Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 152: , The millennium layout!

"Hehe, it's very simple. Look. No matter how strong the resentment monster is in wool or the Chinese website. He is composed of plural resentment. Although in the process of composition, the resentment consciousness in his body will kill each other and stay behind. The strongest resentment acts as the controller of this body. However, it is also impossible for him to gain full control. It will definitely be affected and will not act so rationally. And from your eyes, I don’t see Not at all awake." Zhang Xiang said directly.

"Oh, it turns out that even such a small flaw, did you show it through? Very good." A voice full of calmness said from the other party's mouth.

"Then, your purpose of setting up this round is to eliminate me. I remember, I don't seem to have a conflict of interest with you, right?" Zhang Xiang looked straight into the opponent's eyes, as if he had penetrated thousands of distances. , I saw the real body of the other party.

Because he is now certain.

The opponent is definitely not the owner of the pitch-black giant hand last time, because the attributes of strength are different.

The power attribute of that dark giant hand last time was full of feelings of death and nothingness.

But the guy in front of him who controls the body of this resentful monster, his power attribute is full of darkness and sharpness.

"There is no conflict of interest. However, you are breaking through the big net laid down by my old fellow who spent thousands of years. It is developing in a direction that I don't know. Therefore, in order to return the trajectory to the right track, I have to Correct all this." Hakiyak raised his head.

A hint of darkness appeared in his eyes.

But in the next moment, his hands stretched out, and the green light shined brightly from the sapphires inlaid on him.

And the huge change to the sky is happening at the same moment on this whole planet full of resentment.

The black mist of infinite resentment erupted from the core of this planet, spewed out from the huge cracks that had been cracked, and the dark clouds in the sky began to move quickly, following the spurt. A large amount of resentment and black mist merged together, forming a dark cloud that completely covered the entire sky.

The whole planet was plunged into infinite darkness in an instant, only the light bursting out of the people not far away illuminated the surrounding environment. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

"Hell's cage, form!" A calm voice rang from Hakiyak's mouth again.

"You can't get it out anymore. This space has been sealed off by me and pulled into the gap between **** and the world." As if chatting, Hakiyak's voice slowly sounded.

However, the corners of Zhang Xiang's mouth curled up slightly with disdain.

"Do you think that with this one, I can break the cage with one punch and trap me?!" Zhang Xiang raised his head and sneered at the dark cage that sealed off the entire planet. Said.

"Of course I can't trap you. But, at least it can limit your teleportation ability. And I, I am confident that you will be solved before you break the restrictions here!" Haqiyak raised his head. , The green light shined again from the sapphires inlaid on his body.

In the next instant, two black mists of resentment filled with sharp aura suddenly erupted from beneath the ground, and they crossed directly towards Zhang Xiang's body.

The black mist of resentment turned into a huge black sword, suddenly tearing the sky.

But it's useless!

"Break it to me!" Zhang Xiang stood on the spot, facing the jet black long sword coming from the blast, folded his hands in front of him, and suddenly bombarded both sides.

Suddenly, a scene like glass shattered in the air.

That was the scene where the air was broken!


The two crossed in front of Zhang Xiang, and the huge pitch-black long sword that was about to be chopped down was a thousand meters long. It suddenly shattered from the place where Zhang Xiang would bombard and collapsed into the original black mist of resentment.

The force conveyed by the air cracks that spread, even directly on the ground, tore open gullies about ten kilometers long.

And of course, the person who controls Hakiyak certainly didn't think that this simple blow would be able to eliminate Zhang Xiang.

At the moment when the dark sword collapsed, some dark resentment and black mist suddenly formed a temporary cage, which enveloped Zhang Xiang. ,

And taking advantage of this opportunity, Hakiyak was also in a place that Zhang Xiang couldn't see, and had accumulated enough power.

"Cannon of the Avengers!"

With the sound of Hakiyak's voice, an aquamarine resentment energy cannon filled with corrosive aura suddenly bombarded Zhang Xiang's back.

However, Zhang Xiang had already prepared.

Just after the green-green resentment energy cannon broke through the black fog that blocked the line of sight and even interfered with perception.

Zhang Xiang's figure suddenly dodged, causing the green resentment energy cannon to penetrate another layer of black mist and directly hit the dark clouds in the sky, staining the sky. , Penetrated into the depths of the unknown void.

After feeling the source of energy, Zhang Xiang directly turned and attacked with a Qigong Cannon before the green resentment energy cannon disappeared.

The golden qigong cannon, full of tyrannical aura, directly tore through the black mist of resentment in front of him, tore through the temporarily formed cage, and bombarded directly in the direction of Haqiyak.

"Give it to me!"

Unprepared, the golden qigong cannon hit Haqiyak instantly.

It's just that at the moment of being hit.

The center of Haqiyak's body suddenly disintegrated, revealing a huge cavity.

The golden qigong cannon filled with tyrannical aura instantly penetrated through his chest and fell onto the ground behind him.

The other party actually wanted to escape Zhang Xiang's attack in this way.

While watching a scene, Zhang Xiang's eyes flashed a fierceness.

"Give me up!"

Zhang Xiang shouted angrily and released the Qigong Cannon from one hand, and turned into two hands.

But in the next instant, the golden breath suddenly soared.

Full of destructive energy, it directly tore the earth to pieces, tearing apart the earth in the distance into a huge pit, and full of destructive aura permeating the world.

The golden qigong gun actually penetrated directly from the surface of this planet to the other side.

From the surface of the planet, a huge through-hole with a diameter of several kilometers appeared on the planet.

From that huge penetration, we can see that the smooth inner wall that was bombarded by the Qigong cannon is filled with dark red lava, and the dark resentment is constantly rolling.

At the same time, even though Haqiyak escaped the most core impact, the soaring volume of the golden qigong gun was caught off guard by the other party and directly quake scattered part of his body from the gap.

A bad thought appeared in the heart of the black hand behind the scenes controlling Hakiyak.

But helpless, this was not his body. After suffering such a heavy blow, this body unexpectedly lost control for a short moment.

And at that moment, Zhang Xiang's figure appeared in front of Haqiyak.

"Turn it into powder for me!" Zhang Xiang shot out with a merciless punch.


Zhang Xiang seemed to have broken the space, the whole space was in a state of fragmented mirror surface, and the extent of the cracks spreading as far as thousands of meters.

And his right hand was carrying the golden light, directly penetrating the air full of cracks, pulling the shattered space and sinking into it, falling onto Haqiyak.

And those cracks, as if being involved, directly shrouded Nahaqiyak's body.

"Da Beng Mie Fist!"

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