Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 106: , The purpose of looking for Dragon Ball!

And watching the great elder cast his gaze on him, Zhang Xiang also revealed his purpose.

"The purpose of my coming here is to let you help me develop my potential... and to find seven dragon **** and summon the dragon to make a wish." Zhang Xiang didn't conceal the slightest concealment, and said his purpose.

And before the great elder could speak, the four combat-type Namek who had followed Zhang Xiang to protect the great elder were already excited.

"Sure enough, you also came for Dragon Ball!"

"Protect the Great Elder!"

"Don't be delusional! The Great Elder won't develop the potential for a guy like you!"

In a few flashes, the four Namekians had already rushed to the front of the elder, and put on a protective formation.

However, they didn't know whether they knew that the four of them combined were not Zhang Xiang's opponents, or because the elder was behind them, and they were a bit of a rat.

Therefore, it was just glaring at Zhang Xiang.

However, Zhang Xiang did not show any angry expression on his face.

"It seems that you still don’t understand? This is a fair deal, my deal with the elder. He helped me develop my potential and found the dragon ball to summon the dragon to make a wish. And I am helping you The invaders who invaded this planet are expelled. In the final analysis, this is because you have no ability to protect your people and planet. This kind of scene will only appear." Zhang Xiang said calmly, looking from before his eyes. The four righteous and indignant combat-type Namek star swept past.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the complexions of the four combat-type Namek people standing in front suddenly changed.

Various emotions flashed in his eyes, such as anger, shame, unwillingness and so on.

And these complicated emotions made them gritted their teeth, staring in Zhang Xiang's direction, clasping their hands but making no offense. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

Because they know what Zhang Xiang said is reality.

However, in the end some people could not bear it.

"We don't need you to protect. I will drive the enemy out of this planet now!" His expression changed several times, and Neru, the captain of the Great Elder's guard team, gritted his teeth abruptly, holding his hands tightly. Going to rush out to find Frieza and the others desperately.

It's just that before he rushed out, a stern weak shout already rang.

"Stop, stop for me...cough cough..." The great elder's voice suddenly became severe, and he started drinking.

However, because the body is too weak.

After taking a low drink, he couldn't help but cough violently.

This discovery made Nei Lu, who had wanted to rush out, his face changed drastically.

"Grand Elder..." Neru's face was full of regret and worry.

Fortunately, although the cough made the elder weaker, it has not reached the point where he can't continue.

After all, in the original work, the Great Elder died after successively helping Klin and others to develop their potential, and feeling the breath of his sons disappearing one by one.

Now, without helping others develop their potential, consuming a lot of physical energy, and feeling not overly sad because of the feeling that their sons are dying one after another, although the elder is a little weak in physical strength, he definitely hasn't reached it. The degree of oil exhaustion and lamp dry.

In this regard, Zhang Xiang, who has the power of death, is the existence with the most say.

After coughing violently, the elder finally spoke again.

"Neilu, don't be impulsive..." the elder said weakly.

"But, the elder, who knows what evil wishes he will promise if he hand over the Dragon Ball to him?! Moreover, he may not be able to beat the evil master..." Neru also thought What to say.

However, the great elder shook his head at him.

"Don't worry...cough cough...I have my own calculations on this matter." The elder shook his head and said weakly.

And listening to the words of the great elder, although Neru was unwilling, he still gritted his teeth and did not speak again.

"Also, you should withdraw too. If he wants to hurt me, you can't stop him..." The Great Elder said to the other three fighting-type Namek stars standing in front of him.

And listening to the words of the great elder, the remaining three battle-type Namek star people still retreated unwillingly after looking at each other.

In the end, the Great Elder cast his gaze in Zhang Xiang's direction.

"Okay, kid, are these all your requirements?" The Great Elder of Namekstar cast a kindly gaze on Zhang Xiang and asked softly.

"Yes, that's all my requirements!" Zhang Xiang nodded towards the other side and said.

Listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the elder nodded.

"Then, I agreed to all these requirements..." The Great Elder said weakly and slowly.

And listening to the words of the great elder, Zhang Xiang couldn't help flashing a hint of surprise in his eyes.

After all, according to his previous calculations, the probability of the Great Elder's agreement should be only about 40%.

Moreover, it is very likely that there are restrictions on the content of the wishes.

However, now he agreed directly.

Coupled with the potential development of his temporary ringing, it can be said that this time he is making a lot of money.

However, at this moment, the Great Elder continued to say another sentence.

"It's just that, I need to remind you of one thing..." The Great Elder's face showed a trace of memory and said softly.

And listening to the words of the great elder, Zhang Xiang couldn't help calming down again.

Because, this is probably the reason why the other party will agree to him so readily.

"Let's talk about it." Zhang Xiang took a deep breath, a trace of firmness flashed in his eyes.

Dragon Ball is something he is determined to get. Without Dragon Ball, it would be impossible to reach the origin of this world in a short time.

And watching Zhang Xiang calm down so quickly, the Great Elder couldn't help flashing a look of admiration.

Then he began to explain.

"Do you know why there are only some of us left by the Meike?" A look of memory flashed in the eyes of the elder, and he said softly.

But listening to the words of the great elder, Zhang Xiang couldn't help being stunned.

He didn't understand why the other party would get involved in the history of the Namek.

However, he knew that with the wisdom of the Great Elder who had lived for so many years, he would never say some useless nonsense.

Therefore, he calmed down a bit and began to answer truthfully.

"According to what I have learned, the Gunameks once completely ignored the protection of the environment in order to develop science and technology. In the end, the Nameks were eventually polluted too much and the carbon dioxide protective layer was destroyed. The radioactive damage of cosmic rays. Make Namek a death star, and the Namek people have almost become extinct...This should be the reason why Namek people have become so rare now."

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