Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 105: , Great Elder!

And when he heard this old voice, the four figures who had rushed towards Zhang Xiang couldn't help but stop.

However, their faces are a bit bad.

"Elder!" Nelu wanted to say something.

However, in the next moment, the voice of the great elder rang again.

"It doesn't matter, he is not of the same force as the Saiyan who invaded Danlin Village before. Moreover, I didn't feel that he was malicious." The old voice continued to ring in the house.

And listening to the words of the great elder, the guard of the great elder represented by Nelu did not look so good.

However, they still followed the order of the most respected Grand Elder in their hearts and stepped aside.

"Go in, but if you dare to do it, we won't let you go!" Another Namek star with a combat power of about 10,000, staring at Zhang Xiang viciously.

And listening to the other party's words, Zhang Xiang also understood why they were so malicious.

‘It must have been Vegeta who attacked the village of the Namek in order to get Dragon Ball. And these namekians, seeing my tail, must have mistakenly thought that I was also in a group with Vegeta, so they were so excited! "Zhang Xiang is just a moment, and he has already learned what he wants through their words.

However, thinking of this will only make Zhang Xiang even more depressed.

Because he blocked the gun for others.

‘Madan, next time you see Vegeta, you have to beat him at least, otherwise you won’t be able to breathe! Zhang Xiang thought with some resentment.

Of course, if he could, he also wanted to beat the four Namekians who were still staring at him fiercely. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

It's just that Zhang Xiang's things are just thinking in his heart.

In reality, he seemed unaffected at all, flew over the edge of the thick stone pillar and stopped.

Then, walked towards the house built on this stone pillar.

After all, he can't fly directly into the home of the other party's most respected elder, right?

In this case, it would be no less than slap the opponent in the face, and if the opponent didn't do something, it would be impossible.

Not to mention, the other party's age and past actions are worthy of Zhang Xiang.

And looking at Zhang Xiang's movements, the complexions of the Namek stars were slightly better.

After entering the egg-shaped room, everything in the room appeared in front of Zhang Xiang.

This is a very simple room without too much decoration. There is only this slightly larger chair facing you.

But sitting on the seat was a huge, serene face, with a lot of age spots on his face, as if he was half asleep and half awake.

This person is undoubtedly the great elder of Namek, and the creator of Namek's Dragon Ball.

And just as Zhang Xiang saw the other party, the other party also saw Zhang Xiang.

It was just a moment, Zhang Xiang felt a vicissitudes and wisdom, as if the eyes that could see through everything fell on him, giving Zhang Xiang a feeling of being seen through.

This made Zhang Xiang couldn't help being slightly surprised.

However, thinking about the identity of the other party's great elder and the various special abilities of the Namekist, he was relieved.

"Welcome, guests from afar." The vicissitudes of the voice of the great elder rang again.

This time, Zhang Xiang was finally able to see the opponent's eyes slightly opened, and his gaze fell on himself.

"Do you know I'm coming?" Zhang Xiang's brows were slightly raised.

From the time when the other party said that he and Friesha were not in the same group, and there was no malice, Zhang Xiang was already a little confused.

Facing Zhang Xiang's doubts, the elder shook his head.

"I didn't know you were coming here. After all, I didn't have the ability to predict the future. However, I knew that you came here without malicious intent." The elder's eyes were half-closed and said in an old voice. .

And listening to the voice of the great elder, Zhang Xiang was even more curious.

"Oh, how do you know that I am not malicious?" Zhang Xiang asked curiously on his face.

"It's very simple. I can see it from the breath of your body." The elder said slowly.

"Qi?" Zhang Xiang felt a little surprised.

"Yes, I can feel from your body that although the qi in your body contains a trace of tyranny, it is brought by your own blood. It does not come from your heart. Moreover, I can feel it. In your breath, there is no malice towards us." At this point, the great elder seemed to consume a lot of physical strength, and was a little panting.

And a few seconds later, as if he had accumulated physical strength again, the slightly fatigued voice of the great elder rang again.

"Qi is the power hidden in the body. The life force, including the physical strength of the body and the power of the mind, is difficult to hide the power of feelings for other people. And your current Qi is very peaceful, without the slightest. Therefore, I don’t think you are with that evil breath, and I don’t think you will hurt us." The great elder said in an old voice, and his eyes scanned Zhang Xiang’s body with a trace. The sound of fatigue sounded very slowly.

Although his eyes were muddy because of his age, the depths were still full of wise light.

"Oh, it turned out to be like this." Zhang Xiang nodded suddenly and suddenly realized.

After all, in the original work, Wukong and others often distinguished that the enemy was an enemy by feeling the enemy's anger when the enemy did not arrive.

As the counterpart of Namek Star Great Elder, possessing this kind of ability is not unexpected by Zhang Xiang.

"So, what is your purpose for coming here? If I can help, I won't refuse." The great elder seemed to have said too much just now, but he coughed slightly, his face Shang's expression grew older.

And this discovery made the other Namik beside him, who was not too young, suddenly nervous.

"Elder, take a break."

However, his suggestion was rejected by the elder.

"No, I can't hold on for much time. It is also very good to be able to use my remaining time to extend the future of the Namekians." The elder said with a weak wave.

And listening to the words of the great elder, the people next to him couldn't help showing grief.

"Elder, you will be fine. You have persisted for so many years. You must be able to persist for a long time..." The other party wanted to say something.

However, the great elder interrupted their words.

"Stop talking, I know my body myself. And how strong the enemy invading this time is, I also understand..." The elder shook his head slightly before turning his gaze back to Zhang Xiang's direction. .

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