Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 104: , Namek!

In the next instant, Zhang Xiang's figure had already crossed countless kilometers and reached Namek. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

However, when Zhang Xiang had just reached this planet, two breaths of colliding with each other came from a distance one after another.

Moreover, the more important thing is that one of these two breaths is an existence that Zhang Xiang is very familiar with.

Feeling this, Zhang Xiang didn't know what kind of expression he should show.

"Really, I told them not to be impulsive. They even fought with Frieza. Is this looking for death?" Zhang Xiang held his forehead with one hand and said silently.

Feeling the aura of Xiaoyang and Frieza now evenly matched, Zhang Xiang finally made a decision.

"Forget it, let him suffer. I have been taking them by my side for some years, and I haven't caused them to suffer too much. Now is the time to let them know that there is a sky outside the world, and there are people outside the world. Moreover, Xiaoguang is here. By the side, even if something happens, I will be able to arrive in time!" Zhang Xiang made a decision.

After all, if you indulge often, you can't teach good children.

It is also necessary to let the other party suffer a little bit.

More importantly, the two of them now dared to violate Zhang Xiang's order.

If you don't give them a little lesson, I'm afraid it will happen if you don't fight for three days and go to the house.

"It seems that the two of them will be fighting for a while. Moreover, based on Frieza's character, he shouldn't transform to the final stage so quickly. So, where should we go now?" Zhang Xiang touched his chin, filtering in his mind where he should have been when he came to this time.

"That's right, go to the predetermined place." Zhang Xiang's eyes flashed a glimmer of light, and the whole person had disappeared in place.

When he appeared again, he had already appeared outside one of the six gathering places of Namek.

This is a small settlement, a gathering place built around a thick stone pillar in the middle.

It's just that the crowd on this gathering place is now evacuating towards the outside in an orderly manner.

However, what Zhang Xiang is concerned about is not the Meike people who are evacuating outside, but the thick stone pillar in the middle of the gathering place.

To be precise, it was looking at a house above that thick stone pillar.

Because the people living in it are the ancestors of all the Namek stars, the great elders.

While seeing this house, Zhang Xiang also flew in the direction of that house.

And while he was flying, he started to think about the information of Namek.

According to the information obtained by Zhang Xiang, Namek is a planet that is several times the size of the earth, with infrequent geological activities, and the crust is similar to the earth, consisting of several plates.

And around this planet, there are three suitable stars near and far, bringing the eternal light to Namek.

From this point of view, this planet should be full of vitality and green.

It's just that, although the Namek Star now appearing in front of Zhang Xiang is full of green, there are not many lives.

This is because the Gunamek people who once lived on this planet are keen on the development of science and technology, and have no regard for the development of ecology.

Even in the end, although the Gunamekians possess advanced cosmic technology, the entire planet has become an existence similar to a dead star.

In the end, it turned out to be only the current Great Elder who survived on the planet. (Therefore, it is said that the Great Elder is the ancestor of all Namekians on this planet.)

Under the leadership of the great elder, he began to plant trees and afforestation, and after paying attention to ecological protection, the entire planet was gradually recovered.

It's just that, up to now, only half of the plants have recovered, and the living things have not been completely enriched.

And just as Zhang Xiang recalled the information to this place, from the egg-shaped house not far away, a few Namek people flew over.

The goal is naturally Zhang Xiang.

"Sure enough, it's a race that has a deep research on'qi'. Did you notice it the first time I appeared?" Zhang Xiang said with a bit of surprise in his tone.

And it was at this moment that the few Namek people also flew to a place not far from Zhang Xiang.

However, when they were halfway through the flight, they spread out an encirclement circle, encircling Zhang Xiang.

"People stop here. This is a forbidden place for our Namek, please don't move on." A Namek with green skin and two tentacles stretched out his right hand to stop Zhang Xiang from moving forward. .

However, he has not waited until his words are finished.

The other Mekker who glanced at Zhang Xiang's back suddenly changed his face, with a trace of resentment flashing across his face, interrupting Neru's words.

"Don't tell me, Neru, this guy is a cruel Saiyan!" A hatred expression appeared on the face of the Namek, and he looked in Zhang Xiang's direction.

After listening to his words, Neru, who was originally polite, couldn't help but change his face, with an expression of alert and anger flashing across his face.

"Sure enough, your goal is Dragon Ball! Stop it!" An angry expression flashed across Neru's face, and Zhang Xiang suddenly launched an attack.

His figure flickered suddenly and kicked out a whip kick directly at Zhang Xiangfei.

Listening to the other party's words, Zhang Xiang was a little stunned.

"How do you know I'm here for Dragon Ball?" Zhang Xiang stretched out his hand easily and grabbed Neru's whip leg, but asked with some doubts.

It's just that the other three Namekians who came here didn't know what went crazy, they turned out to be siege to Zhang Xiang regardless.

"Let go of Neru!"

"Evil Saiyan, go to death!"

"Dragon Ball, we won't give it to you!"

Accompanied by three successive angry shouts, the three Namekians launched a fierce attack on Zhang Xiang.

Of course, these attacks can't help Zhang Xiang at all.

However, facing the attack of the four Namekians including Neiru, Zhang Xiang was a little annoyed to dodge.

"It's not over! Stop talking!" A trace of anger flashed across Zhang Xiang's face, and he didn't dodge anymore. He grabbed the foot of a Namek star in one hand and smashed him like a mallet. He killed the other three Namek, and threw each other severely on the ground.


A deep hole appeared on the ground!

However, Zhang Xiang flew quickly towards the egg-shaped house on the thick stone pillars.

However, when the other party saw this scene, his face suddenly changed.

"Protect the Great Elder!"

"Quickly, don't let him hurt the Great Elder!"

"Dandy, hurry up and leave with the Great Elder!"

While they shouted, they continued to rush up regardless of life and death.

This caused a trace of impatience flashed in Zhang Xiang's heart.

However, at this moment, an old voice came from the egg-shaped house.

"Stop it, children. Let him in..."

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