Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 129: , The future of change!

However, the thing that shocked him was not the only thing. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

Just when he couldn't wait to rush to Xidu and ask his future mother Buma what happened in the past few years.

A slightly harsh sound rang out in the sky above Xidu.

"Alarms, warnings, there are unidentified aircraft approaching the earth. Warning of unidentified aircraft approaching the earth. Please keep order, don’t panic, the emergency protection device is already activated..." A radio voice resounded throughout the western capital. The people in Xidu were panicked for a short time.

But what shocked Tenanx was that the panic only lasted for ten seconds, and it had already subsided.

Just like, this kind of thing happens often.

"Wh, what's going on? No, what is this breath? King Kurdish! Is the UFO in the warning just now the car of the King Kurdish? But why is there no Flisa on him?! In the original In history, shouldn't Frieza be found by the Kurdish king when he was about to die after the explosion of Namek, and then transformed into a robotic Frieza?!" Tenanques felt his head was in confusion.

However, he quickly made up his mind.

"Don't say anything, let's hurry over! Even if it is the king of Kurdish, although Mr. Goku is there, if it is careless, it will not be good!" Tenanks from the future shook his head, removing the distracting thoughts in his head To shake it out, you have to fly directly towards a certain place where the aircraft that the Kurdish king is about to land on the earth.

But at this moment, on the big TV screen of a certain building in Xidu behind him, there was a sudden voice that made him stop.

"Everyone, after urgent contact and analysis, we already know who the owner of this UFO is. The owner of this UFO is the patriarch of the notorious Frieza clan in the universe. Look. 1 Mao 2 Line 3 came to our earth to conquer our earth and to slave our people.

Therefore, after the alliance’s emergency consultation, we will lock and warn the aircraft so that the other side will retreat. If the other party insists on invading the earth, our alliance will launch an interstellar cannon to knock it down in one fell swoop. Please rest assured that our alliance will swear to protect the peace of the earth! The above is the speech of the Earth Alliance! "A middle-aged man wearing a military uniform and an admiral's badge said in a voice full of majesty and excitement.

However, listening to his words, Tenanks from the future clenched his hands.

"Although I don't know where this Earth Alliance came from. But, do they think they can destroy the Kurdish King so easily? Then even I need to be a little serious to kill it! With the earth If they have the highest level of technology, they can't get rid of the Kurdish king at all. What a nonsense!" said Tenanks from the future in an anxious tone.

After that, he rushed directly in the direction where he had sensed that the Kurdish king was about to land.

He wanted to rush to the scene to stop the so-called Earth Alliance from angering the Kurdish King before the attack was launched, and to prevent the other party from being so angry that he would directly send a death bomb to the earth and detonate the earth directly.

In that case, he who hasn't moved instantaneously, I am afraid that going back to the past this time will be more than useless, and maybe he will have to take his own life.

You know, he is a hybrid of Saiyan and Earthling, and the survival ability of the universe is even worse than that of Saiyan.

However, he still underestimated the current speed of the Earth Alliance.

When he was flying halfway, a terrifying energy fluctuation caused his face to change slightly.

Then, a crimson torrent that soared directly into the sky, directly rushing towards the flying vehicle of the Kurdish King that was barely visible with the naked eye.

"Which one is? Oops!" Teranques' face changed suddenly, but his speed increased by a few points.

In his mind, although this energy fluctuation moved him, he didn't think that relying on the technological level of the earth, he could really annihilate the Kurdish king.

Therefore, he wanted to rush to the scene as much as possible to "wipe his butt" for the so-called Earth Alliance and hack the Kurdish king to death.

But unfortunately, after a few seconds, he was advancing at full speed and stopped blankly.

Because, in his perception, the aura of the Kurdish king dropped rapidly, and finally disappeared completely.

That is, if the Kurdish King had not learned the ability to disguise his breath.

Then, the other party is already dead now in all likelihood.

This discovery made it difficult for Tenanx, who originally believed that the Earth Alliance would be bad.

"King Kurd, once known as one of the strongest fighters in the universe, died like this?! I didn't need to be dispatched at all, and even Mr. Wukong did not come forward? Just relying on technological weapons?" The face looks unacceptable.

It was as if he had been deprived of the meaning of coming here originally.

However, after remembering the purpose of coming into this world, Tenanx cheered up again.

"Although I don't know what is going on. However, it is a good thing that the earth's technological level is advanced. At least, it will increase the chance of success for Mr. Wukong and the others against cyborgs! Now, let's first ask Mr. Wukong to tell me. Let's do this!" Tenanks took a deep breath, stabilized his mood, changed the direction and flew towards Wukong.

But at this moment, a gas containing explosive power rushed in his direction.

"This feeling of anger, is it Dad?!"

Before Tenanks' words fell, the figure with an explosive atmosphere had already come to him.

A man with angular cheeks, flaming black hair, stiff eyebrows, bottomless black eyes, straight nose, and wearing a dark blue vest floated in front of him.

Needless to say, the identity of this man was from Vegeta.

And looking at the sudden appearance of Vegeta in front of him, Tenanques could not help but flash an unquenchable surprise in his eyes. A sourness emerged from his heart, making him almost never want to hug him. .

However, in the end he held it back.

Because, he knew that he had made such a move, and Vegeta, who had always been proud, might kill him.

As for revealing his own identity, he is afraid that if his identity is revealed, he does not know what changes will happen to history.

Moreover, there is no lack of an idea in his heart.

‘Dad, let me tell you in advance. How should Super Saiyan break through! This thought flashed in Tennques' heart.

However, before he spoke, Vegeta spoke first.

However, what he said, almost didn't make Tenanques pounce on the street.

"Hurry up, get it out. The proof of your legal entry into the earth, and your ID card. Don't waste my time, but I still have a lot of training to be busy!" Vegeta looked impatient. Said to Tenanks.

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