Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 128: , Tenanks!

Zhang Xiang’s mind began to replay the previous pictures, and finally paused in Namek, Shenlong said: "Although your wish is difficult, I can help you realize it. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese The net has clues about the realm of the gods and the origin of the universe. The nearest location is the east cantilever of the Milky Way. What you know..." Above this picture.

‘No wonder! The hidden star field is in the direction of the cantilever east of the Milky Way. Plus the phrase "what you know" said by Shenlong. It seems that my guess will be correct in all likelihood. Zhang Xiang's eyes began to flicker, as if he was thinking about some plan.

As for what did he know?

Naturally, what is the words Shenlong hasn't finished yet!

The remaining unfinished words of Shenlong should be ‘in the hidden star field you know’.

Moreover, Zhang Xiang felt that the place Shenlong was referring to was the one in the space where he had broken open a neutron star under the limit state.

After a long time, Zhang Xiang's blinking eyes began to stop.

This means that he has finished thinking and planning.

‘It’s a pity, I’m not strong enough now. Otherwise, it won't be so troublesome. After Zhang Xiang said this unclear sentence, he closed his eyes again.

He began to concentrate, and began to repair the defects in his body.

Although his body has been severely traumatized, it does not mean that his body can no longer be used.

On the contrary, his body can last for a long time, at least for several years.

Of course, the damage based on the genetic level will still affect him a little bit.

However, these are compared with the soul damage caused by changing the body.

Especially when it is unclear whether the enemy is paying attention to him all the time, it is not a problem to use the technique of exchanging the body to expose one's last trick. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

‘After all, it’s still not strong enough! Zhang Xiang sighed again in his heart.

Afterwards, he thoroughly immersed his mind in repairing his body.

Of course, his last thought was: ‘fortunately, there are still a few years away. It’s enough for me to finish my plan initially...’


A year later, on the spiral arm 100,000 light-years from the center of the Milky Way.

To be precise, it was on a certain blue planet.

An elliptical aircraft suddenly appeared from the sky and fell onto the ground.

A few seconds later, this oval-shaped aircraft suddenly turned into a capsule in a burst of smoke from the'Peng', and only a tall figure appeared on the spot.

It was a man with blue hair, a blue coat, black pants, and a long sword about half a meter long on his back. He appeared about twenty years old. In place.

After a few seconds, he seemed to have clearly distinguished his position, and flew towards Xidu.

However, when he flew into the prosperous Western Capital, he slightly frowned.

Because, there is full of prosperity and excitement, the street is crowded with people, and the suspended vehicle is driving like a shuttle in the sky above the western capital between the cities, but from time to time there is a frame about several kilometers long. Battleships take off and land from time to time.

What is even more strange is that in the crowd of Naxidu, one or two aliens can even be seen occasionally.

In addition to these, what surprised this young man even more was that he had a large amount of Qi reaction within the range he could perceive.

This is not surprising at first.

Because even ordinary people have qi in their bodies, but they can only use the difference between the magnitude and the amount.

However, this is not the point.

The key is that the quantity and quality of the qi he perceives is far beyond his imagination.

"There are nearly tens of thousands of people with a combat power of more than 100! How could this be!" The man with blue hair and a long sword on his back showed an incredible look on his face.

You know, in the original work, Teacher Wu Tian, ​​that is, Guixianren's regular combat effectiveness is only 139.

In the peak state, it was only one hundred and eighty.

With his strength, it was enough to destroy a mountain without pressure.

In the original work, Teacher Wu Tian used to push the moon off the moon in his muscular state, that is, in his peak state.

From this, we can see how awesome a hundred combat power is.

Although I can't push the moon, there is no pressure to destroy a building casually.

If you still don't know how strong a hundred combat power is, I will give another example.

In the original work, such a scene appeared when Raditz attacked the earth.

When Raditz stepped off the spaceship and saw a farmer holding a double-barreled shotgun aiming at him, he said something like this: "The fighting power is only five scum!".

From this, we can see what level of power the fighting power five is equivalent to.

If the combat power is only five, it is the existence of holding a double-barreled shotgun.

Then, by analogy, if the combat power is 100, it is absolutely equivalent to driving a mecha to fight!

Therefore, it is not unreasonable that this man with blue hair and this long sword would be so shocked.

However, this was not the only thing that surprised him.

"Furthermore, there are thousands of combat powers over 1,000, and hundreds of thousands! Even more than half a million existences, there are so many..." This one has blue hair and carries The man with a long sword was already shocked.

"Here, is the earth as I know it?!" The man with blue hair and a long sword on his back was already shocked and confused.

That's right, this man with blue hair and this long sword is Tenantes who has traveled back twenty years later.

He didn't feel any abnormalities shortly after landing.

However, when he entered the Western Capital, he was lost in confusion.

Because the whole West was filled with too many things that he did not remember.

However, as a Saiyan warrior who has experienced thousands of battles after twenty years, he is not the kind of person who will be affected too much by changes in the outside world.

"Anyway! First find out what's going on! The West in front of you is definitely the West, but it's just a little more changed!" Tenanques clenched his hands and made a decision.

However, just when he wanted to walk into Xidu, he suddenly raised his head and looked to the west.

"This breath is Mr. Wukong's breath, nothing wrong! Impossible! Isn't he still on the way back to the earth now?" Teranques was already completely confused, his hands clenched and released .

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