Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 103: , The cold star field!

And thousands of meters away, Vegeta, who had just arrived near the battlefield, was shocked to see such a scene.

"How, how is it possible? Frieza didn't even have the power to fight back?!" Vegeta's face showed an expression that she didn't know if she didn't dare to believe it or didn't want to believe it, and she couldn't help but mutter to herself.

For him, since the destruction of the planet Vegeta, he has been under Frieza's hand in order to find a chance to kill Frieza.

In his opinion, apart from him, no one can kill Frieza.

No, only he is qualified to kill Frieza!

This belief has been maintained until now, and it has become an existence like a heart demon, making him stubbornly believe it.

However, everything that happened before his eyes was hitting his belief severely.

Therefore, when he saw Frieza being bombarded by Xiaoyang into the big lake, he was unbelievable, and even a trace of unwillingness appeared in his heart, hoping that Frieza would kill Xiaoyang in turn.

This would have been impossible.

After all, he had waited for Frieza to be killed before!

But the human heart is like this, unpredictable.

However, many thoughts flashed through Vegeta's heart.

However, he did not act presumptuously, but after his face changed and a trace of unwillingness appeared, he hid his body behind the rock and quietly continued to approach.

After all, with his current combat power of 24,000, he wanted to solve the remaining three Frieza's men.

Unless it is a sneak attack, the success rate is not high.

And at this moment, there was a loud bang.

An evil air burst out from under the big lake, and a tall figure slowly rose from under the lake.

"I really underestimated you, then, let me show you a little bit of strength. Just let you see how terrifying my Frieza really is!" The body became more than two meters high and became He got up, his muscles burst out, and the thick tail behind him was swaying Frieza slightly, with a wicked smile on his face, and he said to Xiaoyang.

And watching Frieza floating from the bottom of the lake, it was obviously more powerful than before. Shang Bo and others, who were originally full of shock and worry on their faces, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"It really deserves to be King Frieza!"

"Yes, how could King Frieza be defeated!"

"I see, that Saiyan kid is about to be scared to pee his pants..."

After a sigh of relief, the mocking voice came out of Shang Bo and the others.

As for hiding two kilometers before, Vegeta who was planning to rush out and kill Frieza, her body trembled slightly.

Because, the new combat power detection watch he was wearing was constantly making the sound of ‘Didi’.

The numbers on the combat effectiveness detection table quickly climbed directly from ten million to one million.

Frieza's combat power turned out to be one million combat power directly after being transformed once.

What a terrifying thing this is!

You know, he only has 24,000 combat power. Compared with Frieza at this time, the opponent can crush him to death with a single finger.

‘Escape, quickly run away when Frieza doesn’t notice! This is what Vegeta was thinking at this time.

It's just that all sweat penetrated on his back, as he was thinking about how to escape.

Xiao Yang, floating in the air, showed a sneer of disdain on his face.

"If you change one body, it just doubles your combat power? It's really embarrassing! Look at me, even without transforming, you can beat you! Let you take a look at my true combat power! "Xiao Yang shouted violently, and a powerful qi burst out from his body continuously.

That powerful qi even caused the trembling of the stones on the ground below his body, and a powerful sense of oppression spread to all directions.

"Eight hundred thousand, nine hundred thousand, one, how could it be possible to break through one million, this is impossible. Is the combat effectiveness detection table broken? He didn't only have six hundred thousand combat effectiveness before..."

"One and two million, his combat effectiveness is already higher than that of King Frieza!"

And then, there was a small ‘bang’ sound.

However, Chambeau's combat effectiveness detection list exploded.

This discovery made his face pale.

"It has exceeded the detection range of my new combat power detection meter!"

And listening to Shang Bo's words, the faces of the other two people were shocked.

"Haha... Frieza, just give it a try, how resistant you are to be beaten when you are transformed!" Xiao Yang's slightly arrogant voice rang out in the room, making Shang Bo and others' faces Can't help but change and change.

As for Vegeta hiding behind the rock, the changes in her complexion are even more exciting, sometimes with lividness and sometimes joy.

However, before he could stabilize his emotions, the battle in the sky started again.

A fierce battle is taking place in the sky, and the intensity of the battle this time, even Vegeta's eyes can't keep up.

There was a huge muffled sound, and there were bursts of huge shock waves visible to the naked eye, swaying around.

Occasionally, some mountains were drilled through, or a certain piece of land was directly bombarded with a large pit by a qigong gun.

The battle has already entered a white-hot stage.


And just before Xiao Yang changed his mind, he showed his coldness, showing the Saiyan's unique enthusiasm for fighting, when he started fighting with Frieza.

In the edge of the Milky Way galaxy not knowing how many light years away, Zhang Xiang's body was still floating in the void, quietly thinking about the problem.

After a special genetic adjustment, he can already adapt to the way of survival in the universe.

The cold Wendy, which is as low as 100 degrees in the universe, and the problems of rays and air, can no longer prevent Zhang Xiang from surviving in space.

Now he, even if he stays in the sky, can survive for close to three days.

Without knowing how long it took to think, Zhang Xiang finally stopped thinking.

However, looking at Zhang Xiang's plain appearance, it is hard to guess whether he was thinking about what he wanted to understand.

"Okay, let's count the time. Xiaoyang and Xiaoguang should have arrived at Namek, too. Frieza should have come, too. Then, I should pass. Let Xiaoyang and Xiaoguang mess up. If you come, I don't know how far it will be." Zhang Xiang started to search for the breath of Xiao Yang, Xiao Guang and others as he said.

Two seconds later, a slightly happy expression appeared on Zhang Xiang's face.

"Okay, I found it! Then, let's go!" After Zhang Xiang caught the breath of Xiaoyang and Xiaoyang, he took a step forward and suddenly disappeared in the air.

Behind him, it is still like the past thousands of years, continuing the cold and dim starry sky scene.

It's just that in a certain star field far away.

A priest sitting in an ancient palace with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes, and a dark light flashed through his eyes.

"The breath is finally felt!"

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