Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 162: , The world king god!

And after a series of world martial arts club hosts, talking about the past and looking forward to the future, it finally came to the topic. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

"Okay, the world's No. 1 martial arts club officially begins. Please enter the field, enter the preliminaries, and select the top 16 contestants for the 25th World Martial Arts Conference!" The host of, with a passionate voice, announced to everyone.

"Okay, let's go in. By the way, this time the World's No. 1 Budo Club is sponsored by me. There are special seats for the family members of the contestants on that side. You can see the competition process more clearly on that side." Zhang Xiang pointed to the specially separated place on the other side and said to Qiqi and the others.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Qiqi and others couldn't help but turn their attention away.

That is a place ten times better than the crowded place here.

At least, it doesn't need to be crowded.

Moreover, cold drinks are also provided.

Looking at the environment, looking at the people around him who were afraid to approach because of Lan Qi's machine gun, Qi Qi and the others couldn't help but feel embarrassed, and quickly walked over.

And Zhang Xiang followed Monkey King and others and walked behind the world's number one martial arts club.

In the back there is a preliminary match.

And the result is needless to say, Zhang Xiang is useless at all, just repeatedly pushing forward, or tapping the opponent's neck gently.

Then, there is no more.

Conveniently passed out decisively.

Not only on this side, even Monkey King and the others got through the preliminaries almost like this.

Then, after delaying the lunch time and enjoying a full meal, the real world's No. 1 martial arts meeting began in the afternoon.

Needless to say, it's nothing more than a match between Xiaoyi. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Then, it was Zhang Xiang's turn to play.

And the person he replaced for the original work this time is not someone else, but Mr. Satan's daughter Vidili, and the person in the battle is Spobic, who is controlled by the magician Babidi.

"Haha... you are so unlucky that you met me. Don't worry, I will break the bones of your body one by one, but I will never let you die!" The height is close to 2.5 meters, The muscles all over his body swelled, and there was an'M' Spobic on his head, arrogantly announcing to Zhang Xiang what he would do next.

In fact, in the eyes of the audience, the other party is really not bluffing.

In the previous preliminaries, there were not a few people who had their hands and feet broken by him, and some were even in a crisis of life.

And of course, facing the other party's speech, Zhang Xiang just smiled.

Needless to say the ending is of course.

Seeing Zhang Xiang's appearance, controlled by Babidi, Spobic, who used the hook to cause his own evil thoughts to explode his own potential, naturally rushed towards Zhang Xiang impulsively.

Just want to use his casserole-like fist to teach Zhang Xiang how to behave.

However, Zhang Xiang slapped him directly out of the competition platform of the world's No. 1 Budokai, and directly lost.

However, after Zhang Xiang had done this, he turned his eyes to the direction of the Realm King God.

When he fanned Spobic out of the competition platform, he felt a strange wave from that direction.

However, before that force came into play, Zhang Xiang had already directly fanned Spobic out of the competition platform.

After thinking about Weiwei for a while, combined with the plot development of the original work, Zhang Xiang understood what the other party was planning to do.

‘Hmph, want to trap me, give Spobic a chance to absorb my power, and then follow the trail of the opponent after collecting energy, find the trail of Babidi? ! It's really good! A sharp light flashed in Zhang Xiang's eyes.

If the other party is putting himself in this situation, not Zhang Xiang, then Zhang Xiang may think that the other party is noble.

However, now.

The opponent's target was him, and he planned to put him in a dangerous situation, which made him feel a kind of anger.

Because, if the person standing in his position is an ordinary person, maybe by the time Spobic has absorbed the energy, he will already be seriously injured, or even hang up.

Of course, if the other party was calculating an ordinary person, Zhang Xiang would ignore it.

However, he was the one who calculated.

This is relevant.

‘I’m not going to do whatever you want like Monkey King...’ Zhang Xiang took a deep look at the Realm King God, and then walked off the competition platform.

As for Spobic, who had awakened from the power of evil thought, he wanted to rush to take revenge, but he was stunned again with a direct punch.

For ordinary people, King Kong is not bad, and even serious injuries can be recovered immediately. The body that can be pulled back by twisting the head 180 degrees is no different from the ordinary body for Zhang Xiang.

And as Zhang Xiang looked at the other party, there was a hint of surprise on the other party's face, seeming to wonder how Zhang Xiang could feel the magic that he hadn't done yet.

It's just that the other person's face is just keeping a confident and proud expression.

After that, the game continued.

When Monkey King played against Jebit (the attendant of the World King God), Monkey King listened to the words of the World King God and acted as a decoy under Piccolo’s persuasion. He turned into a Super Saiyan and let Sibubic and Yamu attacked him.

Then, let the two of them absorb most of Sun Gohan's power.

However, in this process, it is worth saying.

In order to ensure that Monkey King absorbs power and will not violently kill Sbubic and Yamu when he feels pain.

The Realm King God even imposed a confinement magic on Monkey Gohan's body.

Let Sun Gohan let Sibubic and Yamu escape.

"Okay, let's catch up." The Realm King God didn't even say thank you to Monkey King, he directly led Jabit and others, and chased in the direction where Sibubic and Yamu fled.

Looking at the actions of the two world king gods, even though Monkey King knew that the other was the world king god, he was in awe of each other.

However, he can't help but frown slightly now.

"Hehe, it seems, Monkey King, people don't put your son in their eyes." Vegeta watched what happened with cold eyes.

"Vegeta, do you have any fairy beans?" Monkey King, who doesn't have any fairy beans, asked Vegeta without answering this topic.

"Yes. Here you are." Vegeta cleanly took out a bag from his arms and threw it directly in the direction of Monkey King.

However, in the middle of the road, a hand suddenly stretched out.

"It's better not to eat fairy beans. It seems that the cat fairy side is gone. You only have this bag. It will take three months before the next time the fairy beans are cultivated? Drink this one. Well, this one is a recovery potion developed based on the effect of fairy beans. Although the effect is not as immediate as that of fairy beans, it can still recover within three minutes." Zhang Xiang threw the fairy beans bag back. He took out a box from the side and threw a tube of nutrient solution inside to Monkey King.

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