Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 147: , Than Gaoxing!

"This one is an all-metal planet that I have obtained during my cosmic travels over the past few years. Look. Woolen yarn and Chinese nets have been transformed and restored by me over the years, and a planetary fortress has been created. Originally, I wanted to use the robbed permanent energy furnace as one of the main energy sources for this planet. But now it seems that it’s not necessary.” Zhang Xiang said while carrying it in his hands. Broly landed on this planet.

However, listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Xiaoyang and Xiaoguang still retained a trace of worry on their faces.

"But, can this fully mechanical planet be able to suppress this guy?"

"Yes, he has skyrocketed in combat effectiveness so many times, I am afraid that even if it is suppressed, he will not be suppressed for long, right?"

But, listening to the words of the two of them, Zhang Xiang shook his head.

"Don't worry, I have calculated all of these. With his combat power, even if it skyrocketed dozens of times, it would be impossible to break free from this planet. Because the combat power of this planet is He is dozens of times. And, although I still can’t fully confirm. However, even if it’s a magical race, it’s impossible for the fighting power to skyrocket. Wait until his fighting power is enough to break free from this planet. , He has long been useless." Zhang Xiang said while bringing Xiao Yang and Xiao Guang to this all-metal mechanical planet.

"The combat power of this planet is dozens of times that of his? Doesn't that mean that the combat power of this planet has exceeded 10 billion?!"

"By the way, Father, you said that this planet can suppress him, how exactly is it suppressed?"

And Zhang Xiang is smiling.

"You'll know after a while." Zhang Xiang said as he stretched out his right hand towards the front.

Without seeing any movement from him, this all-metal planet began to change silently.

Centering on the place where Zhang Xiang landed, a huge vertical pothole began to crack directly from the metal ground, exposing the core part of this all-metal planet. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Streams of liquid metal flow past, forming a bright light, illuminating the way forward.

This is really a scene like a science fiction movie.

"Go in, inside is where the core of this planet is." Zhang Xiang flew to the core of this planet first with Bro's interest.

Since the size of this planet is only about half the size of the earth, Zhang Xiang and others have already flown to the core in less than a minute.

This is an existence like a sphere, but the area is so large that you can't see the edge at a glance.

There were bright lines that couldn't be seen in the end, spreading inside the ball, forming countless lines.

When Zhang Xiang flew into the ball, he opened his mouth.

"Are you ready?" Zhang Xiang asked directly toward the empty front.

What went beyond Xiaoyang and Xiaoguang's expectations was that a soft light began to emerge, and an imaginary round figure had already appeared in front of Zhang Xiang.

"Report to the master, according to your request, we have already completed the energy control prison you need within thirty-two seconds, and copied the large-scale energy absorption device and storage device. Void energy transmission pipeline, It is expected that the construction will be completed in one minute and twenty-five seconds." A soft voice rang from the ball.

"Is this one? There actually is an entity!" Xiao Yang stretched out his hand curiously, and after poking at the other's beautiful body, he exclaimed.

And Zhang Xiang slapped the other messy little hand.

"Don't make trouble, this is to control the core self consciousness of this Bigao star." Zhang Xiang explained to Xiaoguang.

Then, he turned his head and looked in the direction of the bright ball in front of him.

"Then, let's get started." Zhang Xiang threw Broly's body toward the ground like a torn sack.

At the same time, a huge hole was cracked on the all-metal ground, exposing a similarly spherical room below.

It's just that there is no exit in that room.

At this moment, an angry roar came from Broly, who was in a coma like a torn sack.

"Want to shut me down?! Don't be delusional, let me die!" Broly turned over suddenly, stopped in the air and directly hit the two walls full of various lines. Two huge qigong cannons.

It turned out that Broly was only in a fake coma, recovering his strength and injuries on the way to this place.

Moreover, after hearing that the combat power of this planet is dozens of times that of his own, and that some lines on the wall turned out to be the core of this planet.

Therefore, when he could no longer pretend to be unconscious, he violently wanted to destroy the core of this planet.


"Don't let him escape!"

Xiaoyang and Xiaoguang instantly became Super Saiyans and wanted to rush out.

However, two powerful hands grabbed his shoulders.

"Don't be impulsive, you will know when you read it." Zhang Xiang said with a smile.

He was holding Broly with his own hands. How could he not know when the other party pretended to be unconscious?

Therefore, what he said is nothing more than something irrelevant.

So, in the surprised eyes of Xiaoyang and Xiaoguang.

The two super huge qigong guns instantly hit the lines on both sides, bursting out with incomparably bright light, like a nuclear explosion.

However, it is of no use!

The bright light shines from these lines, as if absorbing energy, it absorbs the energy of the other party's qigong cannon cleanly, lighting up the slightly dim lines in other places.

Then, in the next moment, at the moment when Broly just showed his shocked face.

After a few locks that came out from where they didn't know, they already flew out and directly locked Broly's limbs.

The powerful suction power was transferred from these locks, directly absorbing the energy in Broly's body.

Then, he directly pulled the opponent's body into the prison below.

"Impossible, how could my qigong cannon be useless! How could I be caught! I am not reconciled!" The powerful anger and resentment caused Broly to explode again, but it was useless at all.

Although the explosive aura made it too late to absorb the five locks and leaked out part, it was the silver-white room that was all-metal to absorb it.

As the ground under Zhang Xiang's feet regained it, Broly's voice disappeared completely.

"It is said that the combat power of this planet is dozens of times that of yours. You are still so irrational. Moreover, this is the core, which means that a lot of energy is needed here. Your qigong gun is also a kind of energy. "Zhang Xiang said, shaking his head.

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