared behind Zhang Xiang, swept across Zhang Xiang's waist.

If he wanted to come, even though the two teenagers with a fighting power of over 10,000, they might react to attack him.

However, this guy with a combat power of only 10,000 would definitely be hit hard by him.

"No, get out of the way!" Klin, who was seriously injured in the distance, suddenly changed his face and screamed.

"Uncle, be careful behind!" Gohan, who was not far in front of Zhang Xiang, also recovered, and shouted anxiously in Zhang Xiang's direction on his face.

It's just that Klin and Gohan yelled worriedly.

However, Xiaoyang and Xiaoguang, who were detected in Vegeta’s combat power detection table with more than 12,000 combat power, had a relaxed look, just like what they saw behind Zhang Xiang. Vegeta just doesn't exist at all.

But listening to Vegeta's words, Zhang Xiang's brows can't help but frown.

"Are you toasting or not eating fine wine?" Zhang Xiang snorted coldly, but his right hand was stretched out in the middle of the hair, and he caught Vegeta's right foot kicked by him.

Then, he directly tugged and flicked him like a whip, so that Vegeta's strength could not be used, and he threw him out in one direction.

It was just a blink of an eye, and Vegeta's figure had disappeared in front of everyone.

At the same time, a stone pillar hundreds of meters away suddenly collapsed with a bang.

Then, as if pushing a domino, the successive stone pillars began to collapse, and a lot of smoke began to diffuse.

And Vegeta's figure in a battle suit didn't stop until he flew to a place a thousand meters before and carved a ravine on the ground.

"How, how is it possible..." Klin said with a wide mouth open, somewhat inconceivable.

He originally thought that Zhang Xiang would definitely be hit hard under Vegeta's attack, but he did not expect that it was not Zhang Xiang but Vegeta who was hit hard.

"I was, was thrown out!!!" Gohan was also shocked.

Gohan, who has fought with them, knows the strength of the opponent deeply!

At this time, Vegeta, who was lying in the pothole, barely struggled to stand up.

"How is it possible, how is it possible, how can I be thrown out by a guy with a combat power of only ten thousand?!!! You know, I am the prince of Saiyan!!! How can I be hurt like this!!!" Press Vegeta, who was holding his left shoulder, roared and exploded with strong anger.

The sudden burst of qi caused the rubble around him to roll around.

If he had pressed the combat effectiveness detection table now, then he would find that his combat effectiveness had soared from the normal 15,000 to the highest 18,000.

But in the next instant, his figure turned into a flashing afterimage, rushing directly in Zhang Xiang's direction.

"Unforgivable!" Vegeta, who had burst into full combat power, came to Zhang Xiang in an instant, and hit Zhang Xiang's cheek with his right fist with all his strength.

However, facing Vegeta's all-out right fist, Zhang Xiang just turned sideways slightly, and already dodged.

However, Vegeta still did not give up at all, his fists turned into countless afterimages, shrouded in Zhang Xiang's body.

However, Zhang Xiang dodged the past with a relaxed look.

"Unforgivable, unforgivable!!!" Vegeta tried his best, even using his feet, turning into a large amount of afterimages that covered Zhang Xiang's figure, and was about to knock Zhang Xiang down. .

Looking at the other party's crazy appearance, Zhang Xiang frowned slightly.

"Too annoying!" Zhang Xiang said impatiently.

Then, he stretched out his right hand, not even a bit dull, and avoided all Vegeta's attacks, and then slapped his cheek with a slap.

Suddenly, Vegeta's figure spun suddenly, and his body slammed into the ground.

Especially the cheek that was hit by Zhang Xiang's slap, he couldn't bear the huge force. His head turned a half circle and the body turned and hit the ground, making a loud bang.

A shallow pit measuring two meters in size appeared on the ground in front of Zhang Xiang.

As for Vegeta's figure, half of her body was embedded in the mud.

It was just a blow, and Vegeta suffered a heavy blow, with wisps of blood appearing at the corner of his mouth, and even his head felt dizzy under such a blow.

Even trying to get out of the pothole feels like a burden.

Looking at this picture of him, Zhang Xiang hadn't said anything, Xiao Yang and Xiao Guang had already spoken.

"I really don't know that the sky is high and the earth is thick. Even with his combat power, he dare to claim to be the prince of the Saiyan. I think even I can claim to be the prince of the Saiyan." Xiao Yang with his hands in his pockets, Seeing that Vegeta, who was only knocked down by Zhang Xiang's blow, hadn't struggled for a long time, couldn't help but said coldly.

"Yeah, even with his strength, he wants to bring down his father. It's really whimsical! I see, even if I want to bring him down, it will only take a few seconds." Standing Xiaoyang Xiao Guang beside him couldn't help but sneered.

That is to say, if Xiaoyang's mockery is because he wants to be cool.

Then, Xiaoguang's mockery is more like something of interest.

Therefore, the effect also has a more knowing effect.

And listening to the words of the demo and Xiao Guang, Vegeta only felt an uncontrollable anger that emerged from the bottom of his heart.

"It's really, really unforgivable to insult me ​​like this! I, but the prince of the Saiyans is here." Vegeta, who was roaring, actually relied on the share in his heart. Proud, the war stood up.

However, before he finished his roar, he attacked Zhang Xiang and others again.

A small fist had already arrived in front of him.

It is neither light nor heavy, but it gives Vegeta a feeling of inescapability.

And along with this little fist, there was also a little child's words that turned into anger.

"All said, the Saiyan prince is mine. You dare to continue to claim it!" Xiao Yang's voice rang in his ears.

Then, that fist was already printed on his chest.

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