Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 146: , An all-metal planet!

And listening to Xiao Yang's question, without Zhang Xiang speaking, Xiao Guang already answered Zhang Xiang's question. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

"Idiot, didn't you see that your father wanted to capture him alive?" Xiaoguang relied on his current identity as his sister, and knocked Xiaoyang on the head.

Xiao Yang couldn't help but suffer a dark loss.

Of course, the other reason that Xiao Yang did not immediately counterattack was that Xiao Yang was taken aback when he heard his sister's words.

"But, my lord father. Didn't you say that the opponent is a kind of guy who will continue to soar in combat. In addition, after every battle and severe damage of our Saiyans, the combat effectiveness will soar. If not now Solve his words, I'm afraid..." Although Xiao Yang didn't say everything, he basically said what he meant.

He was afraid that if Broly didn't kill it now, once the opponent recovers, or if he has a chance to escape, it will definitely be an incredible thing again.

After all, Broly's unscientific strength has skyrocketed today, directly rising from less than 800 million to 900 million combat power to more than 2 billion.

And, at the last moment, I don’t know how much it soared.

In short, it is definitely a combat power that will make him absolutely powerless to fight back.

This can't help but make him worry.

And listening to Xiao Yang's words, Xiao Guang, who hadn't thought of a deeper level, suddenly reacted, and his expression was also worried.

"Yeah, I almost forgot this. Father, the potential he showed before is really terrible. If you give him enough flowers, according to the hatred he showed before us. I'm afraid, it's not just us, I'm afraid that even the Saiyan clan, who has just recovered without much vitality, will be destroyed by him." Xiaoguang's face also showed a look of worry.

When she said these words, she was only worried that Zhang Xiang planned to let him go because he was of the same race and had great potential. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

However, listening to the words of the two of them, Zhang Xiang showed a comforting smile on his face.

"It's really matured a lot. When I grow up, I don't just think about myself and the people around me anymore." Zhang Xiang looked at the face of the man and woman who were already close to adulthood, and couldn't help but reveal Come with a relieved smile.

"My father?"

"what do you mean?"

Xiaoyang and Xiaoguang looked at Zhang Xiang like this, feeling a little confused.

I don't know what Zhang Xiang meant.

"It seems that I can give the control of the Saiyan clan to your hands." Zhang Xiang directly said his answer.

Listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Xiao Yang and Xiao Guang were shocked.

"My father, why would you say that?!"

"Yes, you have always been the master of the Saiyan clan."

"Yes, only Father Father can lead Saiyans to the prosperity!"

Xiaoyang and Xiaoguang mistakenly thought that they were too self-assertive, and they had previously asked their subordinates not to report the news about Broly's invasion, which annoyed Zhang Xiang, and couldn't help but quickly explained it a little nervously.

However, Zhang Xiang waved his hand to them.

"Relax, I am not blaming you, but praising you. What I said is true. It is good for you to have your own ideas when you grow up. After all, I cannot always act as your protector. It's just that you can act as a protector in your childhood and a guide in your youth.

Before, the reason why I didn't let go of all my hands and feet and let you show their hands and feet on the Saiyan side was just because I was afraid that you would be too silly.

However, it is different now. Although your previous actions were a bit reckless, now that you have calmed down, you have shown enough consideration and know that this one is about the survival of the Saiyan race.

On this point, I am really very pleased. Therefore, I decided to give you the control of the Saiyan clan. You are already barely able to act as the leader of the clan. "Zhang Xiang said to them with some emotion.

Listening to these words of Zhang Xiang, Xiaoyang and Xiaoguang both felt glorious and panicked.

"However, the two of us are still immature. As far as the previous treatment is concerned, we are already immature. We should be like my father, at least by directly wounding him seriously."

"Yeah, the two of us can't afford such a heavy burden. If something happens, we may not be able to handle it."

Xiaoyang and Xiaoguang showed a panic.

However, Zhang Xiang smiled and shook his head towards them.

"You really can't turn the corner. I just said that the Saiyans will be given full responsibility to you. I haven't said that I don't care about you. If you really encounter something that cannot be resolved In terms of things, how could I stand by and watch. You know, I am your backing." Zhang Xiang was a bit sensational at the beginning, but after the end, he couldn’t help but reveal his domineering attitude. come out.

However, Zhang Xiang also said this sentence domineeringly. In the past few years, he has completely digested Frieza and Kevlar's forces.

Basically, most of the Milky Way is already under his control.

Moreover, he had already sent personnel to other river systems, looking for human existence outside the galaxy.

It can be said that in the galaxy, he is an overlord level of existence.

Even if it was the Realm King God, it was difficult to shake his dominance.

Xiaoyang and Xiaoguang were also moved.

It's just that, because the two of them are already close to adults, they didn't reveal too much.

After being moved, Xiaoyang finally pulled the topic back to Broly's direction.

"But, my father, how can he solve it?" Xiao Yang pointed to Broly in Zhang Xiang's hand, with a hesitant expression on his face, a little unsure of Zhang Xiang's meaning.

And Zhang Xiang smiled at them.

"Relax, he can't get out of the palm of my hand. Moreover, I won't let him appear outside again. His whole life is already doomed." Zhang Xiang said as he said. He raised his right hand behind him.

And in the next instant, a huge space tunnel opened behind Zhang Xiang.

It was leading to a state of emptiness and chaos, filled with a large amount of discarded metal materials and spaceships surrounding the endless void, but it was surrounded by an all-metal planet about half the size of the earth.

Yes, an all-metal planet, if you look at it, the entire planet is made of unknown metals.

This is a very rare thing in the universe.

Moreover, it is very rare to be formed naturally.

"This one is?!"

"It's all metal?!"

Doubts and surprises rang at the same time.

However, they still didn't know what it meant by telling Zhang Xiang that Broly could not get out.

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