Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 153: , Sharu evolved again!

The world seemed to stop in that moment.

Hakiyak's body also froze in place, and when the cracks wrapped around his body, his whole body suddenly shrank inward, and suddenly collapsed into countless powder. .

Yes, the powder, not the black mist of resentment.

At this moment, a soaring explosion exploded from the front of Zhang Xiang’s fist, directly piercing through a distance of tens of thousands of meters, until it directly smashed several towering garbage mountains and shook them into powder. It can be regarded as disappearing in the distance of the horizon.

However, after Zhang Xiang eliminated Haqiyak, he did not show any happy expressions.

He just looked directly at the planet under his feet, and he could feel that after he smashed Hakiyak, a mysterious reaction began to emerge in the center of this planet.

Originally, the black mist of resentment that was constantly spitting out was no longer spitting out, but instead absorbed a large amount of black mist of resentment toward the center.

"It seems that it's useless to just kill Haqiyak, and that machine and the controller must be severely injured!" Zhang Xiang stared at the planet under his feet and made a judgment.

Immediately, he turned his gaze to the direction of Sharu who was fighting against Monkey King.

At this time, Monkey King was already at a disadvantage.

This is not only because Sharu’s body contains Zhang Xiang’s body cells, which makes it possible to transform into a state similar to Super Saiyan II, but also because it contains Broly’s body cells. .

Therefore, in the constant battle, relying on the continuous evolution of Broly cells in the body.

Sharu's combat effectiveness has already suppressed Monkey King a lot.

The reason why Sun Wukong has not been defeated is that he is surpassing his limit and forcibly bursting out more powerful forces. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

"Goku, take Vegeta and the others and leave, I'm going to blow up this planet. As for Sharu, let me deal with it!" Zhang Xiang suddenly flashed and appeared in front of Monkey King, replacing him. Facing Sharu's direction.

Listening to Zhang Xiang's words, even though Monkey King was still very fighting spirit, he was still relieved.

"Then, I'll leave it to you." Monkey King said to Zhang Xiang, then directly unlocked the transformation of Super Saiyan II, and flew towards Tenanques and others below.

But Sun Gohan and Piccolo, who were originally swept on both sides, were not interfering, but after looking at each other, they also landed downward.

Because they do not have the ability to survive for a long time in space.

If Zhang Xiang blows up this planet, and they have not left, then in all likelihood they will suffocate to death.

In addition, they had just watched Zhang Xiang's battle with their own eyes and knew that he was definitely capable of dealing with Sharu.

And watching Zhang Xiang appear in front of him, Sharu didn't feel any tension or panic because Hakiyak was killed by Zhang Xiang.

Instead, he showed a triumphant smile.

"Is that arrogant guy finally killed? However, he also bought me enough time to make me so strong!" It was the moment when Sharu's voice fell. , A huge breath burst out from his body.

At this time, his aura was ten times stronger than before.

That is, he had just played against Monkey King, and he didn't show any real strength at all.

Feeling this incomparably powerful aura, the Monkey King who flew to Tenanques and the others couldn't help but his face changed drastically.

"How could it be, how could he have such a strong qi?" Monkey King's face was full of shock.

"Yeah, if he really has such a strong qi, then he can solve so many of us in just an instant! How could it be possible to fight against me for such a long time!"

"Could it be that he was just playing?!"

Tenanks said this possibility with a shocked face, making everyone's face gloomy.

However, Sharu completely ignored the shock of Monkey King and others.

He just opened his hands and stared in Zhang Xiang's direction.

"Shocked?! This wonderful force! As long as you continue to self-mutilate in battle, and then quickly recover on your own, you can continue to increase your strength. As long as you suppress your inner anger, wait until it can no longer suppress it. When it doesn’t stop, let it burst out in that instant, and my strength can be increased so many times. Moreover, it can only be maintained for a long time! Seriously, your Saiyan blood, especially that The pedigree of Saiyan, who is rare in a thousand years, really makes me greedy!

It is a pity that because the types of cells in my body are too complex, it limits my room for further progress. However, it doesn't matter, as long as I swallow you. I can surpass my limit and reach the unstoppable guy. Even the cold guy hiding behind the scenes can't tell me! Sharu squeezed his hands, the purple-green thunder and lightning on his body suddenly skyrocketed, making the entire sky full of thunder and lightning.

However, feeling the soaring breath of Sharu's body, Zhang Xiang's face was still so determined, as if nothing could affect him.

And now he also knew why the other party would let Broly go to send his death to delay time, instead of letting Sharu send his death to delay time.

The reason is that although Broly's potential may be stronger.

However, within the time planned by the other party, it definitely swallowed the cells of Piccolo and Broly, possessing rapid regeneration of limbs and repairing injuries, as well as Sharu, whose combat effectiveness will skyrocket once injured and repaired, undoubtedly the speed at which combat effectiveness will increase. Be faster.

Of course, Zhang Xiang doesn't know whether there is a deeper reason.

"Are you finished?" Zhang Xiang said to Sharu, who was arrogant and exploding in front of him.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Sharu couldn't help being taken aback.

"What?!" Sharu raised his head and directed his sullen sharp eyes in Zhang Xiang's direction.

"I said, are you finished! When you are finished, just get out of the way. You are not my opponent! Don't waste my time!" Zhang Xiang dropped his gaze onto the trembling planet behind him, as if seeing through The earth has seen the changes that are taking place in the core part.

A golden energy bomb began to emerge from Zhang Xiang's right hand.

Moreover, the breath is constantly rising with the volume of the golden yellow energy bomb.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Sharu's face was already completely gloomy.

"You, dare to look down on me?!" Sharu felt an uncontrollable anger, emerging from the bottom of his heart.

The reason why he said so many words is to let people fear him and fear him to satisfy his desire for satisfaction.

However, now that Zhang Xiang actually said something that ignored him, how could this make him not feel angry? !

However, his words were not finished yet.

A golden energy bomb had already shot past him and landed on the planet behind him, digging into the depths of the earth, which made him startled slightly.

Then, a skyrocketing explosion began to erupt.

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